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As many as 100,000 women in Britain have undergone female genital mutilations with medics in the UK offering to carry out the illegal procedure on girls as young as 10, it has been reported.
Investigators from The Sunday Times said they secretly filmed a doctor, dentist and alternative medicine practitioner who were allegedly willing to perform circumcisions or arrange for the operation to be carried out. The doctor and dentist deny any wrongdoing. The practice, which involves the surgical removal of external genitalia and in some cases the stitching of the vaginal opening, is illegal in Britain and carries up to a 14 year prison sentence. It is also against the law to arrange FGM.
Many young British workers lack the 'get up and go' of foreign-born rivals who regularly beat them in job interviews, the employment minister warned yesterday. Chris Grayling said British-born youngsters simply could not trump the experience of older foreign workers flocking to the UK.
The 'deep-rooted problem' meant employers 'very often' gave jobs to foreigners. Business lobby groups warned yesterday that young people were being failed by an education system that left them unprepared for the world of work. Figures from the Office for National Statistics reveal that the number of British-born workers fell by 208,000 last year. In contrast, the number of foreign-born workers jumped by 212,000.
Refugees from Congo to Motherwell
Scotland has for the first time accepted refugees under a United Nations programme to find new homes for some of the most vulnerable people in the world. BBC Scotland's social affairs reporter Fiona Walker has followed two of the families from a refugee camp in Northern Zambia to their new home in Motherwell.
The European Union plans to throw open its doors and make it easier for immigrants from non-EU countries to migrate to Europe and work there. Though member states will still be allowed to choose how many people they allow in, a simplification of visa regulations should make it easier for people of non-member states to come work in Europe.
The NHS spends £64,000 a day on translation services, a report reveals today.The cost to the taxpayer has risen by 17 per cent since 2007, with more than £23million spent last year.
Every year GP surgeries are paid an average of £65 for each patient they have on their books, regardless of how often – or whether – they make an appointment or what treatments they receive. Although there are currently 55million patients registered with GPs, there are only 52.5million actually living in England.
A family of Romanian pickpockets who stole from commuters to build palaces in their homeland were jailed yesterday by a judge who expressed his shock at the clan’s ‘deep-rooted criminality’.
The Rostas family preyed on train passengers as they slept on late night trains going out of London, stealing hundreds of mobile phones and cash. The gipsy gang even used their children as ‘trainee pickpockets’, teaching them that theft is ‘not a serious crime’. The family, who were living on benefits in Britain, pocketed hundreds of thousands of pounds by stealing from at least 185 victims over two years, although police fear the true number may be at least 1,000. The stolen phones were sold in Romania for huge profits. The gang enjoyed a life of luxury in Romania where they built five mansions with the proceeds while they swaggered around in designer clothing, gold jewellery and drove a fleet of luxury cars.
In Britain, one great company after another was being blithely auctioned off including Jaguar Rover (to India), Asda (to the U.S.), Ports (to Dubai), the HEATHROW BAA (to Spain), Corus (formerly British Steel, to India), British Energy (to France), and lottery operator Camelot (to Canada).
It didn’t matter whether the buyer was a foreign company or a private-equity fund. If the price was good enough, shareholders and directors took the money and ran.
As firms fell like ninepins around them, canny chief executives demanded new clauses in their contracts that guaranteed the equivalent of lottery wins if their firms were taken over. They did this by insisting that their share options — usually paid out only after a number of years — could instantly be converted to cash.
But no one was thinking any further ahead. No one had bothered to work out that if it was hard enough to collect taxes from a multinational, it might be even harder to do so from one based in Munich, Lucerne or
Paying the price: ICI's subsequent breakup resulted in the loss of thousands of jobs
If that sounds highly theoretical, then consider what happened after Boots the chemist (Alliance Boots) was sold to the Italian pharmacy king Stefano Pessina and private-equity barons KKR in 2007 for £12 billion.
Soon after the takeover, Boots — which had been based in Nottingham for 161 years — moved its headquarters to Zug in Switzerland. Why Zug? Well, certainly not for its climate.
Before the takeover, Boots had paid £89 million in British tax in its final year as a quoted company on the London stock market. Now that it pays its tax in Zug, that figure has shrunk to just £9 million.
Border officials conducting face-to-face interviews for student visas found that more than 40 per cent of the applicants should be blocked for poor language skills. But under the current form-filling visa system, just 20 per cent of those from Pakistan are turned away. Home Secretary Theresa May will now order that every person in Pakistan applying to study in Britain will have to be interviewed first. Some 10,000 UK student visas are granted in Pakistan every year. A Government source said switching from forms to interviews was an “important way of weeding out bogus students”.
Some 38 per cent were deemed bogus in Bangladesh, 27 per cent in Sri Lanka, 29 per cent in India and 28 per cent in Egypt. Campaign group Migration Watch heralded the findings as a victory for its three-year call to re-introduce interviews for all overseas students. Chairman Sir Andrew Green said: “This is crystal clear evidence that we must return to interviewing students, as the Australians and Americans do. “But the whole operation will be pointless unless immigration officers are given the power to reject these bogus students.”
Immigration rules for migrants are to be relaxed to make it easier for highly skilled foreign workers to come to Britain. Labour's point based system is to be watered down - so that big multi-national companies can bring in staff from abroad. Brussels has drawn up a secret diktat which could force Britain to admit 12,000 workers from India despite soaring unemployment at home. The order is part of an EU-wide plan to boost trade with India. EU officials say that, in return for opening up the jobs market, countries such as Britain will be helped to land lucrative export deals. But, of 40,000 workers who will be allowed to live and work in Europe, Britain has been told it must take 12,000, according to leaked EU documents.
Annual net migration to the UK in 2010 was 252,000 - the highest calendar year figure on record, figures show. The data from the Office for National Statistics showed immigration remained steady at 591,000, but there was a drop in the number of people leaving the UK.
New figures released by the ONS show that once again immigration has risen under the supposedly ‘anti-immigration’ Conservative Party. In the year up to June 2011, a staggering 593,000 people flooded into the UK, an increase of 11,000 on the previous year, under a government that would have its gullible population believe that it is actually opposed to mass immigration.
The latest total has been swelled by a record deluge of third world immigrants arriving from ‘New Commonwealth’ countries in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.
Three-quarters of them came from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Others arrived from African countries such as Nigeria and Kenya. Two-thirds allegedly came to study. All in all, 330,000 came from outside the EU.
This is how your money is being used to fund hatred: The East London Mosque was paid at least £256,000 last year alone and the Osmani Trust received almost £600,000.
The Islamic Forum of Europe Both controls both of these organisations, who work to change the "very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed ... from ignorance to Islam" in a "global" Islamic state under Sharia law.
The mosque has hosted numerous hate and terrorist preachers, including Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical American Muslim cleric of Yemeni descent. He was linked to a series of attacks and plots across the world - from 11 September 2001 to the shootings at Fort Hood in November 2009.
Two schools in London with connections to Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT), an Islamic splinter group which is banned in many countries around the world, still get tax money. HT operates freely in Britain and its website promotes racism and anti-Jewish hatred, It calls suicide bombers 'martyrs', and urges Muslims to kill Jewish people. Shockingly they are still receiving six-figure sums from the taxpayer. This despite condemnation from Cameron three years ago of a completely unacceptable £113,000 subsidy.
Writing in a Hizb ut-Tahrir pamphlet, Farah Ahmed, the schools' head teacher and trustee, attacked the National Curriculum for "pushing the idea of 'religious tolerance'", saying English was "one of the most damaging subjects" a school can teach and criticised "attempts to integrate Muslim children into British society". Make no mistake, they hate us.
Far from promoting 'racial equality', the EHRC spends most of its time antagonising the native British people and conjuring up an endless string of madcap, politically correct extravaganzas.
The chairman of the EHRC is one Trevor Phillips, an ex Marxist revolutionary who has made a career out of undermining the true British people in their own country.
Trevor Philip's leadership of the EHRC has been marred by allegations of corruption and he has faced numerous calls to stand down and for the EHRC to be wound up.
Several days ago Adrian, the EHRC excelled itself once again by announcing a long list of outrageous demands.
This was taken from 'The Sun' newspaper:
"MORE human rights for terrorists will be called for today by a quango which costs taxpayers £53million a year. The Equality and Human Rights Commission also wants softer treatment for prisoners, illegal immigrants and gypsy sites."
"The quango is also pressing for lags to be given votes and the numbers of asylum-seekers held in detention to be cut. The explosive wishlist will be spelt out in its annual review, costing at least £150,000."
"...[the EHRC] claims plans to toughen rules on foreign workers could break human rights laws. It blasts British soldiers for allegedly torturing Iraqis, slams police for kettling demonstrators and even blames councils for not giving travellers enough land."
"The review was compiled by the Commission's intelligence chief Richard Emmott, who faced fury after it emerged he was paid more than £250,000 last year."
At a time of recession, whilst British families are tightening their belts and struggle with household bills, the government is still lavishing tens of millions of pounds on this degenerate, politically correct freak show.
Six out of ten homes rented by councils or state-subsidised housing associations are occupied by families where no-one works. One in five council and housing association tenancies could be fraudulent, according to a study.
The finding means there could be 750,000 fraudulent tenancies in England, vastly outstripping the Government’s estimate of 50,000. The cost to the taxpayer could be as much as £13.5billion a year. Housing Minister Grant Shapps believes huge numbers of tenants are taking advantage of the hugely subsidised rents and then illegally sub-letting the properties. Labour’s tick-box policy saw the number of foreign tenants in social homes top 1.1million by 2009, while the number of British tenants fell by 1.2 million. One in 10 state subsidised homes was handed to immigrants after the Home Office decided to house asylum seekers in freed-up social housing. Thousands of British workers were driven out of the area they grew up in by the “open list” housing policy that placed need above all other criteria and allowed potential tenants to sign up to lists across the country.
Migrants have forced tens of thousands of Britons out of the workplace, a landmark report warned yesterday. An independent panel of advisers found that, between 2005 and 2010, 160,000 people had been ‘displaced’, or left jobless, by a huge influx of foreign workers.
For every four migrant workers who come to the country from outside the EU, one British job is lost, the experts said. British bosses are offering thousands of jobs to Romanian workers as unemployment in the UK soars. Just days ago, officials revealed that the number of British unemployed had reached a 17-year high of 2.68million. But more than 2,400 vacancies, including roles for nurses, engineers, chefs and other skilled workers, are being advertised by an online recruitment agency in Bucharest. The firm says that British companies are trying to fill 2,434 new jobs with Romanian workers – making the UK a better bet for migrant workers than Germany, which is advertising 2,387 positions. Many of the posts in Britain are for medical positions, tourism professionals and skilled staff, with 25 per cent being offered to labourers and unskilled workers.
MASS immigration from inside the European Union is almost certainly to blame for Britain’s spiralling youth unemployment, a damning report claimed last night.
The population think-tank MigrationWatch compared official figures for youth unemployment and immigration since eight former eastern bloc nations joined the European Union in 2004.
The number of migrants working in the UK who were born in eastern Europe rose by 600,000 since the “A8” countries, which include Poland, Latvia and the Czech Republic, joined the EU.
At the same time, youth unemployment rose by almost 450,000 and recently exceeded one million.
Youth unemployment in the UK increased from 575,000 in the first quarter of 2004 to 1,016,000 in the third quarter of 2011, figures from the Office for National Statistics showed.
BARMY EU rules cost UK firms and taxpayers £8.6billion a year — and Brussels will soon be able to grab even MORE powers, a report will warn this week.
Think tank Open Europe attacked employment and social laws as "cumbersome and unnecessarily costly". They said cutting regulation by 50 per cent could result in a boost to UK growth equal to the creation of 140,000 new jobs.
The EU costs Britain £45 million a day.
It costs around £45 million a day to be a member of the EU but the benefits are few and hard to justify when we're already deep in debt. We're actually borrowing money to pay for membership! AND we’re being asked to bail out the Eurozone, even though we aren’t in the Euro
White British pupils have become a minority in many secondary schools in England, according to a study. The research found that the number of ethnic minority pupils has sharply risen by 57 per cent in ten years. In some areas, including inner London boroughs, up to 67 per cent – just over two thirds – are from ethnic minorities.
More than 90 per cent of immigrants to Britain settle in England rather than Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, according to new research. The surge of immigrants has helped make England one of the most densely populated countries in the world and increased concerns about overcrowding.
A former employee of Huawei Technologies, which made profits of £2.8billion last year, alleges that workers were made redundant in favour of Chinese staff.
Judeson Peter told an employment tribunal that he was made redundant from his £48,000-a-year job despite his expertise because he was “not Chinese”. Mr Peter, from Paddington, London claims unfair dismissal, breach of contract and discrimination because of age and race. The highly trained customer support engineer said there was clearly an increasing number of Chinese staff at the firm after several rounds of redundancies. The tribunal in Southampton heard the firm, with 110,000 staff globally, moved 342 Chinese workers to Britain over three years.
Whistleblowers with many years of service have told us:
Jamaican gangsters and Nigerian fraudsters were allowed entry to Britain because staff did not have time to check their cases. Asylum families given council homes were renting them out to make money just weeks after moving in.
A pilot scheme to reduce passport checks on some citizens of EU countries was used at 28 ports and airports, Home Secretary Theresa May has revealed. In response to written questions, Mrs May also disclosed that more than 10 million people entered the UK in August when the pilot scheme was operating.
Translation services across Britain’s legal system cost taxpayers £60 million a year, with £11,437 a day spent on interpreters at crown courts alone, it has been revealed. Among the most requested interpreters for defendants, witnesses and victims are Polish, Romanian, Urdu, Somali, Kurdish, Mandarin and Punjabi speakers.
As well as the funds needed to translate for foreign nationals, huge sums are also paid to ‘settled’ immigrants who still cannot speak English.
The money often goes towards helping defend heinous offenders such as billionaire Saudi prince Abdulaziz bin Nasser al Saud, who sadistically killed his manservant in London, and Turk Mehemt Goren, who murdered his 15-year-old daughter in a so-called honour killing.
A pamphlet published this week by David Campbell Bannerman, a Tory MEP, seeks to argue (against party policy) the contrary. Its title says it all: ‘The Ultimate Plan B: A Positive Vision Of An Independent Britain Outside The European Union.’ Coinciding as it does with the ICM poll findings, his thesis deserves to be studied carefully. Firstly we need to break out of the mindset that anyone who tries to make the case for Britain leaving the EU is mad — or, to judge from the contempt in which such a view is treated on certain BBC programmes, downright evil. Campbell Bannerman’s strongest argument is that there would be no economic downside to our departure. As the EU sells more to us than we do to it, it would be very much in its interests to enact a free trade agreement with us were we to leave. In 2009, our trade deficit — the excess of what we bought over what we sold — in manufactured goods with the EU was a shade under £35 billion.Better than that — and here, at last, there is something to be said for the 2007 Lisbon Treaty — such a free trade agreement would not be a matter of conjecture. Article 50 of Lisbon requires the EU to make a trade arrangement with any nation deciding to leave it. So the claim that there would be inevitable and large job losses is cast into doubt. He also argues that — with the ascent of China, India and Brazil — Britain would do well to leave a trading bloc whose share of world GDP is forecast to fall to 15 per cent in 2020, down from 36 per cent in 1980. Just as the EU took no account of its role in a post-Soviet world, it seems incapable of understanding how to remain competitive in relation to rising powers such as China. Britain also enjoys trading relationships elsewhere in the world that are not shared by other EU countries. We send 18 per cent of our exports to the U.S.: Germany sends only 7 per cent. And the biggest external investor in Britain is America. Mr Campbell Bannerman rests much of his case for leaving the EU on the liberation it would bring from over-regulation of every aspect of our lives — one of the reasons for the EU’s poor competitiveness. He says that more than 100,000 regulations and directives have been imposed upon us since we joined the EU in 1973. For example, the working-time directive — designed to limit the number of hours we can work, and which is estimated to cost £11.9 billion a year in lost productivity — would go if we left the EU. So, too, would a host of environmental orders such as the EU renewables directive, which insists we derive 20 per cent of our energy from renewables such as wind power, at an estimated £22 billion a year.The Open Europe think tank reported last year that EU regulations had cost Britain £124 billion since 1998. This figure is not a partisan invention, but based on the Government’s assessments. The UK is one of the few nations that give more to the EU than we get back. The EU needs us more than we need it, just look at the German and French cars on our roads. The French put a tariff on Landrover cars. Visit any French supermarket and try to find an English cheese.
Families paid almost £400 from their council tax bills last year to subsidise the gold-plated pensions of town hall staff, it was revealed yesterday. The cost to council tax payers of town hall pensions went up by 3 per cent at a time when local authorities were imposing cuts in services, such as bin collections and meals on wheels to reduce costs. Taxpayers had to find almost £6billion to maintain the pensions in the financial year that ended in March, official accounts show – a sum that swallowed up nearly 28 per cent of the council tax collected. The amount town halls paid as ‘employer contributions’ to make sure their workers get full pensions was £5,947,000,000 – four times the cost to taxpayers of council pensions in 1997. More of your Council Tax goes in paying Union bosses wages.
The Third World immigrant population is growing 15 times faster than the native white British population and this dramatic demographic shift has plunged many historic Anglican dioceses into a severe crisis which threatens their very existence.
The UK population increased more last year than at any time in almost half a century, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics.
By mid-2010 the estimated resident population was 62,262,000, an increase of 470,000 (0.8%) on the previous year.
The growth rate is the highest since 1962, during the "baby boom" years.
'Natural change' - the difference between the numbers of births and deaths - accounted for 52% of the population growth.
The number of births in the UK is now at its highest since 1991, with 797,000 during the year to mid-2010.
HARD-pressed taxpayers are facing a crippling £1billion annual bill for providing social homes for immigrants, a report warned last night.
Researchers forecast about 415,000 new council houses or other publicly-owned properties need to be built in the next 25 years to cope with soaring demand from the massive influx of arrivals over the last decade. It is equivalent to building 16,600 new social homes for migrants a year, or 45 every day.
Critics warned that Britain faces an unpalatable choice between a vast taxpayer-funded building programme or spiralling waiting lists for social homes in its towns and cities. The expected cost of building new social housing as a direct result of immigration was estimated in a report from the population think tank MigrationWatch.
Children who are brought up by single mothers are far more likely to have emotional, academic and financial problems.
As the think tank Civitas put it in an authoritative report, they are “more likely to engage in behaviour associated with social exclusion, such as offending, teenage pregnancy, alcohol and drug abuse or worklessness.”
The statistics are bleak. Single parents are 30 per cent less likely to know the whereabouts of their children than people who parent together.
Single parents are more than twice as likely to report that their child’s behaviour is “upsetting” and they are 30 per cent more likely to report having significant arguments with their offspring.
Among children aged five to 15, those from single-parent families are twice as likely to have mental health problems.
They are more likely to score poorly on tests of reading, mathematics and thinking skills, and are 50 per cent more likely to report difficulties with teachers.
They are also more likely to have behaviour problems or engage in antisocial behaviour. Boys from single-parent households are more likely to show hostility to adults and other children and to be destructive of property – both theirs and other people’s.
Contrary to the myth put out by those who still try to deny the benefit of a traditional family home, it is not the two parent set-up which mainly puts children at risk of abuse.
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children found that children are five times more likely to have experienced physical or emotional abuse in a single parent family.
But given this week’s events, these are the most salient statistics. Children aged 11-16 are 25 per cent more likely to have offended in the past year if they live in a single-parent family.
Immigration and a sharp increase in the birth rate among non-British mothers will make Britain Europe’s most populated country by 2060.
The European Union’s statistics office has projected the population of Britain to rise from the current 61 million people to 77 million over the next 50 years.
As incoming migrant invaders and birth rates amongst invaders already present increase, Britain is set to become Europe’s most densely populated country.
Germany, currently Europe’s most populous nation, is projected to decline from 82 million to 71 million people by 2060. France will also overtake Germany to become the EU second-most populous country after Britain with 72 million residents, according to the forecast by Eurostat. Both Britain and France have rapidly expanding Muslim populations, whose birth rates are dramatically higher than Europeans.
The list, published by Crimestoppers, states the ten suspects are collectively responsible for £200 million worth of fraud, £156 million of which is attributed to Nasser Ahmed, 38, who is wanted in connection with an alleged VAT fraud in the Bristol area. He absconded during trial and was sentenced to six years’ jail in his absence.
Other ‘diverse’ suspects on the list include Timur Mehmet, 38, wanted in connection with a £25 million VAT fraud; Ajayi Seun, 45, who is alleged to have conned mortgage lenders and banks out of more than £12 million; Jascent Nakawunde, 33, a live-in carer accused of stealing cheques from a woman in her 80s who was in her care; and Mohamad Khan, 29, accused of using counterfeit credit cards to buy more than £100,000 worth of goods from shopping centres.
Crimestoppers said fraud cost the UK an estimated £38 billion last year.
Anjem Choudary and Islam4UK have launched a country-wide campaign proclaiming areas where Sharia law enforcement zones have been set up. Our communities are being bombarded with bright yellow posters, which read: ‘You are entering a Sharia-controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.’ Islam4UK have close links with Muslims Against Crusades: Choudary was the leader of Islam4UK before it was banned and is now a leading figure within Muslims Against Crusades. In the past week, streets in the London boroughs of Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham have all been targeted with these ‘orders’ that in the ‘zone’ there should be ‘no gambling’, ‘no music or concerts’, ‘no porn or prostitution’, ‘no drugs or smoking’ and ‘no alcohol’.
Choudary has claimed responsibility for these posters and has said that he has identified 25 areas around the country where they will be implementing these Sharia-controlled zones.
Most organised crime committed in Britain has its origins abroad, one of the country's top law enforcement officers has revealed.
Bill Hughes, director-general of the Serious Organised Crime Agency, said gun crime, drugs and people smuggling are heavily linked to overseas gangsters.
He told MPs on Tuesday: "Most of the crimes we are dealing with are international. The source of the trouble starts elsewhere."
His comments came as Sir Stephen Lander, SOCA's chairman, warned that large-scale "cannabis factories" run by Vietnamese and Chinese criminals are springing up across the country.
An illegal immigrant was part of the security team responsible for the safety of Prime Minister Gordon Brown, it has been revealed. Marouane Bourannane was caught with a fake French passport and even had a picture of himself and Gordon Brown taken at last week's Labour Conference on his mobile phone. Worryingly he had already been vetted by the security company working alongside police protecting senior political figures - but he has been unmasked as a fraud travelling on a false passport Bourannane, a 35-year-old Algerian, was trapped by an eagle eyed Special Branch officer as he prepared to guard Conservative leader David Cameron. The Algerian, of Hazelhurst Court, Beckenham, London, today appeared at court charged under The Identity Cards Act 2006, with possessing a false document in the form of a French passport in the name of Mohammed El Mir. Defence lawyer Paul Robinson said his client was pleading guilty.
An Islamic group accused of having links to al Qaeda wants to open a school near the 2012 Olympic village. Tablighi Jamaat wants the school for 500 boys to form part of an 18-acre complex which would include Britain's biggest mosque for 19,000 worshippers. The group, which already runs a school in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, has always denied being linked to terror groups. But the FBI has described it as "a recruiting ground" for al Qaeda. Shoebomber Richard Reid and 7/7 bombers Mohammed Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were members.
