You can get over seven albums on a cd-rom . MP3Z encoded are best encoded
at 256k/bit sec stereo.This can be done by using Nero and Saving Audio tracks from a CD to your hard drive. You are legally allowed to backup
your discs if you own the original if you sell the original then you must destroy
any copies you have. MP3 is a dying medium due to the fact that new CD's
cannot be ripped due to anti-copy protection measures by the manufacturers.
Some new CD's won't even play in your P.C. The RIAA has been closing down
sites that distribute copyrighted material. There are now better audio
compression formats available like MP3PRO etc. Information is on my MUSIC page
on using bit torrents to download music and films etc.
HARDWARE LINKS Not just music - info on connecting Sky box to 2 TV's etc
Convert You tube video's into MP3