The changing face of Britain was revealed yesterday
in official figures showing the immigrant population has risen by almost 1.4
million in five years.
At the same time, the number of British-born residents
living in the country has fallen by 500,000.
The result, according to the Office for National
Statistics, is that one in every ten people living in Britain was born overseas
- up from one in 12 in 2001.
Five thousand illegal immigrants have been cleared to work as security guards at some of the UK's most sensitive buildings. In yet another Government blunder, the Home Office has allowed the immigrants to take up posts at ports and airports - and even at Whitehall - despite having no legal right to be in the country.And checks on the man who is in charge of guarding Gordon Brown's prime ministerial car against terrorist booby-traps revealed he was in the country illegally.
In 600 schools, less than a third of pupils speak English as their first language, sparking criticism from education chiefs that the situation was 'out of control'.
Four times more jobs have gone to migrants than British-born workers in the last year, official figures revealed yesterday. A record four million jobs in Britain are now carried out by people born abroad. Over the last year, an average of 915 immigrants a day obtained a job compared to 211 people born in the UK.
What's so infuriating today is that taxpayers are subsidising Left-wing militants in the public sector to work against them.These modern-day Fred Kites can pull in £25,000 from the public purse for doing up to 40 weeks of union work a year. Add four weeks holiday and eight Bank Holidays and there's only seven weeks of the year when they're actually doing the job they're supposedly paid to do. No one should doubt the massive buying power of the unions. In the first four days of Miliband's leadership last September they bunged him more than £1million, which doubled over the next three months. Now 88 per cent of Labour's funds come from the unions, more than double the proportion in 2009.
In four years Britain's biggest union Unite has given £11million. Surely they should be paying their people to do union work, not us. Small wonder Tory deputy chairman Michael Fallon says Labour's a "wholly owned subsidiary of the trade unions".
In return for their generosity, public sector bodies have given £18million in subsidies to the unions and £67million in subsidised staff time. That's more than a million quid a week of your money for people to do union work.
40 percent of European Commision staff earn more than £70,000.
For every pound paid to the EU, 37pence will go on the Common Agricultural Policy, which pays subsidies to landowners who aren't even farmers.
2 EU Parliaments cost an extra £160million a year.
MEP'S cost £450,000 a year in salary and office costs.
For every £4 you pay in Council tax £1 pays Councils staffs pensions.
The Liberal Democrats insisted immigration was "not too high" today as they outlined radical plans to offer an amnesty to thousands of people living in the UK illegally.
Home affairs spokesman Nick Clegg said anyone who tried to set a limit on inflow to Britain was "deluded" - blaming Government incompetence for intense public concern on the issue. He proposed a controversial amnesty for many of the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants in Britain. Under the amnesty, foreigners who have been in Britain illegally for 10 years would be able to claim the right to remain under a two-year work permit if they met certain criteria, including passing an English test and not having a criminal recordHARDCORE Islamists have vowed to ban booze and mixing between the sexes in new Sharia law enforcement zones across the UK. The move will see specific areas flooded with thousands of stickers saying “no gambling”, “no music or concerts”, “no porn or prostitution” and “no drugs or smoking”. The posters declare: “You are entering a Sharia controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced.” The radicals will kick off their controlled zones in the London borough of Waltham Forest later this month.They also claim their hardline rules will be policed by thousands of “Sharia cops” on the streets.
Preacher Anjem Choudary has called the scheme an alternative to government attempts to combat violent extremism under the Prevent strategy.
David Cameron branded critics of aid spending 'hard-hearted' yesterday as he pledged to pour hundreds of millions more pounds of taxpayers' money into propping up Afghanistan. The Prime Minister, speaking in Kabul, admitted that he plans to step up aid payments as he reduces the number of British troops fighting the Taliban.
Mr Cameron said the reduction in frontline forces that he will announce to Parliament today will lead to a surge in aid spending. David Cameron said critics of aid spending were 'hard-hearted' as he pledged millions more into propping up Afghanistan.He said: 'Our aid programme in Afghanistan is one of our largest aid programmes anywhere in the world. Our aid programme is rising.' Britain is already committed to spending £700million over four years in Afghanistan. The money has been used to build schools, roads and help develop democratic institutions. Yesterday, following talks with Afghan president Hamid Karzai, Mr Cameron announced plans to set up a 'Sandhurst in the sand' military academy in the country which will see 120 British troops train 1,350 army recruits each year. Mr Cameron pledged that Britain would have a long-term relationship with Afghanistan, even after British combat troops have pulled out at the end of 2014.
A Nigerian woman who has cost the NHS up to £200,000 after flying into Britain while expecting quintuplets is to fight for the right to stay. Bimbo Ayelabola, 33, who had been taking double doses of a fertility drug while in Africa, applied for a six-month visitor's visa within days of discovering she was pregnant. As soon as it was granted, she travelled to the UK without her husband late last year on the pretence of visiting her three sisters. An emergency NHS scan showed she was expecting four babies. Owing to the size and complexity of the birth, she underwent a caesarean section 32 weeks into her pregnancy on April 28. During the procedure at Homerton Hospital in East London, doctors discovered there was a fifth child. She gave birth to two boys, Tayseel and Samir, and three girls: Aqeelah, Binish and Zara. Although she was due to leave last week, she believes the children are too frail to travel and has instructed lawyers to seek an extension to her visitor's visa. The total bill to the taxpayer for Mrs Ayelabola's care alone is expected to reach £200,000, which she is unable to pay.The five babies were all treated in a special care unit because they were born prematurely, at a cost of £1,000 a day for each of them. Consequently, the cost of a week's hospital care for the family would be a staggering £35,000 for the taxpayer. The issue has raised yet again the issue of so-called 'health tourism' – in which foreigners can use Britain's state-funded health system. It is estimated to cost the NHS £200million a year.
One in four men accused of 'street grooming' underage girls for sex is Asian, a shocking report reveals.
In total, 2,379 offenders are suspected of attempting to lure vulnerable victims, often using drugs and alcohol, over the past three years.
And a 'disproportionate' 28 per cent of them were found to be Asian, in those cases where ethnicity was recorded. The ethnic group makes up just six per cent of the UK population.
The average European couple now has fewer than 1.4 babies, compared to 3.6
babies born to the average Muslim immigrant couple in Europe. Across Western
Europe 16 to 20 percent of babies are being born into Muslim families... By
2025, one-third of all European children will be born to Muslims... In Italy,
95% of all rapists are Muslims. Eighty-five percent of all murderers are Muslims...
France will have a Muslim majority in less than 25 years! Another telling statistic
is that
although the Muslims are 12% of France's population, 70 percent of a total of
60,775 prisoners in France are Muslims! All of France's urban suburbs are being
roamed by Muslim black African or Arabic gangs... A very high proportion of
French Muslims are in the underclass, that segment of the population that relies
not so much on education and work as on welfare and predatory activities. In
fact, over one thousand Muslim neighborhoods are under monitoring throughout
Seven hundred of those Muslim neighborhoods are listed as "violent"
and nearly 400 hundred are listed as "very violent." Violence ranges
from rape (95% of rapists are Muslim), murder (85% of murderers are Muslim),
theft and looting of cars (58% committed by Muslims) and street fighting to
assault on teachers and civil servants.
Two million Muslims are now living in the UK, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith revealed yesterday. The milestone total includes 10,000 millionaires, she said
during a visit to Pakistan to discuss counter-terrorism. It means the Islamic population in the UK has increased by 400,000 since the 2001 census - adding more than 50,000 to the total each year. Miss Smith told the Pakistan National Council of the Arts: "After Christianity, Islam is the largest faith community in the UK.
"1.6million declared themselves Muslims in the 2001 census, and that figure may now be as high as 2million. Islam is one of many faiths which are practised in UK communities.
It means that foreigners who travel to Britain to get free care on the NHS will now be asked to produce cash or a credit card at their hospital bed. The new approach has already saved the West Middlesex University Hospital in Isleworth up to £700,000 a year. Its proximity to Heathrow Airport makes it a particular target for immigrants.
If all hospitals did the same, the NHS could recoup tens of millions of pounds a year from health tourists.
In Britain, the National Lottery refuses to give grants to maintain either war memorials at home or war graves abroad, preferring to fritter away millions on illiterate modern "art", heroin addicts, illegal immigrants, terrorist apologists, Bolivian guinea pig farmers and Peruvian prostitutes. Our heroes are without honour in their own land. Squaddies are forced to change out of their uniforms at Birmingham airport.
RAF Wittering personnel are instructed to wear civvies when visiting nearby Peterborough, in case they provoke local "youths". Anarchists deface a statue of Sir Winston Churchill and the late Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris is regarded as a war criminal.
While Bosnian mass murderers and Islamic terrorists live unmolested - and usually on benefits - in British suburban council houses, loyal Gurkhas are turned away and a serving British soldier from St Lucia is denied citizenship on a petty technicality.
More than 80 per cent of new jobs created by Labour over the last decade have gone to foreign-born workers, a new analysis of official figures claims.
Mohammed to beat Jack as top UK boys' name
Have your say: Are too many jobs going to foreign workers?
The Statistics Commission found in a study that 1.4 million of the 1.7 million
jobs created since 1997 had been filled by those born overseas.
Chris Grayling, the shadow work and pensions secretary, said last night: "The reality is that for all the billions spent by Gordon Brown on welfare-to-work programmes all he actually seems to be doing is creating British jobs for foreign workers."
The Statistics Commission was asked to study the proportion of foreign workers filling new jobs in Britain following confusion over Government statistics released in the autumn.
After publishing incorrect data, ministers said that 2.1 million jobs had been created in the past decade - 54 per cent of which, or 1.1 million, had gone to foreign workers.
All women are banned ? and non-Muslim men may swim IF they follow the strict Islamic dress code of swim shorts that hide the navel and extend below the knee.
Croydon Council in South London runs the sessions at Thornton Heath leisure centre between 4.45pm and 6.45pm. Similar slots are laid on for Muslim women outside opening hours, where bathers must be covered from the neck down to the ankle.
Locals who flock to the area’s only major leisure centre each week are furious.
And it is this Saudi ideology which was the inspiration for Al Qaeda. True, Al Qaeda turned upon Saudi itself on account of its ties with the U.S. As a result, Saudi regards Al Qaeda as its mortal enemy, and as such co-operates with Britain and the U.S in combating it. But sometimes, to rephrase the old adage, our enemy’s enemy is not actually our friend, but our enemy as well.
Saudi Wahhabism seeks to conquer the West through a pincer movement comprising violence on the one hand and cultural infiltration and takeover on the other.
At the very least, Saudi Arabia speaks with the most lethal of forked tongues, and we should actively be seeking to diminish its influence over our affairs.
But instead our Prime Minister is effectively offering it yet more opportunity
to control us. Mr Brown claimed he did not want such investment to be used to
political influence. But Lord Mandelson blurted out the truth when he acknowledged
that the Saudis and other Gulf states would expect a bigger role in global institutions
in return.
British taxpayers will be ecstatic to learn that they have contributed another
£15 million to promoting “gender equality” in Uganda - the latest foreign
aid scandal which has cost the people of this country billions while our own
elderly cannot afford to pay heating bills. According to a press release issued
by the Department for
International Development (DFID), £15 million of British taxpayers’ money
has been given to a joint UN programme “that will improve gender equality in
At a press conference in Kampala, UK International Development Secretary Ivan Lewis announced: “The UK is committed to improving opportunities for women in Uganda. Faster progress on gender equality is vital for Uganda to achieve middle-income country status and realise the Millennium Development Goals.”
The latest shocking example of Britain’s colonisation by Third Worlders has come with an announcement by the council that BME “ethnic groups are to get dedicated support workers to help them find and maintain homes in North East Lincolnshire.”
The York Housing Association has been chosen by Liberal Democrat controlled North East Lincolnshire Council to help the non-British people “access facilities and become more involved with the local community.”
Two housing support workers will be employed to work with the community, and translation and interpreting services will also be provided.
A report published in 2007 by the Labour Party-affiliated Institute for Public Policy Review (IPPR) entitled “Britain’s Immigrants, an Economic Profile” showed that 80% of Somalis, 49% of Turks, 41% of Bangladeshis, 39% of Ghanaians, 35% of Jamaicans, 33% of Iranians, 29% of Nigerians, 21% of Ugandans, 20% of Zimbabweans, 15% of Filipinos, 15% of Pakistanis, 14% of Sri Lankans, 12% of Kenyans and 9% of Chinese immigrants live in public housing.
These figures show that immigrant groups occupy a massively disproportionate amount of public housing compared to their percentage of the population, confirming the long-held suspicion that immigrants are given priority over native British people.
At least the Liberal Democrat controlled NE Lincolnshire Council is open about its anti-British treachery, unlike the Tories and Labour Party which tries to pretend otherwise.
More than 25 percent of British university graduates have not been able to find full-time jobs three years after graduating — but foreigners continue to pour into Britain and have taken the majority of new jobs. New figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) have shown that not only were a quarter of students not in full-time jobs more than three years after leaving university, but a fifth of those failed to secure work in graduate professions, finding employment instead in bars, supermarkets and building sites. The HESA also found more than one in 10 students who left university in 2004/05 had been out of work at least once. The figures were compiled in November last year. As a result, they do not factor in the latest recession, and the unemployed figures for graduates today will therefore be even higher. Figures released earlier this year by the Office of National Statistics showed that the number of UK-born people in work had fallen over the previous year, while the number of non UK-born workers had soared by 214,000 in the same period. There are now 3.8 million foreign workers in Britain, the ONS figures revealed. The HESA statistics showed that 16,835 students leaving full-time first degree courses last year, just before the recession tightened its grip, were not in employment six months after graduation.
According to media reports, a survey of the top 100 graduate employers published in July found that vacancies for students leaving university this summer have been cut by 28 percent.
* Meanwhile, students at British universities finish their studies with an average of £23,000 debt. University minister David Lammy has already announced the freezing of all student loans — at the same time that it was announced that the budget for the foreign aid and the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had topped £10 billion.
The annual cost of UK military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan this year alone has reached £4.37 billion and the foreign aid budget is set at £6.6 billion. This means that so far this year the Labour government has spent twice as much on wars and foreign aid than it has helping British students.
* The Conservative Party has promised, if elected, to increase foreign aid.
Muslim plans to broadcast a loudspeaker call to prayer from a city centre mosque have been attacked by local residents who say it would turn the area into a "Muslim ghetto". Dozens of people packed out a council meeting to express their concerns over the plans for a two-minute long call to prayer to be issued three times a day, saying that it could drown out the traditional sound of church bells. But a spokesman for the Central Mosque said that Muslim's also have the right to summon worshippers.
Dr Mark Huckster, who lives in Stanton Road and works at East Oxford hospice Helen House, told the Oxford Mail: "The proposal to issue a prayer call is very un-neighbourly, especially in a crowded urban space such as Oxford.
Last night Mohammed Shafiq, director of the Ramadhan Foundation, said the police were differentiating between criminals on the basis of race. He claimed, driven by fear of race riots in places like Blackburn and Oldham, officers were "overtly sensitive" and not clamping down on the sordid practice. His controversial comments in this week's Panorama reignite a massively controversial issue which exploded over a Channel 4 documentary in 2004. That programme which claimed Asian men in Bradford were grooming under age white girls for prostitution was pulled from C4's schedules.
This was because police claimed at the time that it could provoke racial violence during the local election campaign. Now the BBC is to risk the wrath of police officials and campaigners by airing a programme which will look at the same issue.
Speaking as part of the Panorama investigation, which airs tomorrow (Thursday), Shafiq said: "I think the police are overcautious on dealing with this issue openly because they fear being branded racist and I think that is wrong.""These are criminals they should be treated as criminals. They are not Asian criminals, they are not Muslim criminals, they are not white criminals. They are criminals and they should be treated as criminals."
The Bruges Group, a Eurosceptic think-tank, estimated that the combined direct and indirect costs in 2007 will amount to £100,000 a minute, or £52.4 billion — about £2 billion more than this year. This includes a direct gross contribution of £14.2 billion (£4.7 billion net after rebates and grants), payments of £2.2 billion to European institutions, £15 billion for the Common Agricultural Policy, £1 billion for the Common Fisheries Policy, and £20 billion in the additional costs to business of regulations emanating from Brussels.
Five men have been jailed for life after being found guilty of planning a series of deadly bomb attacks in Britain in which a busy shopping complex and London's Ministry of Sound nightclub were prime targets.
The plotters - Omar Khyam - had met the July 7 suicide bombers and boasted of working for the number three in al Qaeda. Khyam, 25, from Crawley, West Sussex, had denied the charges against him in a year-long trial at the Old Bailey. But after weeks of deliberating, the jury convicted him, Waheed Mahmood, 35, and Jawad Akbar, 23, from Crawley, West Sussex, Anthony Garcia, 25, of Barkingside, east London, and Salahuddin Amin, 32, of Luton, Bedfordshire of conspiracy to cause explosions with home-made fertiliser bombs. Kyam's brother Shujah Mahmood, 20, and Nabeel Hussain, 22, of Horley, Surrey, were found not guilty of conspiring to cause explosions between January 1, 2003 and March 31, 2004. Ringleader Khyam and Garcia were also found guilty of possessing 600kg of ammonium nitrate fertiliser for terrorism, but Hussain was cleared.
Two court cases were held up on the 23rd October 2006 because of events to mark the end of Ramadan. A lawyer for Mohammed Atif Siddique who is facing five charges under the Terrorism Act told the High Court in Glasgow that his client would not be making his first public appearance as he was observing Ramadan. The trial of Jamie Weir , accused of assault, was halted when the court heard that all the prosecution witnesses had refused to turn up to give evidence on "faith" grounds because of the month long period of fasting that ended in Eid.
Ministers have halted benefit payouts made to the families of suspected terrorists to prevent the money falling into the hands of banned groups.
The Treasury says the power is a vital weapon in the war against terrorism. It stems from a crackdown on terrorist financing launched in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks. However, the senior advocate of the European Court of Justice, Paolo Mengozzi, yesterday declared the decision to stop the payments was unfair on the grounds of human rights. His opinion is likely to prove crucial when Europe's highest court considers three test cases brought by the wives of British-based terror suspects later this year. In eight out of every ten cases, the court has agreed with the Advocate General - making it highly likely the UK taxpayer will soon begin forking out hundreds of pounds a week to the families. Whitehall officials have refused to name the families involved in the test cases - but all three of the husbands are foreign nationals on the United Nations list of international terror suspects. They have been linked by security officials to Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. The payouts to their wives include income support, child benefit and housing assistance worth 'several hundred' pounds a week.
Human rights law is demolishing every aspect of Britain’s immigration controls, Government papers reveal.
Every year, more than 3,200 foreign criminals, failed asylum seekers and EU ‘benefit tourists’ are using Labour’s Human Rights Act to thwart Home Office attempts to remove migrants – or stop them arriving in the first place.
The majority of cases are using the controversial Article 8, ‘the right to a private or family life’.
Half a million illegal workers are costing the UK up to £3.3billion a year in unpaid taxes, according to a confidential police report.
The staggering figure, enough to build 132 schools or 13 hospitals, is in a dossier on organised immigration crime. It estimates there are up to 500,000 illegal workers here - either illegal immigrants or people not permitted to work, such as those on student visas. The non-payment of national insurance contributions and income tax together with VAT fraud is causing the country "serious economic harm".The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside, they claim. Fanatics told a meeting of young Muslims on the anniversary of the 9/11 atrocity, that it would then be easy to impose Sharia law on the population, the Sun newspaper reported. Speaking at a meeting in London, Anjem Choudary, right-hand man of exiled preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed, said: "It may be by pure conversion that Britain will become an Islamic state. We may never need to conquer it from the outside."
Soft touch Britain, created by successive Tory and Labour regimes, has generated so many foreign scroungers that an entire town in Romania lives off benefit fraud, an investigation has revealed. According to a report in The Times newspaper, an estimated £1 billion a year is defrauded from the benefits and tax credits system, with tens of millions of pounds lost to organised crime. There is, according to the newspaper, “mounting concern about the high proportion of fraudulent claims orchestrated by traffickers which are being rubber-stamped after only the most basic checks.” The investigation revealed that many of the suspects behind this fraud can be traced to Tandarei, a town of 15,000 people in eastern Romania which includes a 2,000-strong gypsy population. “Over the past five years, previously rundown neighbourhoods have inexplicably prospered,” reports The Times. According to the paper, the “minor economic boom has seen 100 imposing new homes built, valued at about £20 million. BMWs and Land Rovers with British number plates cruise the dusty streets.” According to British police sources, this new-found wealth is the proceeds of crime sent back from the UK, Spain and Italy. The source of this money is human trafficking, street crime and benefit fraud. It is easy for scroungers to tap into the benefits system in Britain, as claims can be made by the self-employed who have National Insurance numbers and by those who have worked in the country for 12 months. As Britain is signed up to the freedom of movement EU legislation, and was the only country not to impose restrictions on the movement of new EU member citizens into Britain, tens of thousands of Gypsies have been able to move freely into this country. According to The Times, these gangs use a variety of forged documents to “prove” adults are eligible for benefits and then bring in street children from Gypsy camps in Romania to boost their benefit claims.
Child benefit and tax credits for children can be claimed even if the children are not in the country, but the presence of a trafficked child means extra housing benefits and additional tax credits. “Many of the families who have had their claims rubber-stamped by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and HM Revenue & Customs have never worked in this country and are not entitled to benefits,” reported The Times.
“The Metropolitan police began an investigation because of concern about the increase in crime involving Romanians after the country’s accession to the EU — more than 1,000 offences were recorded in the first six months of 2007, compared with 168 in the whole of 2006,” continued that paper. “In January 2008, police made well-publicised raids on 16 addresses used by the traffickers, discovering homes crammed with young children who had been trained in street crime.” This crime will continue until Britain’s benefits system is overhauled to prevent the sort of abuse which has developed due to decades of liberal Tory and Labour misrule.
WHITE men could be blocked from jobs under a Government equality drive spearheaded by Harriet Harman. The Labour Deputy Leader and Equalities Minister is planning laws to promote women and ethnic minorities in the workplace. Firms would be allowed to favour candidates for jobs or promotion on the grounds of race or gender. Officials insist the move is “positive action” rather than discrimination and remain opposed to job quotas for women or ethnic minorities. Tory MP Mark Pritchard said: “This is yet more political correctness from Harriet Harman, pandering to the rampant feminism still lurking in Labour. It is a counter-productive and patronising idea that can only breed resentment.” A source close to Ms Harman said the move was designed to bring Britain’s employment law closer in line with EU practices. The aim was to “address under-representation” in cases where candidates were “equally qualified”. The source added: “This is not about positive discrimination, we don’t think that is the right way to do it.” The move is likely to be outlined in a Government policy document to be published within the next two months.
Ministers hope to introduce a new Equalities Bill into Parliament this year. The measure would apply only in cases where two or more equally-qualified candidates were after the same post.
A government funded website has been set up — with the help of tax payers money
— explaining to “refugees, immigrants and their families, foreign students etc
etc, on how to get free housing and benefits in Britain. In addition, the website
also tells them how to take legal action if they think they have been denied
a home on the grounds of their race. The Housing Rights site also offers advice
to “new arrivals” in Britain on what welfare assistance they qualify for and
how to claim
it. This website is part of a three-year project called Opening Doors run by
the Chartered Institute of Housing and the Housing Associations’ Charitable
Trust, which has been given funding by the Department for Communities and Local
Government to help immigrants settle in Britain. Recent figures show 2.5 million
people moved to Britain over the past decade. This is the period of time in
which the Labour division of The Lib/Lab/Con Party has misgoverned the UK.
“It is like watching a nation busily building its own funeral pyre”.
A senior executive at a Midlands hospital trust said: “Foreign patients use fake addresses and fake identities. They often come with a UK relative and look affluent and able to afford treatment. But when it comes to payment, the addresses are bogus; there’s no response to phone calls and the relative shrugs, saying that the patient has left the country.”
A British school whose pupils include the children of Abu Hamza was accused
on the 6th February 2007 of poisoning the minds of pupils with lessons of hate.
It is claimed that textbooks at the private school - funded by Saudi Arabia
- describe Jews as apes and Christians as pigs. The King Fahad Academy in Acton, west London, could become a breeding ground
for terrorists. Pupils have been heard praising the September 11th attacks
and saying they want to kill Americans. Many pupils believe Osama bin
Laden is a hero. A former teacher made the allegations.
Radical Muslim Abu Izzadeen has been charged with inciting terrorism overseas and fundraising, police have revealed. The 32-year-old from east London is one of six men charged with fundraising under the Terrorism Act 2000 after they were arrested on Tuesday, Scotland Yard said. Four of the six, including Izzadeen, were also charged with inciting terrorism overseas. They will appear in custody at City of Westminster Magistrates Court. The six men were arrested this week in connection with allegedly inflammatory statements made at London's Regent's Park Mosque in November 2004.
Izzadeen, along with Shal Jalal Hussain, 24, of east London, Omar Zaheer, 27, of Southall, Simon Keeler, 35, of east London, Ibrahim Abdullah Hassan, 21, of east London and Rajib Khan, 28, of Luton, are all charged with terrorist fundraising.
Izzadeen, Keeler, Hassan and Khan have also been charged with inciting others to commit acts of terrorism overseas. In addition Hassan is charged with possession of articles suspected to be connected with the commission, preparation or instigation of a terrorist act. Izzadeen, a former electrician who lives in Leytonstone, east London, with his wife and three children, is perhaps best known for his barracking of Home Secretary John Reid last September.
Home Secretary Theresa May has launched the government's updated strategy for tackling terrorism by saying there needs to be better focus on preventing extremism at community levels. She said a review identified serious failings with the existing policy - known as Prevent - set up in 2007. Some of the £63m annual budget had reached the extremist organisations it should have been confronting, she said. The revised strategy will see £36m spent and 25 areas in England targeted as priorities.They include Birmingham, Leicester, Luton, Manchester, Leeds and some London boroughs.
It will also withdraw support from extremist groups - even non-violent ones - and cut off funding to those opposed to what the government calls "fundamental and universal" British values. The government's much-delayed review of a much-maligned policy tries to put clear blue water between what coalition ministers say is their more rigorous approach to who should get counter-terrorism cash - and what they regard as Labour's fudge and bungling. Ministers accuse Labour of having funded dodgy groups rather than those wrapped in the union flag - but the review document is more nuanced than the politics of Prevent. It concedes that the relationship between terrorism and extremism is complicated - that the lines are often blurred. It states that not every Islamist is a danger to society.
Taxpayers in England are bankrolling their Scottish cousins by £1,300 a year a head. And the gap between money spent per head in Scotland compared to England is growing. Some £7,786 of public money was spent on each person in Scotland compared to just £5,593 in England.
Foreign nurses can now work in Britain without the training that British nurses must undergo. The NWC have always insisted that nurses must have worked for 450 hours in the last three years to qualify to work in Britain. The tests have had to be stopped after the EU threatened to sue to nursing standards body. British nurses still have to do the tests but foreign nurses are now exempt.
Common Humanitarian Fund Contributions £35.0m . Contribution to ICRC
and NGOs £30.0m. Support to the humanitarian response in Chad £6.0m.
Multi-Donor Trust Fund Contributions £17.0m. Basic Services Fund (South
Sudan)£4.0m. Capacity Building in Southern Sudan £2.3m. Governance
Support through UNDP £5.7m. Promoting Safety, Security and Access to Justice
£4.9m. DDR/SSR £0.12m. Support to the Darfur Peace Agreement £1.4m.
Fighting Malaria £1.5m. Support to UNICEF on Water infrastructure and
Child Rights £0.8m. Support to local recovery processes £1.0m. Total
DFID £109.72m.
Africa Conflict Prevention Pool £3.6m. Total £113.32m.
It is reported in today’s media that at least 860 immigrants a day arrive in Britain and that when illegal immigrants are taken into account the figure is believed to be approaching 1,000 a day!
Even official statistics confirm that Britain’s immigrant population has leapt by almost 2.4 million since Labour came to power a decade ago and probably approaches 4 million since Maggie Thatcher played on electors fear of immigration in 1979 to win office. According to analysts, the figures show an increase of 316,000 immigrants - or 865 a day - for 2006 alone, this being the latest period for which figures are available.Furthermore, during 2006, no fewer that 126,000 people gave up on Britain to seek a new life overseas.
All of which now confirms that a staggering one in ten British residents (as opposed to citizens) are believed to have been born abroad, creating a dramatic, obvious and undesirable change to the face of British society. In a move that has further exposed the deceitful stance of the Labour regime, the official figures have been analysed by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and prove, beyond a doubt, that the bulk of new arrivals are coming from outside the EU – not from within, as claimed previously by untrustworthy Government ministers. Prior to the ONS investigation Government spokespersons have repeatedly maintained that the percentage of migrants to Britain from outside the EU was 52% - which in itself is a recent increase on previous statements. However the work undertaken by the ONS now means that the 52% is another Government myth busted - as the real figure is 68%.
According to ONS research 2,337,000 more foreigners arrived in Britain since 1997 than have left! From this may be calculated that the overseas-born population of Britain has been increasing, on average, by 640 a day (excluding illegal migrants). And, confirming what the BNP has been saying for years, an opposition politician is reported as saying: “It is clear there are huge pressures on public services because of the sheer scale of the rising population. Ministers are foolish to ignore this growing problem.”
Councils have spent the last year recruiting hundreds of people to 'non-jobs' while claiming government cuts have forced them to cut frontline services.
Despite the fact the public sector has been ordered to make cuts, a survey has found local authorities have created more than 4,000 new posts since the last election.
Councils have advertised for posts such as 'Healthy Walks Co-ordinator', 'Woodfuel Development Officer', 'Active Women Officer' and 'Gypsy Romany Traveller Community Cohesion Officer'.
THE visiting British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair, today announced a string of financial assistance measures for development programmes in India. One of the important announcements was to increase British aid from the current financial year's figure of £175 million to £300 million in the next two years. In his keynote address at the CII Partnership Summit here today, Mr Blair also said the UK intends to increase the quantum of allocation further in the years to come. ``Our funding is allocated according to a strategy agreed with the Government of India, and it includes spending on health, education and on improving, and getting access to, services for those who need them the most,'' Mr Blair said. This month the UK is expected to sign agreements for £98 million as part of that Government's support to India's polio eradication programme and another £123 million for HIV/AIDS relief. The British Government has also decided to extend assistance worth £32 million for rebuilding primary schools affected by the Orissa super-cyclone.
Labour is today accused of a ‘shocking’ cover-up over the impact of years of mass immigration as damning official research buried by the last government is revealed.
Ministers will publish three reports commissioned at the taxpayers’ expense by Labour politicians – but then apparently ‘sat on’ because of their inconvenient conclusions.
Government advisers concluded immigration had depressed wages, threatened to
increase community tensions and seen many incomers stay longer than intended.
Cover-up: The Coalition promises openness about migration while Labour leader
Ed Miliband has admitted his party got it 'wrong' on immigration while they
were in power - with millions having their incomes squeezed. The Coalition claims the unpublished reports, which cost more than £100,000
to produce, are extraordinary evidence of how Labour lost control of Britain’s
borders and then tried to cover it up.
The revelations come as Labour leader Ed Miliband admitted his party got it ‘wrong’ on immigration while they were in power – with millions of families having their incomes squeezed as a result.
llegal immigrants will be able to use sham marriages to stay in the UK after a judge ruled Government rules banning the practice was a breach of human rights. The ban was brought in by then-Home Secretary David Blunkett in 2004, amid concerns that thousands of people a year were using sham marriages to stay into the UK.
The regulations required people not legally settled in the UK to seek special permission to marry. These rules applied to couples even though one of them might have a legal right to be in the country. However the regulations were ruled as illegal by the High Court in 2006 and then Appeal Court last year. Yesterday the Law Lords agreed, saying they were an "arbitrary and unjust interference" with human rights.
Speaking at a conference in Italy organised by ‘Counterjihad Europe 2008', De Winter said “Islam is in war with Europe and the free West.”
“Islam only executes what’s written in Quran, and follows Mohammed’s example. Mohammed was not a prophet, but a warlord who overcame and silenced his enemies with violence, weapons, and spilled blood. The Quran is a ‘license to kill’ with unconcealed calls for waging war on dhimmis, the non-Muslims.”
The conference, organised in memory of Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci, who fought as a youngster in the anti-fascist resistance in Italy, and who then later won renown as a journalist warning of the dangers of the Islamification of Europe, was arranged by the organization Una Via per Oriana. “It’s a good thing that the organisation Una Via per Oriana strives to keep the remembrance of Oriana Fallaci vivid, and thus continues to resist the politically correct dictatorship that wishes to restrict the freedom of speech,” the VB leader said. “The political legacy of Oriana Fallaci exists in that we should not submit ourselves to those who — with multiculturalism and anti-racism as dummy-arguments — bring Islam in our society as a Trojan horse, and even feed it.”
“Oriana Fallaci was driven by a mission; her mission consisted in prosecuting the cowardice of Western and European politicians, and in breaching the European policy of consensus.”“After the 9/11-attacks Oriana Fallaci tried with her sharp writings to open the eyes of the European intellectual, political, and social elite that had been collectively hummed asleep by the leftist multicultural discourse.”“This multiculturalism has undermined the combativeness of our European, Western society; it has hollowed the fundamentals and freedoms of our civilisation; and it has affected democracy and freedom of speech.”“The ideology of multiculturalism has grown into a kind of new religion with the equality and equivalence of cultures as first dogma.”
“The simple fact that we are no longer allowed to consider our own European civilisation as superior, generates an ‘away-with-us’ mentality.”“Multiculturalism aggrieves Europeans with an excessive guilt complex about the West — with its history of colonialism, racism and Jew-slaughter — being the source of all evil.”
“According to these multiculturalists we can liberate ourselves from this ‘original sin’ by throwing open the gates of Europe and the West for all kinds of third-world peoples.”“This dangerous and disastrous ‘one-world’ ideology puts on sale all of what we in the West stand for.”“In the meantime, we have to share our prosperity with tens of millions of third-world immigrants — of whom a majority has hardly contributed to our economy or social security — that are as parasites on our system of social security and who take advantage of social acquirements of the European welfare state.”
* The number of foreign-born workers who found new jobs in Britain since 1997 is now 1.8million. In all, foreign workers now make up one in eight of the UK working population.
* This is 400,000 more than the 1.4million Britons who have found work during the same period.
* A record 207,000 Britons left to make new lives abroad in 2006. Most went to Australia, New Zealand, Spain, France and the U.S.
* A record number of new passports were issued last year - one every three minutes - despite measures designed to tighten up the system.
* Britain is once again topping the European league for asylum claims, as the number of applications to other countries falls.
The latest population leap of a million took three years. The last similar jump took four years, from 2001 and 2005. And before that it took six years for the population to increase by a million between 1995 and 2001.
Historians have to go back to before the First World War to find such a fast growth in population. The rate of increase now - likely to be reaching 5 per cent over a ten-year period - is unmatched since the Victorian era of industrial revolution and the birth of Britain's great cities.
The figures from the Office for National Statistics also show that immigrants are playing a major role in pushing up numbers.
It said the number of foreign-born workers in Britain is now 3.7million. This is 12.5 per cent - one in eight - of all workers in the country.
The ONS also gave a detailed breakdown of the number of immigrants who have found jobs in Britain since Labour came to power in 1997.
Last autumn former Work and Pensions Secretary Peter Hain gave the number as 800,000, but later admitted a truer figure was 1.1million. Yesterday the ONS said the real number is 1.8million.
A dispute remains over the way numbers of migrants are counted. The Department for Work and Pensions says the best way is to count foreign citizens. But the independent statisticians at the ONS say it is better to count those born abroad, because country of birth does not change and thus gives an indication of the background of the worker.
The figure of 1.8million means that more than half - 55 per cent - of new jobs created since 1997 have gone to immigrants. Over the same period, between four and five million British adults have continued living in homes where no one has a job and everyone relies on state benefits. The new England and Wales population estimates follow Whitehall projections-last year that said numbers in Britain could swell to 100million in 60 years' time. The overwhelming reason for the expansion is immigration, now said officially to be adding to the population at the rate of 191,000 a year. Yesterday's estimates suggest that numbers are going up at over 300,000 a year, pushed up by the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans since their countries joined the European Union in April 2004, alongside continued high
immigration from other parts of the world.The number of people granted British citizenship reached record levels last year, new figures showed today. Government data revealed 164,635 foreign nationals became British, up 7% on the previous 12 months. Separate figures showed there was a 16% rise in asylum applications in the first three months of this year, to 6,595, compared with the same period in 2007. The number of failed asylum seekers deported from January to March was down 13% to 2,805.
Hundreds of thousands of migrants from Moldova, Europe's poorest country, have secured a backdoor route allowing them to flood into Britain, it has emerged.
More than 300,000 Moldovans have taken advantage of a special arrangement which allows them a Romanian passport. And, once Romania joins the EU on January 1 next year, the Moldovans will have the exact same rights of free entry to Britain as their neighbours. Experts had already estimated 600,000 Romanian and Bulgarians may flood into the UK in search of work. The Moldovans could now push that figure closer to one million. It will heighten fears the UK is set for a repeat of the huge wave of migration which followed the accession of eight other former eastern European countries to the EU in May, 2004. Yesterday, official figures revealed the number of foreign workers in Britain is now 1.5 million, an increase of five per cent on a year ago. The rise is mainly down to the influx of eastern Europeans. The Office for National Statistics said last year probably saw the biggest ever entry of foreign workers to this country. The largest number of registrations came from Polish workers, with Lithuanians and Slovakians the next biggest groups. Fleeing home will be particularly attractive for Moldovans, as they are currently living in the poorest country in Europe. Four out of five of its 4.5m citizens are living below the poverty line, and unemployment is eight per cent. Average wages are less than £100 a week. Even without free movement across the EU, a quarter of its working age population has fled to find work abroad.
Hundreds of millions of pounds of British money sent to improve India’s schools has been wasted, as a governmental report reveals the country’s education standards are in fact falling. Over the last eight years, LibLabCon governments have pumped £388 million into India’s education system and plan to spend another £117 million by 2013.
However, the Annual Status of Education Report into Indian schools revealed that much of the money has been wasted and that levels of reading, writing and arithmetic have dropped. Standards in some regions have fallen to such an extent that national figures show up to a quarter of primary school teachers are routinely absent, half of ten-year-olds cannot read a sentence and only a third can do a simple sum.
One in every five home buyers in Britain is now a Polish immigrant, estate
agents have revealed.
The new arrivals from eastern Europe are forcing up house prices as they work
tirelessly to get on the property ladder.
The migrants are selling their properties back home to raise a deposit - making
it more likely they will remain in the UK for good - or taking out 100 per cent
Some estate agents are even employing Polish staff to cope with the demand,
and make transactions easier.
Experts said that, when eastern Europeans began arriving in the UK following
EU expansion in May 2004, most opted to rent - pushing up rental prices for
Britons seeking homes in the private sector.
But many of the 600,000 arrivals have now decided to settle here, and are seeking
to buy their own property.
The result is an increase in property prices, as more buyers compete for a
limited pool of homes.
CHILDREN as young as five are being trained by Fagin-style gypsy gangs from Romania to shoplift and pickpocket on the streets of Britain, say police.
The youngsters can each make up to £600,000 for the gangsters in the five years before they reach the age of criminal responsibility at 10, so avoiding prosecution even if they are caught. The terrified children are kept in squalor and forced out on to the streets, particularly in London’s West End.
If he was a child of a single mother or an asylum seeker or living in a tower block, his full-time place at the local nursery would have been a formality. But this child happens to have an English speaking mother and father and lives in a nice home with a garden. According to the nursery's admissions criteria, means he is last in line for a place. His mother Mrs Townsend has been told her son can only attend on a part time basis. St Werburgh's Park Nursery School in Bristol says it is pre-empting a council-wide policy which will come in force in September 2005. Bristol City Council says preference must be given to children who are poor , poorly housed, Children of asylum seekers or traveler's and those who English is a second language.
Massive levels of migration from Eastern Europe have brought social disorder
and crime, an official report has stated.
The Government-sponsored inquiry acknowledged that the influx from Poland and
other new European Union countries has caused trouble for homeowners, police
and local services.
It cited noise and disruption around migrant housing, street drinking, breakdowns
in refuse collections, tension over parking spaces and arguments in libraries
where migrants "monopolise the Internet".
The report raised deep concerns about road safety. It said police worries include
vehicle and driving standards, unlicenced and uninsured cars, and drink driving.
The inquiry acknowledged "tension" with low-paid British workers
as hundreds of thousands of migrants compete for jobs.
And it pointed to problems with incomers who cannot speak English and with
schools struggling to teach children who also lack language skills.
Doctors and hospitals have been faced with higher levels of ill-health among
some migrant groups and have had to provide expensive interpreters for others.
The Audit Commission report offered a string of recommendations including a
major expansion of English teaching and "contingency plans" to deal
with any escalation in tension.
The council spending watchdog gave no estimate of the cost of dealing with
the downside of giving the citizens of eight Eastern European countries unlimited
rights to work in Britain.
The report described the number of foreigners who arrived here after April
2004 as "greater than anticipated".
Despite authoritative independent warnings, the Home Office estimated at the
time that 13,000 Eastern Europeans would come each year.
The commission's report said the fact that 662,000 new national insurance numbers
had been handed out in the year to April 2006 - double the rate of 2003 - showed
the scale of the foreign influx.
Last year it emerged that national insurance numbers, which are used to find
legal jobs or claim benefits, have been routinely given to those known to have
made false claims.
The Audit Commission said that one in ten pupils have a first language other
than English and that in central London a minority of pupils speak it as their
first language."Some local areas have been particularly affected by recent changes,"
the report said.
"In areas with little history of population change and diversity, even
a relatively small number of migrant workers can bring new challenges, and are
more noticeable to existing local populations."
It names London, Luton, Reading, Slough, Manchester, Southampton and Leicester
as towns with large numbers of new arrivals and as places already accustomed
high immigration. But towns like Crewe, Northampton and Corby have no experience
of such issues, the report said.
Nor, it suggested, have rural areas where agricultural jobs have attracted
high levels of recent migration. These include East Anglia, Lincolnshire, Herefordshire
and Cornwall.
Some police forces, the report said, are now "promoting additional driver
training for those recruited abroad as heavy goods vehicle drivers".
However, it said migrant workers frequently do not trust police and some expect
officers to demand bribes.
The commission said there were reports of problems with refuse collection and
recycling from houses used by groups of migrant workers.
It also highlighted destitution and homelessness among migrant workers, especially
in London, and said that councils should ensure that "the concerns of local
people are recognised and tensions addressed".
Tories said the report illustrated the consequences of the failure to control
Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: "This reinforces what we have
been saying, that immigration can be of real benefit to the country but only
if it is properly controlled, taking into account its impact both on the economy
and the public service infrastructure."The Government patently does not have control of immigration."The consequences of uncontrolled immigration are hitting local authorities
up and down the country."
A women crippled by a form of arthritis has been banned from receiving subsidised treatment because she is white. Jane Woodage spotted at advert for discounted hydrotherapy treatment which eases her suffering. But when she called the South Asian Healthy Living Partnership - which is funded by National lottery grant - she was asked: " Are you Asian?". When she told them she was white she was refused treatment. A Kirkless Council official said " The service has been oversubscribed and therefore kept specifically for the Asian community".
The Samaritans, Life boat crews and Mountain rescue teams have all been refused lottery money for not helping ethnic minorities and economic migrants ( any one who arrives from a safe country by definition can't be an asylum seeker - as they are choosing where to live). Yet a prostitute support group got 360,000 pounds of lottery funding - so that prostitutes can continue doing cash in hand jobs and not contribute to society? Why are we allowing in people from none commonwealth countries or countries that fought against us only a few decades ago? India wanted independence from us yet Indians in their winter years head here to get benefits yet they have never contributed to our country. Why do we rob skilled Doctors and Nurses from poor countries instead of using our own people? Why don't we let skilled migrants work when they await their asylum claims to be processed. America makes single mothers stay on at school until they are 18 and they lose welfare the more children they have, none get a free home and welfare for life! Germany pays the unemployed their last wage but reduces the amount given the longer you stay unemployed plus you have to do community service for your free handouts. Australia insists that you have to be self sufficient for two years before you are entitle to welfare.
Serious questions have been raised over Britain's border security after a BBC journalist entered the UK twice on fake and stolen passports.
Shahida Tulaganova obtained 20 illegal passports - each from an EU country, including the UK - within months. Those in the trade told her to travel via sea or bus, saying port security was less stringent than airports. The Home Office said it works closely with the EU to tackle the crime, taking the issue of false documents seriously.
In 2004, 8,285 fraudulent documents were detected at UK ports of entry, according to Home Office figures. Entering the UK on a fake or stolen passport carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in jail, while making a false statement to obtain a passport can lead to a prison sentence of up to two years. Shahida travelled across Europe to obtain her false documents for her Panorama investigation. They ranged in price from just £250 to more than £1,500. Some were provided within several days, while others took weeks. She found her first illegal passport dealer in the centre of London - through an advertisement in a Russian language newspaper. The dealer - Henry - provided her with a genuine Czech passport, by getting someone who looked like her to apply for one, using her photo.
Forgery detection
Shahida's investigation poses questions over the number of non-EU nationals entering Britain on illegal passports. She uses Poland as an example."Since [Poland] country joined the EU less than two years ago a quarter of a million Poles have left and legally registered for work in Britain," she says."But if my contacts are right, many of these may not have been Poles at all, but illegal immigrants using fake passports."
The Home Office is being forced to bring a family of failed asylum seekers it deported months ago back to Britain and pay them compensation.
A judge ordered John Reid's department to find the bogus refugees and bring them back – even though they are likely to be thrown out again.
The bill for the whole exercise will be footed by the taxpayer. The High Court made the extraordinary ruling because officials failed to follow proper procedures.
Immigration staff dismissed the four immigrants' original claims that they faced persecution in their homeland, which cannot be named because the anonymous family claim to be 'very scared' and in hiding. After they were refused asylum their legal appeals were also turned down. But High Court judge Mrs Justice Black ruled that the Home Office broke the law by locking up and then swiftly deporting the family at Easter because their adult son, who is mentally incapacitated, had lodged a separate asylum claim and still had a final appeal pending in the UK courts.
The number of illegal immigrants in Britain could be 300,000 higher than the Government's estimate, a right-wing immigration think-tank has said.
Migrationwatch said a figure published by the Home Office in June was four years out of date and missed out children born in the UK to illegal parents. The Government's estimate - the first ever published - said there were between 310,000 and 570,000 illegal immigrants in the country. But Migrationwatch said the top figure could be 870,000. It said the estimate had been based on 2001 Census data, and had missed out record levels of immigration to the UK since then, including the 2002 peak in asylum claims. The report estimated that between 190,000 and 218,000 could be added to the Home Office's total to allow for illegal immigration and failed asylum seekers who have not been deported since 2001. And between 15,000 and 85,000 children of illegal immigrants should also be added to the total, the group said, concluding that the total figure should then be between 515,000 and 870,000. Migrationwatch chairman Sir Andrew Green said: "When the figures were first published a few weeks ago they rightly caused great consternation because they highlighted the extent to which the Government has, in practice, lost control of our borders."If they have failed to remove some three quarters of a million people who have no right to be in the UK, it is patently absurd to suggest otherwise."It is also clear that the government's numbers could have been calculated and made public years ago." A Home Office spokesman said: "No government has been able to produce an accurate figure for the number of people who may be in the country illegally. By its very nature it is impossible to quantify accurately and that remains the case."
Monday May 30,2011
A EUROPEAN quango could take control of British border guards under alarming new plans to create an EU-wide immigration agency. Proposals passed by the European Parliament’s home affairs committee call for member states to staff an EU Border Guard System. If MEPs get their way, the new agency will get a multi-million pound budget and be able to deploy officers without consulting governments who supply them. Critics say plans to reorganise the existing Frontex border agency are a first step towards creating a continental immigration system. The scheme is contained in a review of the Warsaw-based EU border agency, conducted by Maltese MEP Dr Simon Busuttil. It says the various operations carried out by Frontex should be merged into one EU Border Guard system and recommends an increase in its already bloated budget so it can buy its own planes, boats and other equipment. The review also says all EU member states – including Britain – should be ordered to contribute officers to a pool of border guards. It also insists members sign a “solidarity clause”, which would force Britain to take a share of all refugees arriving in the EU, whichever country they land in.
Self-appointed ‘community leaders’ continue to shield the crazies, rather than shop their ‘Muslim brothers’ to the police.
The problem is exacerbated by the huge increase in immigration under Labour. There are now almost three million Muslims living in Britain, an increase of 50 per cent since 2001. Who voted for that? It can’t all be explained by a high birthrate.
We are having to learn to live with this new reality, but is it any wonder there is suspicion when people see deranged Islamic extremists parading the streets waving placards calling for infidels to be beheaded and celebrating the deaths of British soldiers?
Islamic radicals 'infiltrate' the Labour Party
A Labour minister says his party has been infiltrated by a fundamentalist Muslim
group that wants to create an “Islamic social and political order” in Britain.
Published: 10:00PM GMT 27 Feb 2010
Jim Fitzpatrick, the Environment Minister
The Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) — which believes in jihad and sharia law, and wants to turn Britain and Europe into an Islamic state — has placed sympathisers in elected office and claims, correctly, to be able to achieve “mass mobilisation” of voters.
Jim Fitzpatrick, the Environment Minister, said the IFE had become, in effect, a secret party within Labour and other political parties.
A Church of England vicar was found guilty yesterday of carrying out the biggest fake wedding scam Britain has ever seen. The Reverend Alex Brown abused his position to marry 360 illegal immigrants to complete strangers. Armed with a marriage certificate, the immigrants were then able to hoodwink the Home Office into giving them a visa to stay in Britain as a 'spouse', with access to education, healthcare and benefits.
At his Victorian parish church in the seaside town of St Leonards, East Sussex, Brown married up to eight couples a day between 2005 and 2009, a court heard.
The fraud was only possible because British judges had overturned a sensible law insisting that non-Europeans obtain Home Office permission to marry EU citizens, on grounds that it breached Human Rights. How many more churches are sham marraiges going on?
ISLAMIC protesters sparked national outrage as they burned poppies and chanted 'British soldiers burn to hell' during the two minutes silence today.
As millions of Brits fell silent in remembrance of those lost in wars, Islamic members of a group known as Muslims Against Crusades called an “emergency demonstration” in Kensington, west London. Around 50 Muslims gathered close to the junction of Exhibition Road and Kensington Road, adjacent to Hyde Park and held up banners including ’Democracy burn in hell’ and chanted ’Allah Akhbar’ and Arabic slogans.
Immigrants were handed an open door to Britain because a major port was left largely unmanned, a report revealed last night. Damning criticisms of gaping holes in the country's border security were made by the Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency.
John Vine warned that Holyhead - a major freight and passenger terminal for traffic from the Irish Republic - lacked enough immigration staff to properly screen passengers. Easy entry: A UK Border Agency boss has admitted Holyhead port has provided an easy unchecked entry point to Britain for foreigners. Despite being a known 'high risk' port for illegal migrants, it is staffed less than a quarter of the time - leaving a dangerous hole in Britain's borders. Critics said the revelations made a mockery of Labour's claim to have secured the nation's borders. During the election campaign, immigration minister Phil Woolas claimed the UK's borders were tougher than that between the United States and Mexico. Sir Andrew Green, chairman of Migrationwatch UK, said: 'This is astonishing. We have heard for years about the huge investment in security at Dover, but it seems that we have left the side door to Britain wide open.
Douglas Alexander, Labour’s International Development Secretary, will announce this week that the “Government” (i.e. British taxpayers) is to pour in excess of £6 million into Afghanistan to “encourage farmers to switch from poppy cultivation to wheat.”
Ministers are to launch a campaign to persuade 26,000 farmers each to grow a hectare (2½ acres) of wheat in place of poppies, to cut heroin trade and address food shortages. Afghanistan is facing a food crisis this autumn as a drought combined with soaring food prices has led to shortages and hunger. Alexander will say that the British taxpayer-funded Department for International Development (DfID) is donating £2 million to the governor of Helmand’s short-term counter-narcotics plan, which is also backed by the British taxpayer-funded “Civil-Military Mission to Helmand,” which is providing a further £2.125million, and the US Agency for International Development.
Wheat seed, fertiliser and expert advice will be given to farmers. The plan covers more than 37,000 acres of farmland. In dangerous areas where the insurgents are still active, farmers will be able to collect seeds from British military bases but not fertiliser, which could be used on poppies.
In the rest of Afghanistan, farmers will be offered vouchers to buy subsidised seed, fertiliser and tools.
Whites will be an ethnic minority in Britain by the end of the century. Analysis of official figures indicate that, at current fertility rates and levels of immigration, there will be more non-whites than whites by 2100.
It would be the first time in history that a major indigenous population has voluntarily become a minority, rather than through war, famine or disease. Whites will be a minority in London by 2010.
One in five schoolchildren is from an ethnic minority - almost double the figure a decade ago. The annual school census also reveals a Britain where one in eight pupils speaks a language other than English at home.ONE in five of Britain’s population will be from an ethnic minority by the middle of the century, an explosive report forecasts today.The figure will rocket from the current level of eight per cent to 20 per cent over the next 40 years, it concludes.And the ethnic profile of middle-class suburban and rural areas will change significantly as black and Asian families move out of inner-city areas, it says. Overall, the UK’s total population will soar from its present 61 million to 78 million over the same period.New statistics taken from NHS records of women who have just given birth show that white Britons now account for an average of just six in ten of those receiving maternity care.They also reveal the startling changes that a decade of record migration is having on different parts of the country.In some inner city areas the proportion of white British mothers slumps to fewer than one in ten. But the impact on parts of Middle England is even more staggering.
The number of babies born to immigrant mothers has doubled in a decade, official figures reveal. Some 24.6 per cent of children delivered in England and Wales last year were to women who were born abroad. There were 174,174 births to foreign mothers last year, compared to 86,456 in 1998. Crowded: The number of people choosing to live in the UK long-term has increased by 20%. Crowded: Net migration last year increased by 33,000 to 196,000, from 163,000 in 2008, putting more pressure on the UK's infrastructure
The highest figure in the UK was recorded in Newham, east London, where more than three quarters – 75.5 per cent – of births were to immigrant mothers, according to the Office of National Statistics. The three most common countries of birth of non-UK born mothers are Pakistan, Poland and India. In Tower Hamlets, 15 percent of primary school pupils are classed as white British, while the figure for Newham is 12 percent and 7 percent in Brent. In Bradford, 47 percent of primary school children are non-white, and in Manchester, less than 60 per cent of primary pupils are white. In Leicester, 41 percent of primary school children are white. Birth rate figures issued earlier this year by the NHS revealed that white babies will be a minority of all live births in Britain by the year 2030. Make no mistake: British people are rapidly being ethnically cleansed from Britain under a tidal wave of immigration and immigrant birth rates.
The head of the new equality commission called for race quota laws that will allow employers to favour minorities. Trevor Phillips demanded that the 30-year-old rules, which forbid discrimination on grounds of race or sex, should be scrapped. He said a sweeping new equality law should allow public sector organisations and private firms to choose workers on race grounds to end 'immovable, persistent, disadvantage'.
It should also allow the introduction of quotas to ensure firms employ set numbers of women, mothers, disabled people, the elderly, homosexuals, or members of other minority groups. Mr. Phillips, chairman of the commission for Equality and Human Rights, called for radical positive action law in his Equalities Review, drawn up for Tony Blair at a cost of £400,000. It said the new rules should make it compulsory for the civil service, the NHS, councils, quangos and other public sector organisations to show bias in favour of some minority groups when hiring workers.
It will take more than a century to clear the backlog of failed asylum seekers, latest figures reveal. The past 12 months have seen 3,500 more deportations than new cases. But, with an estimated 400,000 rejected asylum seekers still living here illegally, it would take another 113 years to clear the backlog. John Reid astonished MPs last month by promising to complete the deportations 'within five years and hopefully sooner'. The Home Secretary soon backtracked and claimed he was referring only to failed asylum seekers 'who can be found' by immigration officers.
Tony Blair's target of having more deportations than new cases has led to major distortions in Home Office operations. The department's 1,100 enforcement staff now have to concentrate almost exclusively on sending home failed asylum seekers. Work neglected as a result includes the deportation of foreign prisoners, a policy area that cost Charles Clarke his job as home secretary.
The Mail reported last week that immigration officers routinely ignore tip-offs from employers warning of illegal immigrants applying for jobs with forged papers. The officers say they lack the manpower to investigate the calls while also searching for failed asylum seekers.In the three months to June this year 5,070 illegals were removed from the UK, up slightly on the previous three months. Around 40 per cent of those went home voluntarily, taking advantage of £3,000 bribes and free flights. Forced deportations cost £11,000. In the same three-month period, 4,185 asylum seekers lodged claims that are expected to be dismissed. This cut the backlog by only 295 a month - around 3,500 a year. Damian Green, Tory immigration spokesman, said: 'At this rate it would take over a century to clear the backlog thus undermining John Reid's claim to resolve this problem within five years. In any case, this was an artificial target designed to grab headlines rather than address the problem, which has resulted in the Government taking its eye off the ball in several other important areas.' Last month, the Home Office dramatically increased its estimate of the number of illegals living in Britain. A trawl through old files uncovered an astonishing 200,000 forgotten cases - taking the total to 400,000 or more. At the current rate, the last of these would be deported some time in the year 2119. Officials accept, however, that many will probably never be tracked down or sent home. The overall number of asylum applications continued to fall in the three months to June. Cases were down 12 per cent on last year, with 6,380 would-be refugees arriving in the UK. The chief countries of origin were Afghanistan, China and Eritrea. Eight out of ten asylum seekers are refused permission to stay in the UK. Almost all go on to lodge appeals, around a quarter of which are successful. Around 55,000 asylum seekers receive state benefits.
Home Office minister Tony McNulty yesterday hailed the latest figures, claiming they gave 'many reasons to be optimistic that we can restore public confidence in our immigration system'.
BRITAIN’S open-door immigration policy has seen a wave of migrants send the number of foreign workers here soaring by 1.7 million in nine years.Official figures released yesterday show it is our unskilled workforce that has borne the brunt of the massive influx. One in five of their jobs last year went to foreign workers compared with one in 11 in 2002. That’s an extra 367,000 foreign employees caused by a 60-fold increase in migrants coming from just eight eastern European countries.
These were the latest to join the European Union, and all of them are outside the control of the Government’s new immigration cap. At the same time, the number of British low-skilled workers in jobs in areas such as retail, hospitality and catering has fallen by 444,000 from 3.04 million to 2.56 million.
Overall the number of UK-born workers with jobs across all sectors fell 223,000, according to the Office of National Statistics. Sir Andrew Green, chairman of MigrationWatch, said: “This sharp rise in immigration comes as a shock. These figures show just what an enormous task the coalition Government has inherited as a result of Labour’s mass immigration policy.
NEW YORK – A story emerging out of Britain suggests "follow the money" may explain the enthusiasm of the United Nations to pursue caps on carbon emissions, despite doubts surfacing in the scientific community about the validity of the underlying global-warming hypothesis.A Mumbai-based Indian multinational conglomerate with business ties to Rajendra K. Pachauri, the chairman since 2002 of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, stands to make several hundred million dollars in European Union carbon credits simply by closing a steel production facility in Britain with the loss of 1,700 jobs. The Tata Group headquartered in Mumbai anticipates receiving windfall profits of up to nearly $2 billion from closing the Corus Redcar steelmaking plant in Britain, with about half of the savings expected to result from cashing in on carbon credits granted the steelmaker by the European Union under the EU's emissions-trading scheme.
The racial tensions which led to the attack on 76-year-old World War II veteran Walter Chamberlain in Oldham this week have been simmering for three or four years.
With significant Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations, living in similar but separate run down and depressing inner-city enclaves, the mixed Oldham community has been chafing at its edges for some time.
Last year more than 600 racist incidents were logged by Oldham police and in 60% of them the victims were white.
A report claims the plan for an annual limit on non-EU work permits could reduce overall immigration levels by just one per cent.
Only 20 per cent of the 500,000 migrants who come here each year will even be covered by the cap, let alone be barred, the Commons home affairs select committee say. Tens of thousands of migrants from India are set to win the right to live and work in Britain because of the EU, leaked papers revealed yesterday. Up to 20,000 information technology workers a year are to be handed British work permits as part of a deal between Brussels and India. It would mean thousands of extra migrant workers coming here on top of those already arriving under schemes to accept highly skilled workers from abroad. Documents leaked to the MigrationWatch think-tank from the European Commission suggest a deal is being done to allow India between 35,000 and 50,000 EU work permits each year for skilled IT workers. Under the pact, Britain would be expected to accept 20,000 workers, while German would take 7,000 and France 3,000
ANGER erupted yesterday after two mothers and their children were barred from a taxpayer-funded mother and toddler group – for being British.
Emma Knightley, 25, and Kimberley Wildman, 27, took children Imogen, 21 months, and Olivia, 18 months, to the Making Links playgroup after hearing that its services were free. But they were shocked when organisers at the centre in St Neots, Cambridgeshire, asked them to leave because they were not from an ethnic background. Only foreign mothers and children were welcome at the part local authority-funded playgroup, they were told.
More than 90,000 foreign students have been allowed to pour into Britain in the past year to attend colleges that are not ‘trusted’ by the Government. Ministers fear huge numbers have simply vanished into the underground economy and will never go home.
The scandal will be revealed in a speech tomorrow by immigration minister Damian Green. He has been investigating the private colleges which offer a route into Britain for massive numbers of non-EU students.
The Taliban has claimed that Britain is its greatest source of revenue and the group is funded by donations in mosques and Muslim community centres around the country
"We are not like a government, we depend on individuals," a Taliban commander told Sky News. "We get donations from our Muslim brothers in Britain for jihad and they help us. It is the duty of all Muslims to pay towards fighting a jihad. And this is how we get our money and buy our weapons and carry on fighting."
Apparently it costs too much to make up halal meals up separately, so it is therefore “cheaper” to simply make them all according to that religious requirement.
Muslim organisations in Britain have squealed in collective horror at a secret government-funded report leaked onto the Internet which revealed that all Islamic groups want to see Britain turned into a Caliphate, and not just the “extremists.”
The report, issued by the Quilliam Foundation, which is supposed to be a “counter-extremism think tank” run by two “former” radical Muslims, says that many mainstream Islamic groups who denounce violence and terrorism still want to bring Britain under Islamic control. "Halal meat is being served to pupils in state schools without their knowledge, even if they believe the religious slaughter is cruel. Parents have reacted furiously after being sent letters telling them their children's school dinners have been all-halal for 'some time'. To conform with Jewish and Muslim religious tradition, animals are prepared for halal products by having their throats slit while conscious - a method many people believe is inhumane and which the RSPCA has condemned. A hard-working cafe owner has been ordered to tear down an extractor fan - because the smell of her frying bacon 'offends' passing Muslims. Planning bosses acted against Beverley Akciecek, 49, after Muslims complained.
Nearly 100,000 new homes must be built every year just to provide housing for immigrants, ministers disclosed yesterday.
Four out of every ten new houses or flats built to cope with the rising population will go to a migrant, they said. Over a 25-year period, immigrants will require 2.5million extra homes unless the Government meets its pledges to bring about a major reduction in numbers arriving to live in Britain. The number of foreigners working in Britain has hit an all-time high despite the fragile state of the recovery. This summer, the total topped 2.4million for the first time after thousands arrived from abroad in the spring. Some of them were Poles and other Eastern Europeans who began to return to the UK. The number of Eastern European workers also reached a record – of 551,000. It means the workforce of foreigners has surged by more than a million in only seven years.
Britain's population will rise to 92.5million over the next century, according to official forecasts yesterday.
The country will have to find room for another 30million people by 2108, half as many as already live here. According to the forecasts, almost all of the growth in numbers will come in England, where the strong economy in the South and the East is expected to continue to pull in immigrants.The projections were published by the Office for National Statistics, which warned that estimates of the population so far in the future ‘should be treated with great caution’. But they raised fears of intolerable overcrowding in future if high immigration – expected to provide most of the increase – goes on unchecked.
An additional 30million people is equivalent to three new cities bigger than London, or 30 the size of Birmingham. Britain will need 550,000 more school places by 2016 to educate the children of immigrants, a study claimed last night. And over the next decade this will rise to one million extra places – at a total cost of about £100billion.The Migrationwatch report blames the aftermath of Labour’s ‘open door’ immigration policy. Almost £13million a day was spent last year alone on educating children whose parents were not born in Britain.
The main difference here, though, is that this abattoir produces halal meat, in accordance with strict Islamic guidelines. Put simply, this means the animals killed here are not stunned with an electrical current — as they are at conventional slaughterhouses — to render them unconscious before they are dispatched.
Instead, they are fully conscious as their throats are slit by a slaughterman as he utters prayers to Allah to ‘bless’ the animal. The creature then bleeds to death in a process that can take more than 30 seconds.
Killing an animal by cutting its throat without stunning is, in fact, illegal in this country. However, there is a legal loophole allowing this if it is being done for religious reasons — in other words, for the production of halal or kosher meat.
But this is an exemption that the British Veterinary Association and the Government’s advisers, the Farm Animal Welfare Council, are objecting to, saying this form of slaughter causes ‘intolerable cruelty’. They have repeatedly demanded that it be banned.
A report by the Tax Payer Alliance shows that at the end of 2009-2010 the real national debt stood at £7.9 trillion - that's over £300,000 for every single household in Britain, and what's more, during the last decade debt has more than tripled, soaring from 230 per cent of GDP (£2.3 trillion) up to 560 per cent of GDP (£7.9 trillion).
The EU is generating around £9 billion in red tape every year. That’s new red tape, and not the costs of continuing to implement four decades of past regulations. Meanwhile, the money that the UK does get back from its gross contributions is too often subject to capricious central planning. The whole system gives British taxpayers a terrible deal. It may as well have been dreamt up as a mechanism for vindictive reparations. Britain, after Germany, and alongside to a lesser extent Holland and Sweden, are bankrolling other countries.
A MUSLIM college in Warwickshire is running the UK's first official sharia law court.
The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal has used sharia law to settle more than 100 civil disputes between Muslims across the UK since it opened last December.
The tribunal, which runs along side the British legal system, was set up by scholars and lawyers at Hijaz College Islamic University in Watling Street, Nuneaton.
The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Phillips, recently said there was no reason why sharia law, derived from several sources including the Koran, could not be used for contractual agreements and marital disputes.
It is the hypocrisy of the Left that is the most nauseating. Just as in the housing benefit row, in which Labour vigorously defends a system that transfers money from low income tax payers into the pockets of wealthy landlords, so in the present immigration controversy the party aims to uphold a policy that has lowered living standards and caused mass unemployment for the working class.
Among the greatest beneficiaries of uncontrolled immigration are ruthless businesses and the nanny-employing elitists, both of them eager to exploit cheap foreign labour while ordinary Britons are thrown on the scrapheap. The vast majority of us have gained nothing from this social revolution. Only last week it was revealed that, incredibly, 90 per cent of all jobs created under Labour went to foreigners.
The Conservative Party’s complete betrayal of its voters and its election manifesto has been highlighted by the news that record numbers of illegal immigrants — many with violent criminal records — have been allowed to stay in Britain since David Cameron took up office. In addition, other figures have revealed that more than 90,000 foreign “students” have “vanished” after being let into to Britain over the past year in terms of the Conservative Party-endorsed “points-based immigration system.”
Home Office figures show a 17 percent rise in the number of illegal immigrants using the ‘Human Rights Act’ (HRA) as an excuse to get to stay in Britain between January and September 2010, as compared with the same period in the previous year.
Two schoolboys were given detention after refusing to kneel down and 'pray to Allah' during a religious education lesson. Parents were outraged that the two boys from year seven (11 to 12-year-olds) were punished for not wanting to take part in the practical demonstration of how Allah is worshipped. They said forcing their children to take part in the exercise at Alsager High School, near Stoke-on-Trent - which included wearing Muslim headgear - was a breach of their human rights.
It is an incontrovertible fact that a sizeable number of Muslims pursue a separatist agenda and simply refuse to integrate into British society. Or that many mosques and madrassas in this country play host to extremist preachers of hate who aim to brainwash impressionable youngsters into joining the global jihad.
This is interesting! Let me see if I understand all this .........
Are you aware of the following?
The British Government provides the following financial assistance: -
Weekly allowance | £100 | £250 |
Weekly Spouse allowance | £25 | £100 |
Weekly hardship | £0 | £100 |
total per year | £6,000 | £29,000 |
If I was a refugee, why would I look for work?
Please forward to all your contacts so that we can lobby for an increase in the aged pension. After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country For the last 40 to 60 years.The number of council houses given to immigrants has increased by 10 per cent in only a year to nearly 10,000. Official figures show nearly one in every 15 newly-available homes let by a council or housing association went to a foreign national.The revelations highlight the pressure immigration has put on housing and public services.UNEMPLOYED migrants refusing to return home have flooded a British city with more than 15 squatter camps – including a site in the middle of a busy roundabout.The impact of uncontrolled immigration on the fabric of British life was graphically laid bare yesterday by the sight of the tented communities in Peterborough, Cambs.Dozens of rough-sleeping Eastern European migrants have set up elaborate camps in nature reserves and parks around the city and some have even taken to squatting in homeowners’ garden sheds.Tents, fires, shacks and shelters have been set up across the city with an immigrant community that now accounts for 64 per cent of local population growth – the fastest in Britain.An investigation yesterday revealed one thriving settlement had even been established in the middle of Boongate roundabout on the busy A1139, a major route into the city.Immigration Minister Damian Green last night said the situation was “shocking” and promised to try to tackle the problem.At the housing office, 95 per cent of people seen by officials do not speak English and interpreters are paid £30 an hour to be on hand to help.Fulbridge Primary School in Peterborough has 675 pupils but 27 different languages are spoken with only 200 of the pupils having English as a first language.Registration at a local doctors’ surgery has rocketed with more than 90 per cent of the new arrivals being from the EU
The Muslim population of Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years.
2/ Pubs can get extensions in opening times for the Chinese New Year but not for Saint George's day!
3/ We can have a Black Police Officers association but not a White one!
4/ It is OK for Trevor Phillips of the Commission for Racial Equality to say that Black boys should be educated separately.
5/ Apartheid is encouraged in other ways e.g. Faith Schools, Asian nights only at swimming pools and Flats in tower Hamlets for Muslims only.
6/ Prince Charles gets over 1 million pounds back from the European Unions CAP.
7/ Members of Parliament can claim expenses for using their wives as secretary's and European MP's get two pensions one from each Euro parliament building.
8/ We have 22 percent of adults (16 -65) not working and many are given free council housing and allowed to remain unemployed for life.
9/ The local councils don't vet those whom they home or visit the properties they let out - how many other landlords would do this?
10/ It is OK for Chinese and Indian businessmen to employ just their own race yet if an English man does this then he faces prosecution.
11/ Women are allowed into Nightclubs for free or offered free chat lines on the phone yet men have to pay for the same! Women also are not sent to the front line in a war situation.
12/ We grant asylum to those who have passed through safe lands and most are young men (not a demographic mix of old and young , women / children that you would expect if fleeing persecution) .
13 / We ban fox hunting but allow bush meat to be sold and Halal shops to open.
14/ We allow Muslims the rights to wear the Bhurka under religious grounds yet deny pagans the right to go around naked as their sacred Sky-clad ritual demands. Why bend for one religion yet not another which is a lot older? We ban people from shopping centres for wearing hoods and baseball caps because their faces can't be seen on CCTV but still allow Bhurka's which cover more of a persons face up.
15/ Muslims are setting up courts that operate under Sharia law in the UK's major cities.
16/ Muslim women are getting their virginity repaired by operations on the NHS.
17/ Bristol City Council has banned white people from applying for an £18,000 a year traineeship because it wants to boost diversity.
18/ We have 300,000 Somali's now in the UK - why could they not claim asylum in Africa?
19/ A leaked report from border officials estimates that 900,000 illegals a year enter the European Union.
White UK-born population to decline from 80% to 59%
Ethnic minority population expands by 2m from 2001-07
White Britons will be a minority by 2066 if immigration continues at the current rate, according to new research. A leading population expert has warned that failure to deal with the influx of foreign workers would ‘change national identity’.
Professor David Coleman, of Oxford University, spoke out as the Migration Advisory Board recommended immigration levels from outside the EU be slashed by up to 25 per cent. Changing face of Britain: White people could no longer be in the majority by 2066 if immigration continues at its current rate. If immigration stays at its long-term rate of around 180,000 a year, the white British-born population would decline from 80 per cent of the total now to just 59 per cent in 2051, analysis of figures from the Office of National Statistics shows. By then white immigrants would have more than doubled from 4 to 10 per cent of the total, while the ethnic minority population would have risen from 16 to 31 per cent. BRITAIN’S public services and jobs market are facing intense strain as net migration soars to its highest level for nearly four years. Almost 215,000 more people came to live, work or study in the UK in the last year as the number of Britons leaving fell to a ten-year low, official figures revealed yesterday. Children who speak English as their first language are in a minority in a rapidly growing number of schools, figures reveal. The surge has been most pronounced in London, where in some boroughs youngsters with a different mother tongue make up nearly 80 per cent of primary pupils. However it is not confined to the capital. In Birmingham, Bradford and Leicester more than 40 per cent of pupils across all primary schools do not count English as their first language. Nationally, English is a foreign tongue to nearly one in six youngsters in primary schools.
Do you want Sharia Law in Britain?
If the answer is no, is it not the case that you share the ends of the EDL if not the means? Is it not the case that the EDL, despite its robust and somewhat provocative language, seeks only to conserve Common Law at the expense of Sharia? It is a real danger and concern that our Political Class is failing to address or actively colluding with. The latest development is that Street adverts featuring women in bikinis have been defaced in apparently targeted attacks. Most show women in swimwear by chain store H&M. The damage is similar to attacks in Pakistan on billboard ads branded “ un-Islamic” and “obscene” by hardliners. I have seen reports of bus shelters around Tower Hamlets, including many in Limehouse, being hit. People have also told me of similar vandalism in Waltham Forest.
FOREIGN patients who fail to pay for treatment are costing the NHS £307,000 a week.
Their debts over the past two years add up to a staggering £32MILLION - and much is written off. Asylum seekers, foreign tourists and visitors who outstay visa periods pile on the cost. The largest unpaid bill revealed by Freedom of Information requests is £220,000 for a Jamaican neurology patient at a Buckinghamshire hospital. The NHS trust owed the most - £4.2MILLION - is London's Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals. The figure includes £80,000 for brain surgery on a patient from Ghana. Hospitals that seek payment upfront could be in breach of human rights laws. The TaxPayers' Alliance said: "Families who pay for the NHS through taxes will be shocked." Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has previously insisted the NHS is "first and foremost" for Brits.
THE impact of Britain’s open-border policy on immigration was laid bare yesterday when it emerged how Romanian squatters moved into a man’s home while he was at work and attempted to claim it as their own. Mihai and Laura Dediu, who have two children, said they met a man in a local shop who told them the house had been empty for some time.
Home owner David Mooney was only saved from having to fight a lengthy eviction case when he unexpectedly returned home to retrieve his forgotten wallet. He was stunned to find the Romanian couple had forced the locks on his two-bedroom end-of-terrace home and were in the process of emptying it of his belongings. He promptly called police who arrived at the house in Southfields, Northampton, and arrested the couple. The extraordinary episode was revealed at Northampton Crown Court last week in front of a incredulous judge who warned the case demonstrated how Britain was in danger of regressing to the 19th century. Outlining the incident last December, Judge Richard Bray said: “The owner comes back at 5pm and there’s an unknown car parked in his drive and the lights to the house are on. “He goes in and finds these two defendants and, wait for it, a young child. “We are going back to Dickensian times it appears“. When challenged, the defendants say they own the property and are just moving in and that the male defendant was going to alter the locks as part of that process. “Then an unidentified person attends to take the child away. What’s going on here?” The judge added: “This is a bizarre case. I must be the most experienced person in this building for burglary and in 26 years I cannot remember a case where burglars have taken a young child with them to carry out a burglary. I really can’t.”Dediu, 30, and his 24-year-old wife, who now live at a rented flat in Southfields, pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage to the locks and windows. A burglary charge was dropped. Judge Bray sentenced them to 12-month community orders with 100 hours community service. Astonishingly, they have been allowed to stay in Britain and continue claiming state benefits, such as child benefit.
A BRITISH family returned from a short break to find eight Romanians had moved into their home and locked them out. The squatters had installed their own TV satellite dish and were drinking champagne when Abu-Taher Ahmed confronted them. Father of four Mr Ahmed, 68, climbed through an open window to gain access to his home in Tottenham, north London. He then barricaded himself, his wife Iffet, 52, and their children in the master bedroom after police told him they were unable to act because it was a civil matter. The family spent last weekend locked in the bedroom while the Romanians had the run of the house – cooking, sunbathing in the garden and throwing a party. When they demanded £3,000 to leave, Mr Ahmed contacted the Daily Express for help. It was only after we intervened that police threatened the squatters with arrest for breach of the peace if they didn’t leave. Mr Ahmed said: “To go away for a few days and find people have moved into your house is the biggest shock you’ll ever experience. “The locks had been changed. People inside wouldn’t come to the door. I climbed through a window and confronted them. They became quite aggressive and ordered me to leave.
A GANG of Lithuanian squatters is behind a terrifying scam in which people’s homes are seized and locks changed while they are out, it has emerged. The illegal tenants have been holed up in one property for at least five months and the authorities are powerless to evict them without a court order. In another case, an elderly man took his dogs for a walk and returned home to find the Lithuanian gang had moved in and were throwing all his possessions out of the window and into his front garden. Tenants have been told the police are powerless to act as the occupation of their homes is a civil matter. But critics of civil law complain it moves too slowly and vulnerable people are left in a legal limbo while lengthy repossession order hearings are dragged out in courts.Yesterday mother-of-one Angie Belalij, 37, revealed how she had moved out of her home in Barking, east London, for it to be renovated. But she was shocked to return to find a family of violent Lithuanians had taken control of the house and were refusing to leave.
Motor car insurance premiums have jumped by an average of 30 percent a year after a massive upsurge in fraud and faked car crash claims which have been blamed by police and insurance crime investigators on Pakistani, Afghan and Bangladeshi immigrants.
The increase in insurance premiums is yet another financial punishment inflicted upon the British public as a result of the massive Third World immigration invasion supported by both Tory and Labour governments. The Muslim population in the UK will almost double to 5.5million within 20 years, it has been claimed. Immigration and high birth rates will mean nearly one in ten Britons will be Muslim by 2030, according to a worldwide study about the spread of Islam. And the forecasts mean Britain will have more Muslims than Kuwait. The city of Birmingham is set to become minority white even with zero further immigration, the author of a recent report on the declining number of white British schoolchildren in that city has said. Quoted in a Sunday newspaper, Professor Ludi Simpson, Professor of Population Studies at Manchester University’s Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research, said that the driver of demographic change in Birmingham was now no longer immigration. According to Professor Simpson, who, going purely by his academic record, is positioned on the left of the political spectrum, curbs on immigration will not prevent Birmingham having a white minority population in the future.
Documents obtained show that Britain is preparing to accept 20,000 skilled Indian workers every year, 40 per cent of the proposed quota for all 27 countries in the EU.
In fact, a total of 572 000 migrants came to Britain last year.
346 000 people emigrated. So that leaves us with the excess of 226 000. THE face of Britain has “changed forever” after mass immigration fuelled a 40 per cent increase in the nation’s ethnic minority population. The huge rise over just eight years means more than nine million people in England and Wales – equivalent to one in six of the population – are now from a “non-white” background. The figures from the Office for National Statistics will add to criticism of Labour’s flawed immigration policies. Sir Andrew Green, of lobby group MigrationWatch UK, said: “This rise is part of Labour’s legacy. Whether they meant to or not, they changed the face of Britain forever. “And if immigration continues at this rate our population will hit 70 million within 20 years and immigrants will account for half of new households. We are already feeling the pressures on maternity units and schools.” The ONS figures show that the number of people from an ethnic minority living in Britain rose from 6.6 million in 2001 to 9.1 million in 2009 due to a rise in immigration and birth rates.
The National Health Service is giving free treatment to patients from all over the world, it has been officially admitted. A letter sent on behalf of the Prime Minister states that the NHS is a ‘humanitarian’ organisation and ‘will never turn away’ a patient, even if he or she is not entitled to free care. It provoked anger from politicians. One MP said: ‘The NHS should not be an international charity.’ The correspondence emerged as a survey showed that in the past two years alone, hospitals have lost £32million because of debts piled up by illegal migrants, health tourists and foreign visitors. Traditionally, the NHS has given free care to foreigners who are genuine emergency cases, such as car crash victims here on holiday. But few questions are asked at hospitals about where patients come from before treatment is started. Some are so ill that they need a lifetime of care. The letter was sent after a nurse wrote to David Cameron complaining that foreigners routinely get free hospital care. Her 85-year-old mother had been forced to pay £13,000 for a private knee operation after languishing on an overstretched NHS waiting list for two years. The nurse, who has worked in 22 hospitals over 35 years, wrote: ‘Fifteen years ago almost every patient I saw was British; five years ago about half were British. Today it is less than 10 per cent.‘This is a drain on the health service’s resources to the detriment of people who have been contributing to it all their lives.
More than 80% of babies born in Ealing Hospital, West London, have a foreign mother, new figures have revealed. Of the 3,289 children born at the NHS hospital in the past year, a remarkable 2,655 were to foreign nationals. The total includes 537 babies born to Indian mothers – the largest “minority” ethnic group – 389 Poles, 270 Sri Lankans, 260 Somalians, 208 Pakistanis and 200 Afghans. The figures show that 634 babies were born to British mothers, with no indication of their race. The statistics, gathered from a Freedom of Information request, also show that the maternity unit dealt with a total of 104 different nationalities in the twelve months up to February 2011.
Almost two thirds of the immigration is actually from outside the EU, most of it from Asia and Africa. Moreover the Government has full control over the award of British passports, which under Labour were dished out at more than 200,000 a year.
Just like the sentimental drivel about housing benefit all of the arguments against an immigration cap are bogus. There are no great skill shortages which could not be met by better recruitment and training of Britons. it is ludicrous that we spend billions on encouraging young people to go into further education, only to allow employers to keep hiring cheap labour from abroad.
In any case the idea that all migrants are highly trained and hard working is another myth. During Labour’s last year in office around a third of all migrants brought here under the misnamed “highly skilled” programme – aimed at doctors, scientists and executives – were actually working in unskilled jobs. And contrary to Leftwing propaganda, immigrants are far more likely to be unemployed and on welfare than Britons: 80 per cent of Somalis here, for example, live in taxpayer funded social housing. David Cameron opened the door to a new wave of immigration yesterday by signalling that the Government will let businesses bring in more staff from overseas. The Prime Minister told business leaders the planned immigration cap will not ‘impede’ companies recruiting skilled foreign staff. His words brought claims that the Tories are watering down their tough stance on new arrivals to placate the Liberal Democrats.
Critics also warned that a Brussels trade deal with India, currently being drawn up, would lead to ‘British jobs for Indian workers’. Under the terms of the deal, Indian companies could transfer staff to the UK with no limit on numbers and no guarantee that the jobs would first be offered to homegrown experts.
Britain’s payments to EU coffers are also set to go up drastically as the budget rebate that Mrs Thatcher negotiated in the eighties is obliterated. our net contribution will rise from £6.4billion this year to £8.3billion next year, rising to £10.3billion by 2015.
So if Britain left the EU we would not only regain our independence but we
would also instantly be better off. Tragically the Government is moving in the
opposite direction, doing nothing to halt the juggernaut of eu integration.
In an affront to democracy, we were even denied the referendum promised on the
Lisbon Treaty, which has paved the way for the creation of the EU superstate.
Much of the pressure for big increases in the EU budget stems from Lisbon, such
as the creation of an EU diplomatic corps with embassies across the globe.
LABOUR’S open-door policy on immigration is leading to English becoming a second language in schools across Britain, figures revealed yesterday.Since 1997, the number of schools in which more than 50 per cent of pupils have English as their second language has almost doubled. Critics said the figures reflected the “splintering of society” as a result of the UK’s inefficient border controls under Labour. Pupils with English as their first language now find themselves in the minority in more than 1,500 schools across the country. And the huge rise in foreign- speaking pupils is placing growing strain on already stretched council education services. The shocking figures, released under a Freedom of Information request, show that in 1997 there were 866 schools in England where more than 50 per cent of pupils spoke a foreign language as their mother tongue. However, by 2009 this figure had rocketed to 1,545 schools, a rise of 78 per cent during the time that Labour has been in power. The mass immigration invasion and colonisation of Britain is much worse than you thought. Newly released Department of Education figures have revealed that an incredible 43.1 percent of primary school pupils and 30.3 percent of secondary school pupils do not have English as their first language. According to reports, the primary drivers of this demographic shift are “eastern European immigrants and a rising birth rate among non-English-speaking Asian families,” but it is likely that the eastern European component is being overestimated so as to play down the Third World aspect of the invasion.Proof of this deception is detailed in one of the examples being quoted to illustrate the extent of the invasion, namely in Bradford. This city, which is the sixth largest in Britain and one of the most heavily colonised by Third Worlders, has seen more than 1,200 new non-English-speaking school children arriving in the country within the last 12 months. According to the figures, there are now almost one million schoolchildren in Britain who do not speak English as their first language. The chaos which has resulted has seen some schools faced with up to 50 different languages being spoken among their pupils.Britain's fast-rising population is now close to 62 million, a new official count showed yesterday. Numbers of people in the country went up by 394,000 to reach 61,792,000 by the middle of last year, the Office for National Statistics said. The increase of 0.6 per cent means the population has been rising steadily since the turn of the Millennium, mainly driven by high levels of immigration. The population is now going up at twice the rate of the 1990s and three times the speed of increase during the 1980s. Population rise: The increase in the UK population has been driven by high levels of immigration, and high birth rate within immigrant groups.The latest leap in numbers has also been pushed by growing birthrates, the ONS said.
It said that 45 per cent of last year's population rise was brought about by immigration and 55 per cent by by 'natural increase' - the greater number of births than deaths. But the rising birthrate is itself a product of immigration - one in four births last year were to mothers who were themselves born outside Britain. The country's population rose by 176,000 as a result of migration, down on the previous year by 15,000 as the recession cut numbers of people coming into the country to find work. But it is still 23 per cent higher than in 2002 when net migration, the number of people added to the population after both immigration and emigration have been counted, stood at 143,000. The ONS believes that continuing high levels of immigration means the population will hit the politically-sensitive 70 million level in 2029.
"Mr. Barroso has spoken of sustainable growth; in fact we have negative growth. He spoke of increasing the proportion of people (or working age) in employment, whereas that proportion has fallen,” Mr Brons said.
“"He speaks of increasing the competitiveness of European goods and services. However, the EU, like each of its member states, is embracing globalism and voluntarily accepting a deluge of cheap imports from low wage countries that are emerging from the Third World. The only way in which we could compete with such countries, would be by driving down our wage rates to their levels.
"Just in case our employers and employees should not get the point, we are filling up our countries with Third World workers who are turning large areas of our countries into parts of the Third World, with below minimum wage rates and unsatisfactory working conditions.
"We are making (our) workers in the commercial services sector redundant and outsourcing their jobs to people in the Third World. The individual nation states of Europe and the European Union, on behalf of the continent, are committing identity and economic suicide,” Mr Brons concluded.
A council has sparked anger after officials blacked out windows on a glass-panelled swimming pool to protect the modesty of Muslim women.
Darlaston Leisure Centre in the West Midlands' town of Walsall, was hailed for its 'ultra-modern' design when it opened ten years ago.
But now council staff have covered 250 windows with dark-tinted film following complaints from Muslim swimmers. Schools are being urged to rearrange tests, cancel swimming lessons and stop sex education to avoid offending Muslims during Ramadan. Head teachers in Stoke-on-Trent have been issued with the guidance for treatment of Muslim pupils who may still be fasting when the new term starts in September.
'Overzealous': Schools in Stoke-on-Trent have been issued with guidelines to help manage Muslim pupils celebrating Ramadan. During Ramadan, all Muslims who have reached puberty avoid eating or drinking between sunrise and sunset to encourage discipline and self-restraint. To help them with this, Stoke council advises schools not to schedule exams or hold parents’ meetings and social events after school.
They should also avoid swimming lessons because some parents and pupils consider the risk of swallowing water too great. It even advises schools to cancel sex education because Muslims are expected to avoid sexual thoughts while fasting.
For most of us, the squat toilet is nothing more than a staple of horror stories about old-fashioned French service stations or the exploits of adventurous backpackers in far-flung parts of India. But this basic form of plumbing, also known as a Turkish toilet or Nile pan, could be coming to a shopping centre near you - and all in the name of cultural sensitivity. From next week, shoppers in Rochdale who push open the cubicle door expecting the reassuring sight of a modern, clean lavatory could instead be faced with little more than a hole in the ground. Bosses of the Greater Manchester town's Exchange mall have installed two as part of an upgrade costing several thousand pounds after attending a cultural awareness course run by a local Muslim community activist.
THE staggering failure of the Labour government is laid bare today as figures show almost 11MILLION Brits are without a job.Official statistics released yesterday say unemployment rose 23,000 to 2.47million in the three months to April. But the total of "economically inactive" Brits - including students and long-term sick - is up 29,000 to a record 8.19million.
It means 10.66million - or 28 PER CENT of the working age population - are not in a job.
Gordon Brown has called on political parties to form a “united front” to ignore the Third World immigration invasion which is on the point of utterly overrunning this country within the next 30 years.
Mr Brown made his appeal in a speech on immigration today in which he called on all parties and think tanks not to engage in “dog-whistle politics” by not matching what they say in national speeches with what is said on the doorstep.
In essence, Mr Brown has called on his fellow Tweedledee and Tweedledum parliamentary parties to keep quiet about the extent of the invasion because talking about it helps the British National Party.
The official figures show, however, the full extent of the crisis facing Britain:
- According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), legal Third World immigrants made up 14.7 percent (7.5 million) of the population of England in 2004.(1)
- According to the ONS, 10.9 percent (or 6.7 million) of the currently resident population of Britain was not born in this country.(2)
- In 2005, the ONS issued a separate report which said that 36 percent of all births in England and Wales were not “white British.”(3)
- This 2005 birth rate figure does not include births to second and third generation immigrant mothers. Figures released by the ONS in January 2009 revealed that the Muslim population in Britain has grown by more than 500,000 to 2.4 million in just four years. Their population multiplied 10 times faster than the rest of society.(4)
As a country's population rises, it will approach the Sharia tipping point. Sharia law's imposition will be sold as social reforms, just as they are throughout the Muslim world. And since only disruptive forces would be opposed to it, naturally criticizing its implementation would be one of the first bans. There is only one clean way to avoid it. Just as there is only one clean way to avoid a Communist or Nazi takeover. And that is not to have people inside your borders who want to see the country turn into a Nazi, Communist or Islamist state. If you fail to do that, then sooner or later, you will either face a bloody civil war, or/and live under a Communist, Nazi or Islamist state.
Australia and Sharia law.
Peter Costello, an Australian Cabinet minister, shot back, "No this is not a big problem. There is one law we are all expected to abide by. It is the law enacted by the Parliament under the Australian Constitution. If you can't accept that then you don't accept the fundamentals of what Australia is and what it stands for."
Costello didn't stop there, however. He added, "This is a country founded on a democracy . . . if you want a country which has sharia law or a theocratic state, then Australia is not for you. This is not the kind of country where you would feel comfortable if you were opposed to democracy, parliamentary law, independent courts and so I would say to people who don't feel comfortable with those values there might be other countries where they'd feel more comfortable with their own values or beliefs."
England and sharia law.
THE Inland Revenue is considering recognising polygamy for some religious groups for tax purposes. Officials have agreed to examine “family friendly” representations from Muslims who take up to four wives under sharia, the laws derived from the Koran.
Existing rules allow only one wife for inheritance tax purposes. The Revenue has been asked to relax this so that a husband’s estate can be divided tax-free between several wives.
The move is bound to create controversy if it leads to a change in the rules. It is seen as a breakthrough by Muslim leaders who have been campaigning to incorporate sharia into British domestic law.
UP TO 4,000 British Muslim men have entered into polygamous marriages, some of them keeping as many as five wives, according to senior religious figures.
They have taken advantage of a loophole in the laws against bigamy by going through a “nikah” ceremony at a mosque rather than registering the marriages officially.
BRITAIN’S bill for EU membership has soared to £77billion a year – a cost of £1,246 to every man, woman and child in the country, new figures reveal.
It means that combined direct and indirect costs, minus the UK rebate, are running at a staggering £147,000 per minute. The figures, released today, also show Britain is now paying almost twice as much to Brussels than previously demanded. This is because in the EU budget for 2000-2006, our net contribution was £21.3billion – while the current budget, which ends in 2013, is likely to cost UK taxpayers £42billion.
Ukip politician Gerard Batten carried out a forensic analysis of the EU’s books in a bid to unveil the true cost of the European Union to Britain. BRUSSELS bureaucrats were slammed yesterday after it emerged they plan to spend more than £225million of taxpayers’ money next year on pro-EU propaganda and spin. The shameless plans were discovered in the small print of proposals for an inflation-busting 4.9 per cent rise in the EU’s total budget for 2012. Every family in Britain will contribute £500 to bail out the euro after George Osborne last night signed up to a rescue fund for Portugal. The Chancellor and fellow finance ministers agreed a Europe-wide £68billion deal to prop up the single currency by rescuing Portugal, which will cost UK taxpayers £4.3billion. The loan deal, which involves the EU and International Monetary Fund, brings the total liability for the UK to £12.5billion from the three financial rescue efforts so far – or £500 per family. This week, the Cameron Government has faced fierce criticism from the arts lobby for imposing a very modest reduction of the £2 billion subsidy arts organisations receive. In truth the Arts Council, under the influence of its Labour commissars, has become a mechanism for distributing money for welfare projects, especially to ethnic minorities, through its ‘diversity and equal opportunities’ units. If cash for the Arts Council’s social engineering operations was cut off — which is not being done — there would be no reason for Britain’s ‘real’ arts and theatres to suffer at all.
But despite imposing the bloodiest onslaught on public spending since the Second World War, Mr Osborne revealed that donations of taxpayers’ cash to developing countries will rise to £12.6billion a year over the next four years. Foreign Aid budget will increase by 37 percent.
Figures show 17 bureaucrats at the Department for International Development earn between £90,000 and £170,000. Their total salary of £1,795,000 is more than the amount DFID spends on donations to some of the world’s poorest countries.
THE £3.1billion earmarked for extra foreign aid could have kept the Royal Navy’s doomed 80-strong Harrier jump jet fleet in the air for 20 years. DfID spent more than £255,000 on taxi fares in Britain – a total that has almost trebled in recent years. Ministers also spent £19million on external private sector consultants last year – and a total of £65million in the last three years, a study of Parliamentary answers reveals.
Since 2002, DfID has spent £29million on office refurbishments, including £11million to overhaul its UK headquarters in London. And £98,000 was spent last year on a project to design a new logo for UKaid, used to brand British-backed development projects in the Third World. In 2009-10, stationery costs hit £52,000 and £90,000 was spent on newspapers, bringing the total over the last six years to £664,000. Tory International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell has launched an overhaul of the department since the election. And the official figures released by the department also reveal the favourable terms and conditions DfID staff enjoy. The cost of performance-related pay has more than doubled from £4.1million to £10million over the last six years. Some 19 members of staff were handed bonuses of more than £30,000 last year.
Together, DfID workers ran up expenses totalling more than £713,000, with ten staff making individual expense claims in excess of £1,500. The documents also highlight the generous education allowances which allow staff serving overseas to send their children to some of Britain’s top public schools. Last year, 48 members of staff received a total of £1.3million in private school fees, including leading independent schools Winchester, Marlborough, Roedean and Fettes College, where Tony Blair was educated.
Labour spent £1billion of taxpayers’ money on foreign aid to African and Asian schools without even monitoring whether it provided value, a damning report has found.
The Department for International Development failed to measure if the huge cash investment has made any difference to school attendance rates in the poorest nations. DFID had even decided that the risk of money going astray was ‘manageable’ despite widespread fraud being detected in one educational programme in Kenya.
Genocidal plan from founder of EU.
The founding father of the EU was Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, who founded the Pan-European Movement in Vienna in 1922. Financed by the same Warburg banking family that bankrolled the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Karlergi’s organisation produced the plans and the drive for what became the EU. On top of pushing for a United States of Europe, Kalergi’s 1925 book “Practical Idealism” also proposed using mass immigration to destroy the original peoples of Europe and replace them with ”the Eurasian-Negroid race of the future”. This would lead to the replacement “of the diversity of peoples with the diversity of individuals”, a herd population who would be ruled by a “new breed” of Jewish aristocrats, who would be the only group who would preserve their identity. Now the EU wants to outlaw ALL opposition to mass immigration and the EU by treating it as a hate crime and jailing dissidents. The EU wants to force TV stations and the media into promoting diversity and condemning Politically Incorrect views.
Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi was a Jewish writer financed by Jewish bankers. He founded a Pan European movement whose goal was to create a federation of nations. One of his first supporters was a Jewish banker Max Warburg who donated 60,000 Marks to this racist cause in 1925.
The ideology was to replace the white European race with a new mixed race slave race to serve the Jewish masters. This would be the Eurasian Negroid race of the future. The Coudenhove prize has been awarded to Angela Merkel and Herman Van Rompey.
Remember Jack Straw Jew said “ The white race is not worth saving”.
Most wars including the English Civil War and the American Civil war and many others were financed with Jewish money. Jewish Bolsheviks were responsible for the death of millions of white Russians and Ukrainian’s. Both Putin is hated and Hitler was hated because they took their countries out of Jewish bank control. The Jews are behind the mass immigration and multiculturalism we now see in most Anglo-Saxon countries. The Jews control the banks and most of the British media.
As a result you can no longer put your ethnicity as English on most diversity forms but you can put Irish or Welsh. Charities for the English like the Steadfast Trust have been outlawed.
A lot of M.P’s like Ed Milliband are direct descendents of these Jews who were responsible for the death of a lot of white people.
Immigration from the EU will add the equivalent of a city as big as Manchester to the UK's population every four years, a report warns April 2014. The study predicts net migration from inside Europe will be 130,000 every year if current trends continue. This total includes 50,000 Romanians and Bulgarians and 40,000 from Poland and the seven other Eastern European nations which joined the EU in 2004. On January 1, Britain lifted all restrictions on Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK. No figures are yet available for how many have arrived since that date. However, in the year to September 2013 there were 24,000 arrivals and around 140,000 were already working in the UK at the start of the year. The remainder of the predicted migrants are expected to come from the so-called 'old' EU – including large numbers from Greece, Spain and Italy fleeing the eurozone disaster. Experts say that within years EU immigration could overtake that from the rest of the world as the main source of arrivals to Britain. MigrationWatch compiled the figures from official Government sources. Soon half the worlds population will be Africans that is potentially another 3 billion people who will want to migrate to the EU for a better life. 100 years ago whites made up 70 percent of the worlds population - we are witnessing WHITE GENOCIDE.
The BBC was the first major news outlet to start promoting Ukip, putting Nigel Farage on Question Time more than any other politician as a way first of blocking the electoral rise of the BNP and more recently in a blatant attempt to split the Conservative vote and let Ed Miliband into Downing Street.
But when Ukip started eating into the Labour vote in northern England, the BBC suddenly changed tack. MR Farage ceased to be a regular guest on Question Time, Any Questions and various comedy shows, and instead became the target of a variety of attacks. The most eye-catching was from pub landlord comedian Al Murray who announced his intention of standing as a spoof Ukip-style candidate in Farage’s South Thanet constituency. Murray even chose an upside down £ sign as his party logo. Now it emerges that Murray’s ‘party’ was set up completely with the connivance and funds of a TV production company with close ties to the taxpayer-funded BBC. The company who made a television programme about his campaign that went out on election night was Avalon Entertainment, through its subsidiary Liberty Bell Productions. On the official return for the real-life campaign that Murray waged, he is listed as ‘party leader’. But his campaign officer was Tris Cotterill, who is Avalon’s ‘head of digital’ and his ‘treasurer’ was Chris Scott – Avalon’s head of marketing. Avalon are also Murray’s showbiz agents
The programme was actually commissioned by UKTV, which owns a clutch of television channels on Freeview. It went out on their entertainment channel, Dave. Who owns UKTV? Well the 50 per cent shareholder – maybe you’ve guessed it – is the BBC.
Britain is handing out £600,000 every week in child benefits to European immigrants whose children live abroad. The most recent figures show that 20,400 families received payments for a total of 34,268 children, setting back taxpayers £31million a year – or some £600,000 every week. A detailed breakdown of the figures revealed that nearly two-thirds of the children are in Poland, with payments for 22,093 youngsters going to the eastern European country. Of the rest, 1,231 families in Ireland get cash for 2,505 children, while 1,215 families in Lithuania, 797 in Latvia and 789 in France also benefit. Children living abroad receive the same amount of money as those in the UK – even if they have never set foot here – despite the cost of living being much lower in many other countries.
Migrants working here claim the UK money rather than use equivalent schemes at home as the handouts are much more generous. Parents receive £20.50 a week for their first child and £13.55 for any further children in Britain. By contrast, the Polish government pays out £13.60 a week for children under five, £18.20 for children aged 5-18 and £19.60 for those aged 18-24 in education.
Schools are struggling to cope with an influx of migrant pupils, the head of Ofsted said 30/10/14. Sir Michael Wilshaw warned that schools needed more help to deal with growing numbers of foreign- language children. He said it was now a 'big issue'. ‘When they’re faced with an influx of children from other countries, they need the resources and capacity to deal with it and if those resources aren’t there, that’s a big issue for government,’ he said. ‘We’ll be producing reports on this quite soon.’ The comments from the chief inspector of schools highlight a critical shortage of places at primaries – at which one in five pupils now speak English as a second language. And Sir Michael’s remarks echo concerns about the impact of migration on our creaking public services. Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said some towns were being ‘swamped’ by European migrants with communities ‘under siege’. He later retracted the comments. t has also emerged that asylum applications have soared 70 per cent in a year and officials have lost track of 50,000 illegals while failing to kick out another 175,000. Sir Michael’s interview on LBC Radio came after David Cameron told the Commons that schools and hospitals were under pressure from immigration.
KILLER DRIVER: Iraqi Aso Mohammed Ibrahim left 12-year-old Amy Houston to die 'like a dog' under the wheels of his car after knocking her down in Blackburn in 2003 while banned from driving. Twice refused asylum, he was never removed by the Home Office and after the killing, was allowed to stay in the UK after serving a mere four months in jail because he had fathered two children here, which judges ruled gave him a right to a 'family life'. David Cameron wrote to Amy's father Paul in 2010 pledging to abolish the Human Rights Act and ensure rights were 'better balanced against responsibilities'.
RAPIST: William Danga was jailed for ten years for raping a 16-year-old girl. The 40-year-old Congolese asylum seeker, who raped and molested two young girls while fighting deportation after his release and is now serving a 15-year sentence, used the fact he has two children to stay in Britain.
WAR CRIMES SUSPECT: Serb Milan Sarcevic was accused of involvement in the 1991 Vukovar massacre of up to 300 men and women. The wounded Croat
victims were beaten, executed and buried in a mass grave. A judge ruled evidence of his involvement was 'not conclusive' and did not warrant breaching his 'strong family life'. The 62-year-old lives on a council estate in South-East London with his wife, daughter and granddaughter.
MURDERER: Kirk Dickson was given the right to become a father from behind bars. A 2007 ruling by the European Court of Human Rights allowed him to participate in artificial insemination treatment from inside prison. Another application by a further, unnamed inmate was approved in 2011 and several other applications have been made.
RAPIST: Mustafa Abdullahi – who held a knife to a pregnant woman's throat as he raped her – was given permission to stay in Britain in December 2013 because of his family rights. The 31-year-old Somali failed asylum seeker was jailed for ten years in 2007 and ordered to be deported but immigration judges said it would breach his family rights– even though he does not have a wife or children in Britain – because his mother and other family members live in the UK.
VIOLENT MOTHER: A Bangladeshi woman jailed for five years for stabbing her baby daughter with a kitchen knife in East London in 2009 won the right to stay in Britain so she could rebuild her relationship with the child.
ROBBER: A Sri Lankan jailed for robbery in 2008 was allowed to stay as he had a long-term girlfriend. The 22-year-old's lawyer argued he had 'established a private and family life'.
RAPIST: Nigerian Akindoyin Akinshipe, 24, escaped deportation in 2011 when judges ruled he had a right to a private life here even though he has no wife or children. He had been jailed for raping a girl of 13 when he was 15.
BURGLAR: Wayne Bishop, 33, from Clifton, Nottinghamshire, was let out of prison in May 2011 after just one month of an eight month sentence so he
could look after his five children on the grounds their rights were more important than those of his victims.
SEX OFFENDER: Mohammed Kendeh escaped removal to Sierra Leone despite convictions for robbery, burglary, arson and assaults on 11 women. An
immigration judge ruled in 2007 that as Kendeh, 24, came to Britain aged six, and had almost no family in West Africa, he had effectively become
'one of us'.
JUST 90 illegal immigrants out of 50,000 who cheated the student visa system by paying for English language exam certificates have been deported.
Exam company ETS Global is facing a criminal investigation after more than 29,000 of its results were found to be invalid and another 19,000 "questionable" following an undercover investigation by the BBC. Criminals were seen setting up "systematic cheating" by bribing invigilators, supplying answer sheets or using imposters to sit tests. Yesterday Immigration Minister James Brokenshire told the Home Affairs Committee that his staff had removed just 90 of the migrants who had paid for certificates to stay in the country. The minister said that as of June 30, 1,800 of the bogus students had been identified for removal. More than 300 of them are now in detention centres waiting to be flown home. Home Office licences have been suspended from 57 colleges caught up in the scandal, the committee was told. There have also been "a number of arrests" linked to the ETS investigation Mr Brokenshire said. "If we are able to show there is evidence, immigration enforcement will pursue that," he added. The tests were designed to gauge which foreign students should be allowed visas. They were told they were just required to have their picture taken at the exam centre to prove they had attended, while the English tests were taken by a "fake sitter". A class was also filmed completing a two-hour multiple choice test in just seven minutes after exam invigilators read the answers out loud.
The number of foreign criminals avoiding deportation rose by 50 per cent last year – despite repeated Government pledges to kick them out. In total, 1,310 overseas convicts considered for removal were not sent home, up from 890. Offenders not thrown out after serving their sentences included 15 murderers, five people guilty of manslaughter, 15 rapists, 140 robbers and 20 guilty of sex offences against children. Foreign convicts are now avoiding deportation in one in three cases – a sharp increase on previous years. In many instances, the criminals won the right to stay after lodging appeals, citing their human right to a family life in the UK, or other legal objections. Last night, MPs said the revelations showed Britain’s border controls were ‘rotting away’. They also heaped fresh pressure on the Conservatives to spell out exactly how they plan to unpick the harm being caused by Labour’s Human Rights Act and the European Convention on Human Rights. Yesterday, a case emerged showing how Article 8, the right to family life, is being used by criminals to get into Britain, as well as avoid removal. A double murderer from Bangladesh successfully claimed the right to move to the UK because his family already lives here.
In 1997, people born outside the UK held two million jobs – making up around 7.5 per cent of the total workforce. By 2009, that had swelled to 3.8million jobs, or 13 per cent of the total. Labour ministers predicted in 2004 that opening Britain's labour market to millions of workers from former Eastern Bloc countries would result in only 13,000 new arrivals. By the end of 2009, more than a million workers had signed up to a Home Office registration scheme. In 2009 former Blairite aide Andrew Neather revealed that the increase in immigration under Labour was a deliberate policy designed to change Britain. He said the influx of foreign nationals was intended to socially engineer a 'truly multicultural' country. It was also a politically motivated attempt to 'rub the Right's nose in diversity', he said. Mr Neather, a former speechwriter to Mr Blair, wrote that 'the policy of ministers from late 2000 ... was to open up the UK to mass migration.' UKIP won the most seats in the EU elections because of peoples fustration with living in an over populated land. The irony is if people vote UKIP in the General Election then they will be letting the Labour Party gain power once again. It is the Labour Party who opened up the floodgates to immigrants from all over the globe under the leader ship of Tony Blair (who should be on trial in the Hague for war crimes). Child benefit worth £30million paid by Britain to families across the EU but Cameron admits it is 'impossible' to stop it!
UK taxpayer funds payments to 20,400 families with 34,268 children. Almost two-thirds sent to Poland, followed by Ireland, Lithuania and Latvia. David Cameron says no-one he has met thinks the benefits are 'sensible'. But Prime Minister warns that under existing EU rules it cannot be blocked. Tory MP Andrew Rosindell says claims should be blocked for five years.
ONE in three people in Britain will be from an ethnic minority by the middle of the century, a report forecasts today. It will rocket from the current figure of eight per cent to as much as 30 per cent – a total of 23 million – over the next 40 years, it said. The study by influential think-tank Policy Exchange lays bare the effect of decades of immigration and reveals the huge impact of Labour's open door policy to migrants between 1997 and 2010. It also supports previous studies which have shown Britain will be the Western world's most ethnically diverse nation after 2050. The report reveals that the population from the five largest distinct black and minority ethnic communities could rocket from eight million to 23 million people by 2051. By then the UK's population is forecast to hit 77 million. One in three children at state schools today is from an ethnic minority. The report, A Portrait of Modern Britain, draws on an extensive set of survey, census, academic and polling data to build up a detailed picture of the five largest minority groups in the UK – Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, black Africans and black Caribbeans. It reveals that black Africans and Bangladeshis are the fastest growing of Britain's ethnic minorities. The study also shows that while Britain has changed and is continuing to become even more multi-racial, people from ethnic minority backgrounds have a far stronger association with being British than the white population. In the 2011 Census, only 14 per cent of whites identified themselves as being purely British, with 64 per cent seeing themselves as English. All other ethnic minority communities were more than four times more likely to associate themselves with being British. Some 71 per cent of Bangladeshis and 63 per cent of Pakistanis considered themselves purely British. A quarter of the black Caribbean community see themselves as English, while 55 per cent see themselves as just British. Rishi Sunak, co-author of the report, said: "The face of Britain has changed and will keep changing over the next 30 years. "From the post-war arrival of Jamaicans and Indians to the recent influx of Africans, the UK is now home to a melting pot of different cultures and traditions. These communities will continue to become an ever more significant part of Britain, especially in future elections."
A TOTAL of £113million of taxpayers’ cash was pumped into trade unions through grants and subsidies in one year, a report revealed yesterday. The figure included £80million in salaries paid to staff to take time off from their duties to do union work. The huge public subsidy in 2010-11 was exposed through Freedom of Information requests by the Tax- Payers’ Alliance pressure group.
The Government is to allocate over £1 billion to poor countries to help them cope with climate change. In a move described branded 'unjustifiable' by Tory backbenchers, Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne announced the 'fast start' funding will include money to help the most vulnerable people in Africa. However, one of the countries to benefit will be South Africa, a nation prosperous enough to have its own space agency.
A COUPLE from Congo have been jailed for a £188,000 benefits scam which funded a secret property empire, built up after they were granted asylum in the UK.
In a fraud spanning seven years, Nicole Mwamba lied on mortgage forms when she bought her homes. She then created fake identities and claimed housing benefit to cover the repayments. Her husband William Kapuya claimed rent at two addresses while living with her at a third and tried to con disability payments.
Mwamba, 47, was given 30 months for bogus claims totalling £142,000 and Kapuya, also 47, got 14 months for a £46,000 fraud. The pair, of Caterham, Surrey, were convicted on 17 charges. Mwamba won asylum in 1998, Croydon Crown Court was told. She claimed her first husband had been persecuted in Congo and his property and savings seized. But when he died his assets were transferred to her, the mother of his two children. Fraud inspectors discovered unemployed Mwamba took out mortgages on two homes in south London by pretending she was a well-paid professional and put down deposits totalling £45,000. Then she used false names to apply for housing benefit at the addresses and even let one out. It also turned out that up to 2012 Mwamba received £736 a month benefits from France, using the identity of a friend.
The ongoing ‘significant abuse’ of Britain’s border controls by bogus students was revealed in government papers last night. Foreign students are illegally working for five-figure salaries and claiming benefits, as well as pretending to attend courses that have no teachers. But a detailed Home Office blitz planned by Theresa May against the migrants and their colleges is being blocked by Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats. The revelations will further fuel the row between the two sides of the Coalition over the need to get a firmer grip on Britain’s borders. A leaked Cabinet letter written by the Home Secretary reveals that, despite a concerted government crackdown on bogus colleges, ‘abuse of the system has evolved, not disappeared’. At a single college, 397 students with no right to work in Britain were caught earning more than £20,000 a year – potentially depriving Britons of a job. This suggests that, nationwide, thousands of students may be guilty of working illegally. At the same private college 62 students were found to be wrongly pocketing benefits. Investigators also discovered that one college claimed it had 50 students but only 18 were attending classes. It had recruited 70 more to study at a campus that has no teachers.
AN ISLAMIC extremist with links to the 7/7 bombers is free to act as a jihadi "poster boy" to recruit fanatics to fight for Isis in Iraq and Syria because UK laws are powerless to stop him, FBI sources claimed last night. Despite being labelled "a risk to the public" the man in his 30s has used human rights law to remain anonymous, yet is thought to have recruited up to 500 young Britons via internet forums to the extremist cause from his Midlands home. He is known to have met "White Widow" Samantha Lewthwaite, the world's most wanted female terrorist, and had links to Rashid Rauf, the British Al Qaeda operative killed by a US drone and thought to have been involved in the 2006 "liquid bomb" plot to bring down an airliner. Despite his connections with major UK extremists it took the FBI to alert British police that he is now a major recruiter for jihadi fighters. But British attempts to keep tabs on him are severely hampered because of the way terror suspects are now monitored. He was subjected to a strict Control Order after a judge heard he was a "committed Islamist extremist who would represent a risk to the public", but these orders have been replaced by the much-criticised Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (TPIMs) that expire after two years and are almost impossible to renew.
Hundreds of thousands of Eastern European immigrants came into Britain uncounted because inspectors were at the wrong airports, officials admitted yesterday.
A damning report reveals that 350,000 people arrived unnoticed because of glaring gaps in the survey relied on by the Office for National Statistics for migration estimates.
Those counting migrants into the country went to Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester during the crucial years of large-scale immigration from Eastern Europe, while only a handful attended other major airports such as Luton and Stansted, where hundreds of thousands of migrants were arriving.
In addition, immigrants on many ferry routes were barely or never checked, tens of thousands of children were missed entirely and warning signs from other statistics were ignored, the report adds.
The ONS confession comes almost 12 months after the discrepancies first emerged – and follows years of scepticism over the accuracy of its International Passenger Survey, which is based on interviews with people passing through air and sea ports.
Hundreds of thousands of Eastern Europeans are making little or no contribution to the Exchequer despite working full-time, a report claims 30/4/14. The UK's generous tax credits system means 150,000 migrants without partners or children, who earn the minimum wage, pay just £1-a-week net tax, including National Insurance. If they have a non-working partner and children, it costs the taxpayer money to support them, according to Migration Watch. A singe earner couple with two children receives nearly £90 a week more in benefits than they pay in tax. With two children, the cost rises to £295. For three children it is £400, four children £500 and five children £600 per week. The think-tank's analysis said a couple where both partners work on minimum wage would pay in a total £28 net. But if they have two children they could receive a net benefit of £380 a week. The group added that the calculations do not include indirect taxes such as VAT nor do they include health, education and social services. There are also major costs in later life, for pensions and health, to which the low-paid will make no significant contribution. These could amount to £120,000 for a single pensioner and £160,000 for a couple. According to official figures, around 25 per cent of Poles and other Eastern Europeans are earning the minimum wage or less. Only 4.5 per cent pay the higher 40p rate of tax, compared to 15 per cent of the UK population as a whole. The tax credit system, largely engineered by Gordon Brown, tops up the wages of the lower paid. It benefits British workers in the exact same way as people from overseas.
An extra 130,000 primary school places are needed within three years due to soaring immigration and a high birth rate, figures reveal.
Record numbers of families will face disappointment when primary schools are allocated next week, following a steep rise in applicants.
This is partly due to the impact of immigration, as well as a booming birth rate and the fact that fewer middle class parents can afford to send their children to private school.
Councils are already deploying emergency measures to deal with the influx, such as squeezing pupils into ‘bulge’ classes and using little-known legal powers to override class size limits.
But as many as 100,000 pupils – one in five in some areas – are expected to miss out on their first-choice primary, with around ten pupils fighting for each place at some of the most sought-after schools.
Bygrove Primary School in Tower Hamlets, East London – which was rated ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted – received 312 applications for just 30 places.
It has been reported that some parents are even resorting to cheating to win offers from their chosen schools, by providing fake addresses or lying about sibling links.
Areas under the most pressure include Bristol and Manchester, as well as parts of London such as Croydon, Harrow, Waltham Forest and Newham, many of which are home to high numbers of migrant families.
The news comes as the waiting list for social housing hits a record 1.8million, most of whom are British born. Four million migrants arrived in Britain between 2001 and 2011, and of those 469,843 were allocated council or housing association properties, according to national census statistics released 2011.
Around 1.2million immigrants now live in social housing. They account for around one in eight of the total occupants, with the figure even higher in London, thought to be as much as one in five.
Britain remained the greatest magnet for EU migrants – even after other countries opened their doors to workers from Eastern Europe, according to latest official figures yesterday. The UK continued to draw in more than any other country in 2011, when citizens of Poland and fellow eastern nations finally won the right to work in Germany and other wealthy EU nations. The UK accepted 566,044 immigrants, compared to 489,422 who went to Germany, according to Eurostat.The EU statistics arm added that the number coming to this country was twice that who went to France – estimated at just 267,400.
One in 10 new jobs created last year went to people born in Romania and Bulgaria, even before work restrictions were lifted, new figures revealed today.
The number of Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK rose by 40 per cent in 12 months to December 2013. In the run-up to curbs being removed on January 1 there were almost 144,000 people born in the two countries who had a job in the UK, compared to under 102,000 in the last three months of 2012.
Of the 424,503 people who found work in the 12 months to the end of last year, 41,670 were born in Romania and Bulgaria.
A corrupt town hall official gave sought-after council homes to family members and illegal immigrants in return for tens of thousands of pounds in backhanders.
Ibrahim Bundu, who worked in a council’s homelessness unit, pocketed up to £4,000 a time for helping people jump the queue by faking documents and medical records. He arranged for homes for members of his extended family, including his mother, wife and ex-wife, in a scam which cost taxpayers at least £3.7million. Bundu himself netted at least £50,000. Investigators found he was behind 28 bogus applications in Southwark, South London, where more than 20,000 people are on the local authority’s waiting list. Many of those helped by Bundu, 50, were from the war-torn country of Sierra Leone, from where he had travelled to Britain in 1988. Yesterday the former car mechanic was jailed for four years for the ‘audacious’ scam, believed to be one of the biggest of its kind. Sentencing him at Woolwich Crown Court, Judge Douglas Marks Moore said his actions ‘undermined the trust’ necessary for ‘the functioning of our society.’ He said: ‘It was a hugely organised, premeditated system that was in place and you were instrumental in its development.
Eastern European migrants are being offered expert help to fraudulently milk the benefits system by an accountants agency run by a Bulgarian businessman, a y undercover investigation has revealed. Our reporter, posing as a newly arrived Bulgarian migrant seeking to claim benefits, was filmed being illegally offered bogus documents to support her application by an 'advice' agency in North London yesterday. The news comes as work and benefit restrictions were relaxed by the Government on New Year's Day for migrants from the EU's two poorest nations, Bulgaria and Romania. Our investigator, Maria, a 25-year-old Bulgarian graduate living in London, told the company – Premium Advice 4 U (PA4U) in Wood Green – that she had been in this country for two months, working cash-in-hand as a cleaner without paying tax or National Insurance, but now wanted to see what benefits she could claim. Two women employees, Galia and Nina, spoke to her for around 45 minutes and much of their advice was legal and correct. But they also told her they could draw up bogus paperwork, falsely stating she had cleaned both their houses to back up a housing benefit claim. PA4U, wedged between a shop with a hand-painted sign reading 'Houses cleared' and an accountancy firm, charges £20 for an hour-long consultation and its quarter-page advert in London-based Bulgarian-language newspaper, BG Ben, claims that it can help with 'any type of benefits'. The sole director of the company, which was registered in October last year, is 37-year-old Bulgarian Hristo Trifonov. He also runs a firm called Right Cleaners Limited, which changed its name from Safetrans Logistic Ltd in June last year and lists its activities as 'freight transport by road'. When The Mail on Sunday contacted the company, a man who called himself Ilian said he offered face-to-face consultations on benefits for £20, plus additional charges for extra services. These include a £50 'registration fee', £20 for help applying for a National Insurance number, £60 to register as self-employed, and £60 to prepare a tax return. PA4U also claims to provide help and advice with bank accounts, opening a limited company, arranging car insurance, MoTs, and exchanging a Bulgarian driving licence for a UK version. There is no suggestion that any of these activities involve any improper activity. At yesterday's consultation, the first woman, Galia, advised Maria that if she wanted to claim housing benefit she would need a National Insurance number. But, as a self-employed person, she would have to submit work records and references along with her application to prove her past income. Galia even suggested she and her colleague Nina would be prepared to lie in writing to benefits officers, stating that their own homes had been cleaned by our reporter. To apply for housing benefit from a local authority, claimants must fill in a 40-page form giving details of their income and outgoings, including rent. Crucially, for self-employed people who have not been in business long, they must provide a 'summary of their trading records' plus copies of invoices and payments. When approached by The Mail on Sunday last night, Mr Trifonov said: 'We did not offer to prepare bogus documents to support a housing benefit application. 'We suggested that if she needed help with references to apply for National insurance number, she could clean our houses and we can confirm that she has done so.'
A primary school adding an extra week to its October half-term holiday so Asian families can take their children abroad when temperatures are cooler there.
The Church of England academy has announced it will be breaking up for a fortnight – instead of the usual week – during the autumn term following requests from parents. Wensley Fold Primary School in Blackburn has around 300 pupils, a high proportion of whom come from Asian backgrounds. The school, which until now has had a week off for the October half-term, said the changes would be introduced as a trial for the new school year in September.
New guidance from The Law Society means that High Street solicitors will be able to write Islamic wills which would have to be recognised by British courts.
But the society has been accused of sacrificing hard-won equal rights, after instructing those drawing up Islamic wills to recognise that women heirs typically receive half the inheritance of male heirs. The documents can also prevent children born out of wedlock and those who are adopted from being legitimate heirs.
Any relatives who were not married in a Muslim wedding can also be excluded. Campaigners have warned that the move could pave the way for a 'parallel legal system' for the UK's Muslim communities. And Baroness Cox, who is leading a Parliamentary campaign to protect women from religiously sanctioned discrimination, branded the decision "deeply disturbing", adding that she planned to raise the issue with ministers.
COUPLES who pretend they are living apart so they can claw in more benefits are costing the taxpayer more than £3million per week. These “phantom” singles were overpaid an estimated total of £182million last year, according to the latest government figures. Bogus singles last year raked in £74million they were not entitled to in income support, another £60million in housing benefit, £31million in jobseeker’s allowance and another £17million in pension credit. Research has shown families can often be as much as £100 a week better off if they live apart rather than sharing a home. So couples often pretend their relationship has broken down in order to cheat the system. In one of the worst cases husband and wife Zoe and Marcus Bradbrook, of Hove, East Sussex, admitted fleecing taxpayers of £160,000 by making false claims over 10 years. Mrs Bradbrook, 31, claimed her husband was her landlord and she was paying rent to him. She also claimed she was a lone mother while she was living with her husband for more than 10 years. He was jailed for 20 months while his wife was given a suspended sentence and ordered to do community service.
Nearly half a million immigrants have been given taxpayer-funded homes over the past decade. The revelation comes as the number of families on the waiting list for social housing hits a record 1.8million. Most are British born. Of the four million migrants who arrived between 2001 and 2011, 469,843 were allocated council or housing association properties. Around 1.2million foreigners now live in social housing – one in eight of the total. In London the figure is thought to be as high as one in five. The national census statistics, which were released yesterday, highlight fears about increased pressure on public services when Romanians and Bulgarians win free access to jobs in this country in January. The figures also show the effects of the large-scale immigration encouraged by the Tony Blair and Gordon Brown governments. According to the census, 105,506 of the immigrants who found social housing after 2001 were from Eastern European states that joined the EU in 2004, most of them Poles.
The claims come as four Tower Hamlets Muslims were jailed for at least 19 years for attacking a local white teacher who gave religious studies lessons to Muslim girls. The Sunday Telegraph has uncovered more than a dozen other cases in Tower Hamlets where both Muslims and non-Muslims have been threatened or beaten for behaviour deemed to breach fundamentalist “Islamic norms.” One victim, Mohammed Monzur Rahman, said he was left partially blind and with a dislocated shoulder after being attacked by a mob in Cannon Street Road, Shadwell, for smoking during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan last year. “Two guys stopped me in the street and asked me why I was smoking,” he said. “I just carried on, and before I knew another dozen guys came and jumped me. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in hospital.”“He reported it to the police and they just said they couldn’t track anyone down and there were no witnesses,” said Ansar Ahmed Ullah, a local anti-extremism campaigner who has advised Mr Rahman. “But there is CCTV in that street and it is lined with shops and people.” Teachers in several local schools have told The Sunday Telegraph that they feel “under pressure” from local Muslim extremists, who have mounted campaigns through both parents and pupils – and, in one case, through another teacher – to enforce the compulsory wearing of the veil for Muslim girls. “It was totally orchestrated,” said one teacher. “The atmosphere became extremely unpleasant for a while, with constant verbal aggression from both the children and some parents against the head over this issue.” One teacher at the Bigland Green primary school, Nicholas Kafouris, last year took the council to an employment tribunal, saying he was forced out of his job for complaining that Muslim pupils were engaging in racist and anti-Semitic bullying and saying they supported terrorism. Mr Kafouris lost his case, though the school did admit that insufficient action had been taken against the behaviour of some pupils. The number of assaults on teachers in Tower Hamlets resulting in exclusions has more than doubled from 190 in 2007/8 to 383 in 2008/9, the latest available year, though not all are necessarily race-related. Tower Hamlets’ gay community has become a particular target of extremists. Homophobic crimes in the borough have risen by 80 per cent since 2007/8, and by 21 per cent over the last year, a period when there was a slight drop in London as a whole. Last year, a mob of 30 young Muslims stormed a local gay pub, the George and Dragon, beating and abusing patrons. Many customers of the pub told The Sunday Telegraph that they have been attacked and harassed by local Muslim youths. In 2008 a 20-year-old student, Oli Hemsley, was left permanently paralysed after an attack by a group of young Muslims outside the pub. Only one of his assailants has been caught and jailed.
Firms taking on non-UK workers qualify for a payment from Brussels worth up to £870 for every EU citizen they employ, to help pay for English lessons and other training.
Employers can recruit up to 20 foreign workers a year through the EU scheme, which is run with the co-operation of British JobCentres.
Jobless youngsters across Europe can qualify for a grant of £260 to travel to Britain for an interview.
If they land the job they also qualify for an £870 grant to help with the costs of moving to this country.
In June 2013 more than 800,000 UK jobs were being advertised through the scheme – more than half the total across Europe.
These incentives come at a time when more than half of vacancies in the UK are filled by foreigners.
It is not known how many have taken advantage of the EU scheme. A UK Independence Party source said the EU was effectively ‘bribing’ firms to take foreign workers.
Party leader Nigel Farage said the initiative was ‘utterly reprehensible’ at a time when youth unemployment in this country stands at nearly one million.
He added: ‘With two and a half million people unemployed in the UK, of which 958,000 are under 25, every job vacancy counts.
‘Yet here we have the EU, which we already grossly overfund, advertising our jobs to people outside the UK and even giving them the upper hand by offering financial support to get interviews here and move here. We are essentially paying the EU to give away British jobs.’
FOREIGN women gave birth to a quarter of all babies born in England and Wales in 2012, contributing to a baby boom not seen in 40 years. Figures released by the Office for National Statistics also showed the number of children born outside of marriage or civil partnership on course to reach 50 per cent within three years. The report revealed that 25.9 per cent of births involved mothers born outside of the UK - an increase of 14.6 per cent since 1971, and the average age to give birth is now 29.8 years, up from 29.7 years in 2011. Sir Andrew Green of the Migration Watch think tank warned that immigration was pushing up population and stretching public services. He said: "If anyone wonders why maternity wards are under such pressure, this is the answer. Just over two thirds of our population increase is a result of immigration."
A MIGRANT baby boom is driving Britain's population to grow faster than any other country in the EU, shocking figures revealed in August 2013.
One in four of the 813,000 babies born here last year was to a mother from outside the UK and helped push the birth rate to a 40-year high.
Britain's population explosion was also fuelled by the arrival of 517,800 migrants, mostly from China, India, Germany, the US, Pakistan, Poland and Australia. After allowing for deaths and people leaving the country, Britain's net population rocketed by 419,900 to 63.7 million. The leap is equivalent to 1,150 people arriving here every day.
HALF a million more immigrants have flooded into Britain from other European Union countries than officials previously admitted, research revealed last night. The hidden influx, overwhelmingly from Eastern Europe, is equivalent to the population of a city the size of Manchester. It means the UK admitted four million EU migrants in just 13 years – believed to be the biggest immigration surge in the country's history. The revelation triggered furious allegations that the "astonishing" true scale of border control failure under the previous Labour government was covered up. The row erupted after pressure group MigrationWatch UK published new analysis of the national population census. Figures showed that the number of people born in other EU countries living in the UK soared by about four million between 1997 and 2010. Previous population figures published by the Office for National Statistics had estimated that 3.4 million EU immigrants arrived here over that period.
According to figures obtained by the Iranian and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation (Ikwro), at least 2,823 incidents of "honour-based" violence took place, with the highest number recorded in London. The charity said the statistics do not give the full picture of the levels of "honour" violence in the UK , but are the best national estimate so far. The data, taken from 39 out of 52 UK forces, was released following a freedom of information request.
Ministers are in secret talks to enshrine in law the Government’s promise to spend 0.7 per cent of national income on overseas aid. International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell is demanding Parliamentary time to introduce the controversial legislation. Officials from his department are in talks with Tory whips and Leader of the House Sir George Young to ensure the Bill is passed.
HOW shocking to learn that more than 90,000 candidates were helped to take their driving tests in a foreign language last year. Competence in English is clearly highly desirable for road safety reasons and providing translators and voice-overs in foreign languages at public expense is therefore a perverse thing to do.
Scots receive a range of services free of charge, including prescriptions, long-term care for the elderly and university tuition – all of which attract hefty charges in England.
Subsidising these services costs every family south of the border £420 a year.
“The vast majority (over 73%) of Lambeth’s school population are from black and other ethnic minority groups. The largest groups are English/Scottish/Welsh at 23.6%, followed by Caribbean at 22.8%, African at 22.1%, Other Black at 11%, Other White at 7.2%, Portuguese at 4.6%, Bangladeshi at 1.8%, Indian at 1.5%, Pakistani at 1.3%, Irish at 1.3%, Chinese at 1%, Vietnamese at 0.8%, Turkish at 0.6% and Greek at 0.6%.”
SPIRALLING immigration means 200 new homes need to be built every day for 23 years to cope with the influx. Shock figures unveiled by Tory MP Nicholas Soames and Labour’s Frank Field reveal the extent of the crisis.
They say mass migration is “simply unsustainable” and David Cameron’s pledge to bring migration down to “tens of thousands” a year is unworkable because of the Coalition.
Their comments came as MigrationWatch UK launched an e-petition to get the issue debated by MPs.
The ‘e-petition’ calls on David Cameron to clamp down on immigration, which is seen as the major factor behind the rising numbers.
Organisers Migration Watch are seeking the 100,000 signatures needed to force a Parliamentary debate on the issue.
A Muslim cleric has been jailed for sixteen years, after he was convicted of raping a young boy. Mohammed Hanif Khan had been giving the boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons, Islamic education lessons at his mosque in Stoke-on-Trent.
Anger is brewing at a UK tea factory after workers found out that EU cash has been used to move their jobs to Poland. Tea firm Twinings used £10m of European cash, partly funded by taxpayers in Britain, to open a new Polish factory. The move to cut costs means its North Tyneside HQ is closing with the loss of 286 jobs as production heads to Eastern Europe.
JEERING Muslim fanatics turned an Old Bailey court into a battleground yesterday after an Al Qaeda follower was jailed for stabbing an MP.
In unprecedented scenes the angry mob chanted “British go to hell” as would-be assassin Roshonara Choudhry was handed a sentence of life with a minimum of 15 years.
Choudary sets out his four ways to implement Islamic law in Britain. He also goes on to say that he was employed by Trevor Phillips’ watchdog, the infamous EHRC, the group that tried to jail our leaders and bankrupt our Party.
That they would employ extremists like Choudary comes as no real shock to those of us who have witnessed the EHRC’s hatred against all things Britis.
Immigration was at the centre of the election campaign today as it emerged that virtually every extra job created under Labour has gone to a foreign worker.
Figures suggested an extraordinary 98.5 per cent of 1.67million new posts were taken by immigrants. The Tories seized on the revelation as evidence that the Government has totally failed to deliver its pledge of 'British jobs for British workers'.
A Taliban commander has told Sky News the bulk of its funding comes from the UK, where dedicated fighters are ready to launch terrorist attacks upon his order. We are not like a government, we depend on individuals. We get donations from our Muslim brothers in Britain for Jihad. It is the duty of all Muslims to pay towards fighting Jihad. This is how we get our money and buy our weapons and carry on fighting.Taliban regional commander
A council has triggered a backlash among parents and animal welfare groups after introducing halal-only menus at state schools. Only meat from animals killed in line with Islamic teaching will be offered at 52 primary schools in Harrow, following a switch by ten secondaries to halal menus. But parents have voiced concern over the methods used to slaughter animals in this way and say they haven't been properly consulted over the changes.
The British government have been ignoring the fact that an extreme Islamic organisation has taken control of at least one government office. The Islamic Forum of Europe has full control of Tower Hamlets in East London and are operating in the radical East London Mosque, Europe's most influential mosque.
Tens of thousands of children are being taught in temporary huts or overcrowded classrooms after primary school admissions leapt by almost a quarter.
Schools are coping with their biggest influx of pupils for 13 years in some areas following an immigrant baby boom and recession-fuelled exodus from private schools, a survey has shown. Applications for primary schools places have soared 23 per cent since 2008 in some areas, and pressure on places is set to intensify every year at least until 2018.
NEARLY eight out of 10 Britons want immigration to be slashed, an official Government poll has revealed. In a clear demonstration of the depth of feeling on the controversial issue, the latest update of the “citizenship survey”, which studies people’s views about community cohesion, showed that 77 per cent of people thought immigration should be cut. More than half of respondents said they wanted immigration reduced by a great deal. And nearly a quarter of ethnic minorities thought the number of immigrants coming to Britain should be cut.
Demand for water will outstrip supply across most of England and Wales within ten years. The crisis will be made worse by the 800,000 new homes needed in South England to home mainly migrants. Some areas of Britain already have smaller water supplies per person than Syria which is mainly desert.
White male recruits are having to wait up to three years to join the Metropolitan Police as the force tries to boost the number of women and ethnics in its ranks. Instead of allocating training on a first come first served basis the Met has been trying to balance each intake on the grounds of race and gender which means some white recruits have been waiting for three years. Women and ethnics thus move up the queue faster and white males the most slow.
Scots get £1,500 more per head in state funding than the English, according to official figures which lay bare the spending apartheid across Britain.
The state spends £10,083 on every Scot, and only £8,559 on every person in England.
Funding in Northern Ireland is even more generous, with every person getting £10,662 spent on them - 2,103 more than the English.
Londonistan is the battleground for a new breed of crazed foreign gangs. Police estimate that 16 foreign communities are involved. Kosovans and Albanians fight for control of the sex trade. Algerians are running welfare rackets. Turkish and Kurds are fighting for the £180 billion a year drug trade.
Unfortunate people in the wrong place at the wrong time have been killed by the war between gangs. In Nottingham gun crimes rule the city and Portsmouth football thugs. Other areas Chavs rule the sink estates.
Police are investigating what is claimed to be the first British religious funeral pyre in modern times, because they believe the blaze many have broken cremation laws which prohibit the burning of human remains in the open air. Yesterday's pyre in Stamfordham, Northumberland, was arranged after Rajpal Mehat, a 31-year-old Indian-born Sikh, drowned in a canal in Southall, west London, last December. His family asked Davender Ghai, president of the Newcastle-based Anglo-Asian Friendship Society, to help .
Thousands of foreign prisoners are to be offered bribes worth £2,500 to go home. Rapists and murderers will be given the package that will cost the taxpayer millions.
Schools which are officially full are still taking pupils - if they are migrants. As workers flood in from EU states, the number of their children in schools has doubled in the last year. The figure is around 11,000 but is likely to be much higher because many councils do not have a breakdown of where pupils come from. The migrants are being taken into schools where local children have been turned away.
A muslim teaching assistant Aishah Azmi lost her fight to wear the veil in October 2006. She has vowed to take the case to the European court, landing the taxpayer with a £250,000 bill.
A university is to give an honorary degree to a former Iranian president who backs Hezbollah and supports the execution of homosexuals. Muhammad Khatami will receive his degree from the Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell, who is the university's chancellor.
Migrants hoping to settle in the UK are to be taught how to rake in state hand-outs. They will be shown how to claim benefits, demand equal rights, make full use of the NHS and get parental leave. Labour will expect immigrants to know such information as part of the Government's "Britishness" test.
POLICE are looking for a girl gang which racially abused a mum in front of her two children and then kicked over her pram. The 29-year-old went into a shop in Rowan Road, Streatham, to avoid the group of six teenage girls on December 1 at 3.30pm. But she was attacked when she came out and her 11-year-old son was punched in the face. The pram containing her eight-month-old daughter was kicked over but the baby was unharmed. The gang are described as around 15 years old and are all black.
The BBC paid £100 million lobbying the Government to raise the TV licence using the licence payers money.
THOUSANDS of illegal immigrants were last night queueing to sneak into Britain – and officials in France are preparing to help them on their way, the Daily Express can reveal. French politicians are plotting to build a new Sangatte-style camp in the port of Cherbourg in north-west France. Last night riot police were placed on stand-by as scores of refugees headed to a squalid shanty town in hills overlooking the docks.
The extent to which bogus colleges are being used to help illegal immigrants enter Britain was exposed on Tuesday 8th January 2008. Almost half of private colleges visited by inspectors have been struck off an official list of approved providers. Some were removed for "technical" reasons, but many others are understood to be fronts for student visa scams. Out of 256 colleges checked since the register was set up three years ago, 124 were removed.
Up to 47,000 Eastern Europeans were treated as asylum seekers for more than three years after becoming EU citizens. The migrants received asylum benefits paid by the taxpayer. Once their countries joined the EU the refugee claims should have been stopped but the Home Office lost 450,000 men and women. The first 5,500 to be discovered have been sent letter telling them to withdraw their claims. The Government said perks such as free housing and benefits have been stopped in most cases. But others still get asylum benefits which are worth £16,500 per family a year.
Up to a million migrants have gathered in Libya, from
where they will attempt to sail across the Mediterranean for Europe and, ultimately,
the UK.
New estimates reveal that there are two million migrants massed in the North
African country and that half of them plan to sail to the European mainland
and travel on to Britain in the hope of building a new life.
A baby less than a year old was among 10 children taken into care after a police
operation targeted gangs who used youngsters to pick pockets.
Officers from several forces, including the Metropolitan Police, raided 17 addresses
across Slough, Berkshire. At least 25 adults were held, accused of immigration breaches, deception, fraud,
theft and pick-pocketing. The inquiry surrounds child trafficking from Romania and the welfare of the
children involved. Police suspect poor families in eastern Europe may be forced into allowing
gangs to take their children into the UK to carry out offences such as pickpocketing
and thefts near cash machines.
The gangs are believed to have taken the children into west London to commit the crimes.
An investigation has found the cost of providing maternity services for immigrants has more than doubled in only a decade to £350million a year. The number of babies born to British mothers has fallen by around 44,000 a year since 1997 but the number born to foreigners is up 64,000 a year.
Husbands living in a "harem" with multiple wives have been cleared to claim state benefits for all their different partners.
A Muslim man with four spouses - which is permitted under Islamic law - could receive £10,000 a year in income support alone.
He could also be entitled to more generous housing and council tax benefit, to reflect the fact his household needs a bigger property.
Ministers have been accused of wasting taxpayers' money after spending nearly £500,000 on a fun park in Afghanistan's most dangerous region.
The three-acre "women's park" in Lashkar Gah, Helmand, is in the middle of an area known more for explosions and kidnappings than the sound of children at play. Locals are mystified why money has been spent on a recreational facility when the security situation continues to deteriorate.
More More than 250,000 UK passports could be handed out to foreigners every year under new proposals. The Government wants all migrants settling here to become full British citizens. All except the worst criminals would be eligible, including minor offenders and those who cannot be bothered to play an "active" role in community life.
They will merely be expected to spend longer as "probationary" citizens under a Home Office consultation paper published yesterday. Even murderers and rapists could be entitled to a passport if their homeland is considered too dangerous under human rights law for them to be deported
But police have defended their actions, claiming they were only acting on the advice of immigration officials and the decision was out of their hands.
James Paice MP for South East Cambridgeshire where the men of Afghani origin were found under a lorry last week, has hit out at officials who co-ordinated the men's travel.
It is just a few days until Easter, the most important date in the Christian calendar. But for 700 Muslims who have gathered in a rural caravan park, this week has a different religious significance. And to some of their neighbours, the thrice-daily calls to prayer are proving a strain on a harmonious relationship. The Iranian Muslims have converged on the Trevelgue Holiday Park in Porth, Cornwall, to celebrate yesterday's Persian New Year.
Canon Michael Ainsworth, 57, asked the gang to keep their noise down but they turned on him, taunting him about his faith and hitting him in the face and body.
He was found slumped in the churchyard of St George-in-the-East in Stepney, east London. Police said the gang made "remarks insulting his occupation" before fleeing.
Officers looking for a man who raided a jewellers while wearing a burka are investigating a similar incident. A man thought to be wearing a burka threatened a security driver in Birmingham on 14 March 2008 with what is thought to be a firearm before fleeing. Last Thursday, an armed robber pushing a child's buggy and disguised as a woman in a burka went to the Friends Jewellers in Smethwick, West Midlands.
He was joined by four other men who smashed cabinets before fleeing.
THE OPPOSITION Movement for Democratic Change party is set to agree a 1 billion
pounds a year aid and development package with the British government to rescue
the Zimbabwean economy, the Zimbabwe Guardian can reveal. According to sources, the package will be coordinated by the International
Monetary Fund, World Bank, European Union and the United Nations.
London, April 18 (IANS) Half of all Britons think immigrants should be encouraged to leave Britain, a BBC poll said Friday. And almost two-thirds of people in Britain fear race relations are so poor that tensions are likely to spill over into violence.
Of the 1,000 people polled, 60 percent said Britain had too many immigrants.
Based on figures from the Office of National Statistics, the Migrationwatch study shows there was a net migration to the UK of 2.3 million people between 1991 and 2006.
The Migrationwatch flow includes returning Britons but this number is very low in comparison. More significantly, the vast majority of migrants have come from outside the EU, predominantly the third world. Only eight per cent came from the new Eastern European members of the EU.
The debate over annual limits for migrants centres on the fact that an annual
cap would not effect EU citizens who have free movement between member states.
WHITE men could be blocked from jobs and promotions under a so-called equality drive unveiled by Labour today.Instead women and ethnic minorities will be favoured in the workplace under a new Bill to be revealed by Equalities Minister Harriet Harman.
Critics blasted the measure as an unworkable piece of political correctness that will see good candidates overlooked for jobs in the interests of positive discrimination. Tory MP Mark Pritchard said: “Everyone supports equal rights, but special rights cause resentment, do nothing for community cohesion and do not tackle racial prejudice. This is another example of political correctness which will not achieve an improvement in equality.” And John Midgley of the Campaign Against Political Correctness said: “There is nothing positive about positive action or discrimination. It is counter-productive and potentially racist and sexist. This is typical of Harriet Harman, who must be the most politically correct MP.”
It also found that 40 per cent want to see the introduction of Islamic sharia law in Britain, 40 per cent think it wrong for Muslim men and women to mix freely together, and 33 per cent want to see a worldwide Islamic government based on sharia law.
The findings were described by researchers at the Centre for Social Cohesion think tank, which commissioned the poll, as 'deeply alarming'.
The quality of NHS care has plummeted because ministers failed to predict a massive rise in the birth rate among immigrant mothers, according to a survey by the Royal College of Midwives.
Four in 10 of midwives questioned by the RCM said care is worse as a direct result of the rising birth rate - and was putting mothers and babies at risk.
Almost all - 91 per cent - said the birthrate had shot up on their wards over the past few years, putting their units under intolerable pressure.
The warning comes amid reports that maternity wards are being forced to turn away expectant mothers because they cannot cope with the soaring demand.
The number of babies born to British mothers has fallen by around 44,000 a year since 1997, while the number born to foreigners is up 64,000 a year. This has raised the overall birth rate to its highest for 26 years.
Almost 40,000 more babies were born in 2006 than officials at the Department of Health expected.
. Stoke-on-Trent — Zimbabwean Swindler Jailed Over £100,000 Drugs. Yet another bogus asylum seeker — who crossed 30 ’safe’ countries before claiming asylum in Britain — has been jailed after he was caught with a bag full of crack cocaine with a street value of more than £100,000.
Zimbabwean Raymond Sapezeka, aged 30, admitted possessing class-A drugs with intent to supply. Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court was told that police raided Sapezeka’s home in Chorlton Road, Birches Head, on April 6.
Judge Ross Duggan sentenced Sapezeka to 40 months in prison, minus 136 days he has already spent in custody. He may be deported on his release.
Millions of pounds of foreign aid given to the Third World from Britain and other European countries is spent by those countries’ leaders on hi-specification aircraft, complete with gold taps and solid wood interiors, rather than going to the people for whom it was aimed.
FAMILIES were furious last night to discover that a councillor is claiming £700 a month to represent them – although he has moved to America.
Philip Thompson, 26, was tracked down to Tucson, Arizona, where he moved last month to study for a PhD in American politics. Even though he hasn’t told his constituents he is 5,500 miles away, he is still claiming the allowance to represent residents in Kentish Town, part of Camden Council in north London.
Speaking from the US last night, the Lib Dem councillor said he was delighted to be studying in Arizona. Although his course could last for three years, he insisted: “There is no reduced service for people in Kentish Town, I have carried on with all my casework. This was an opportunity too difficult to pass up.
Polish Home Ministry spokesman Witold Liwicki said: “We have a right to protect our citizens. We’re eliminating the threat of an epidemic.”
A controversial taxpayer-funded “job centre” opened in Mali this week is just the first step towards promoting “free movement of people in Africa and the EU”.
Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will “need” 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the “demographic decline” due to falling birth rates and rising death rates across Europe.
The report, by the EU statistical agency Eurostat, warns that vast numbers of migrants could be needed to meet the shortfall in two years if Europe is to have a hope of funding the pension and health needs of its growing elderly population.
British taxpayers are facing a huge bill for sending illegal immigrants home - from France. A group of Afghans rounded up in Calais will be on the first of a planned series of deportation charter flights leaving Stansted for Kabul tomorrow. The plane, carrying armed guards in an operation costing £200,000, will touch down in Lille to collect the French group. The cost of removing the Calais Afghans is being justified on the grounds that they were trying to reach Britain when they were held. Successive flights are likely to send the bill into the millions.
The taxpayer-funded Organization for Economic Development (OECD) has demanded that the government do more to “protect migrants during the economic recession” by employing more in the public sector, and by implementing lower taxes and subsidies to low skilled jobs which migrants most often fill. The OECD, which receives funding of £25 million a year from British taxpayers, has also demanded increased rights for migrants living here because of the recession. The OECD said that in tougher economic times migrants tended to fare less well, noting that they were often employed in less stable, more cyclical sectors such as construction.
Immigrants have taken the overwhelming majority of new jobs created in Britain in the last two years, official figures have proven.
More than 500,000 posts have been taken by foreigners since 2006, and the number of British-born people in jobs has slumped by 149,000 over the same period. To add insult to injury, young immigrants and those aged over 50 have earned higher average wages than their British counterparts. The news follows earlier revelations that at least 75,000 foreigners a year are taking jobs for which Brits do not even get the chance to apply — or are even told about. The Office of National Statistics said more than 500,000 foreigners arrived to live in Britain last year. It was the second-highest annual rise on record. In the past two years, the number of British-born workers in jobs fell by 149,000 while the number of migrants working here rose by 469,000.
Labour's public sector spending has created a wave of 'Soviet' boroughs where
around half the population depends on the state for work, figures revealed yesterday.
An analysis of council statistics showed that in ten areas more than 40 per
cent of the workforce is employed in the public sector.
Many are deprived areas where the true dependency on the state will be far greater
once benefit payments to those out of work are taken into account. Castle Morpeth: Top of the list with 57.1% of the population employed by the
state. All but two have Labour MPs - the others are Liberal Democrat.
Top of the list compiled by the Centre for Economics and Business Research is
Castle Morpeth, Northumberland, where - in an echo of the Soviet system where
everyone was employed by the state and therefore owed their loyalty to the communist
party - 57.1 per cent of jobs are in the public sector.
A convicted robber who converted to Islam after being jailed for 12 months has been handed £10,000 funding by Midland police and council leaders as part of their campaign to ‘prevent extremism’ amongst Muslim youth. Bilal Davis was given the cash to set up Inner-City Guidance in Birmingham to ‘prevent youth offending and radicalisation of vulnerable Muslim teenagers.’ The company is currently £10,000 in debt due to rent arrears. Mr Davis set up the firm after spending 10 years at the University of Medina in Saudi Arabia where he studied Salafi Islam. The university is hailed as a leading centre for the study of the ultra-conservative Salafi interpretation of Islam followed by Al Qaeda members.
Yet another shocking example of how the EU has completely subverted British immigration law has come with the news that a Brazilian man, married by proxy to a Polish citizen, has gained permanent residency in Britain because he is now married to an EU citizen. The bizarre case came to light with a landmark court ruling which said that a Polish immigrant and a Brazilian man who were married at a ceremony which neither attended have been given the right to remain in the UK. Aneta Kowalczyk and her fiance Carlos stayed in London while their wedding went ahead without them in Brazil. (Image: street scene from the Estrutural slum in Brazil). Their places at the altar were taken by friends, and a lawyer ensured the 15-minute marriage went ahead smoothly. Though illegal in Britain and open to abuse, ‘marriage by proxy’ is perfectly above board under Brazilian law. Now a landmark legal judgment has ruled that the union must be recognised as legitimate here on human rights grounds.
A hard-line Muslim teacher who launched a tirade against children in Birmingham for celebrating Christmas has been appointed as a Government schools inspector.
Mr Israr Khan, who is now headmaster of an Islamic school, launched into his tirade during a concert rehearsal at Washwood Heath Secondary School in Birmingham in 1996 after the choir, which included around 40 Muslim youngsters, had sung a number of popular Christmas songs, including carols.
He leapt from his seat, yelling: “Who is your god? Why are you saying Jesus and Jesus Christ? God is not your god — it is Allah.” Many of the children walked out in tears.
Mr Khan was asked to work from home pending an investigation but there was no disciplinary action. He has now been appointed as an inspector for the Office of Standards in education (Ofstred), a government body, which, according to its web site, “inspects and regulates care for children and young people, and inspects education and training for learners of all ages.”
Failed asylum seekers should be given benefits and cash, a leading Tory think tank has said. The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ), founded by former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, said in a new report that asylum seekers refused permission to live in the UK should continue to receive benefits to “prevent them turning to crime.”
In a typical piece of Tory cowardice, Duncan Smith’s report says that Britain should give in to this blatant blackmail by the world’s scroungers and parasites, instead of just sending them straight back.
A 7ft 2IN Pakistani women is expected to be allowed to stay permanently in Britain because she claims her height has made her a target at home.
Zainab Bibi arrrived two years ago and has been living on welfare benefits and has been able to send money home to her family while Home Office examine her application for political asylum. She said she was afraid to return home " as youths throw stones at her". Her freinds though backj in her impoverished village say she enjoyed celebrity status when ever she returned home.
While 1.8 million immigrants have moved to London from abroad over the last decade, native indigenous Brits have fled their capital city, making London the area with the largest internal migration of any area in the UK.
Research released by the Bank of Scotland showed that between 1998 and 2007 nearly 2 million people moved out of the capital to other parts of Britain, while 1.6 million moved to it - mostly from overseas. This 2 million was equivalent to more than a quarter (26 percent) of the city’s population in 2007. London was the only region of the UK to experience a net population loss, which was 344,558. However, the capital’s population was boosted over the 10 years to 2007 by what the bank called “international immigration.” The South East of England was the most popular region for people to move to from elsewhere in the UK, leading to a net increase of 550,889. More than 2.2 million people moved to the area, while almost 1.7 million left.
Failed asylum seekers who resort to violence and aggression to avoid being deported are costing the taxpayer £4 million a year. In the past three years 3,638 people who were due to be deported managed to temporarily stay in the country because they became so disruptive that officials declared it unsafe to carry on with the expulsions. Figures released by the National Audit Office show the cost of a forced removal is around £11,000 per person, depending on where they are sent. When a deportation is stopped due to a failed asylum seeker’s violent behaviour, much of that cost has already been incurred. But officials admit that around 10 percent of the total is taken up with the final expulsion. The statistics show that some people get so violent at their holding centre that it is deemed unsafe to move them, while others have to be hauled off planes at the last moment because pilots are concerned about the safety of passengers due to the asylum seeker’s behaviour.
Almost £1 in every £5 handed over by council taxpayers is used
to support the pensions of town hall workers, a report reveals today.
The country's 1.6million local government employees have 'gold-plated' final
salary pensions, while many in the private sector face retiring on a pittance.
Experts criticised the devastating findings, which they said prove a "pensions
aristocracy" is developing.
Council workers can retire as young as 55 ? while everyone else faces working
until their 68th birthday.
The report by the TaxPayers' Alliance will anger millions of council tax payers
whose bills have nearly doubled since Labour came to power.
In 1997, the average Band D bill was £688. Today, a family in the same
size house would pay £1,321.
IMMIGRANTS have taken 40% of all homes built in the UK in the past 10 years.
The number of properties available for Brits has been squeezed because of the record number of foreigners coming to live here, according to official figures released yesterday.
Nearly 600,000 properties have been needed to house immigrants since 1997 - three times the amount required under the last Tory Government. On average, 19,000 new homes were needed for migrants each year from 1992 to 1997.
But after Labour came to power, that figure rocketed to an average of 66,000 each year from 1997 to 2005 - the latest year figures are available for - making a total of 592,000 homes. And experts say the figure is likely to have continued rising due to East European immigration since 2005. Tory MP James Clappison, who requested the figures, said the extra homes also damage the countryside. "These figures are a direct result of policies adopted by the current Government since 1997, " he said.
The Secretary of State for International Development, Douglas Alexander MP, has pledged £30m to help rebuild damaged and destroyed homes, schools, and hospitals in Gaza, during a visit to the region today. The money will support the first phase of rebuilding Gaza which is still devastated from the recent fighting. It will include the repair of essential infrastructure including water, sewage and electricity supplies. Six weeks after the conflict ended, many people are still living in temporary housing and over 90% of the population require food aid. The pledge includes a new £20m provision and an allocation of £10m from UK support announced in January.
Speaking during his visit, the Secretary of State said:
“I’ve seen first hand today the effect that the recent conflict has had on ordinary people. That is why we are making available £30m to help kick-start a recovery. We want people to be able to go about their day-to-day lives, for schools to be open and for families to have a home once again. The continuing suffering in the area is very clear and we must provide more than just basic humanitarian support if we are to help rebuild people’s lives.”
While our pensioners are donated winter pullovers from charities in Iceland, Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander announced yesterday that British taxpayers will hand over an additional £50m to “fight poverty in Afghanistan.”
The pledge brings the total amount of your money dished out to Afghanistan to £510 million, which will, Mr Alexander kindly informed us “go towards creating jobs, fighting the drugs trade and helping develop the Afghan Government.”
It is a pity Mr Alexander does not think about British pensioners, whose hard work over decades has created the economy which he now is looting to hand out to an unappreciative Third World.
A homecoming march by soldiers returning from Iraq was today marred by ugly scenes after Muslim anti-war protesters hurled abuse at parading soldiers.
Around 20 men in Islamic dress yelled 'terrorists' and held placards denouncing the soldiers as 'butchers of Basra' and 'baby killers' as they marched through Luton.
Other signs described the 200 men and women from the 2nd Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment as 'Criminals, Murderers Terrorists'.
A headmistress who was hounded out of her job after being falsely accused of
racism was yesterday awarded more than £400,000 in compensation. Erica
Connor had run a 'happy and successful' primary school but was driven to a breakdown
by the allegations. We can reveal the school's troubles started when a local
mosque decided to pack the governing body with Muslims. Paul Martin - a Muslim
convert - and Mumtaz Saleem began monopolising meetings with the aim of turning
New Monument in Woking into an Islamic faith school.
The Surrey town is home to the first purpose-built mosque in the country - the
Shah Jahan Mosque - which dates from 1889. Mr Martin, a businessman, yesterday
confirmed there had been a 'conscious effort' to increase the number of Muslims
on the board. But when Mrs Connor resisted the new governors' plans - such as
the introduction of Islamic worship into the school - she became the target
of a smear campaign. An anonymous petition was circulated among parents, stating
that those signing 'no longer have confidence in Erica Connor to educate our
children in a way that respects and values our faith, culture and heritage'.
An accompanying document accused the headmistress of 'racism and Islamophobia'.
The accusations drove her to suffer from depression. She eventually retired
from the 300-pupil school because of illhealth in December 2006.
She is unlikely ever to return to teaching and now does voluntary work for a
cancer charity.A judge at the Royal Courts of Justice in London yesterday ordered
Surrey County Council to pay Mrs Connor £407,781 in compensation
Third World gangsterism of the worst sort has descended onto London’s inner city schools, a new report by the Department for Children, Schools and Families has shown.
The rise in lawlessness, gangsterism, sexual violence and crime has paralleled precisely the rise in Third World immigration in London, a city where in many areas so-called ethnic “minorities” are already the overwhelming majority.
According to the report, girls as young as seven are joining gangs to carry drugs and weapons for group “elders” as a culture of youth violence spreads to primary schools.
Children recruited to some London gangs — known as “tinys” or “youngers” — must also complete initiation rituals, which can include the rape or even murder of rival gang members, according to the report.
Growing numbers of younger children are believed to be joining gangs to win respect and recognition from their peers, the report said.
The European Union has announced that it is adding a further £55 million to its already bloated foreign aid to Afghanistan, bringing the total amount dished out to that nation since 2002 to an incredible £1,4 billion.
All this money has been taken from the long-suffering EU member state taxpayers, and does not include the direct British foreign aid given directly to Afghanistan of some £510 million.
£32 million — that is how much British taxpayers might have to cough up for what is billed as “the biggest illegal immigrant detention centre in all of Europe” which the Government is considering building in rural England at Bullingdon, near Bicester, Oxfordshire. The Tory controlled Cherwell District Council approved the building of the centre last Thursday, showing that both Labour and Conservative parties are one and the same when it comes to betraying Britain. Instead of just deporting illegal immigrants out of hand, which is what any normal, sane government would do, the Tory/Labour ruling elite prefers to spend millions to build accommodation to house the invaders. The £32 million does not include running costs, which will add further open-ended millions to the bill. The development will hold 800 illegal invaders and failed asylum seekers who will be surrounded by a 17ft-high razor wire fence. The centre is earmarked to open by 2012.
TERROR suspects under house arrest are claiming up to £60.50 a week in Jobseeker’s Allowance. In the latest example of soft-touch Britain, 22 out of 23 extremists who applied for the state benefit received it. Yet none of them is available for work. Severe restrictions are placed on their movement because they are deemed a risk to national security. The taxpayer-funded handouts last night sparked outrage among politicians and campaign groups who said it was yet another reminder of why extremists hellbent on destroying Western civilisation make a beeline for Britain.
Northamptonshire County Council chief executive Katherine Kerswell is the top earner with a salary of £179,000 last year. This has come down by £39,000 compared with the salary of former chief executive Peter Gould who earned £215,000, more than any other chief executive in the country at the time. East Northamptonshire Council chief executive David Oliver earned £101,244 in 2007/08 and Wellingborough Council boss Lyn Martin-Bennison's wage was £104,105 in the same year.
A new report has revealed that a fifth of Britain’s population - equivalent to some 13 million people - are officially living in poverty. Almost simultaneously, the government has announced a gift of £100 million to “to rebuild southern Africa’s infrastructure after decades of neglect.” According to an Oxfam report called “Close to Home — UK Poverty and the Economic Downturn,” life for the fifth of the UK’s population living in poverty is set to worsen because of the recession. At the same time, Gareth Thomas, minister of state at the department for international development announced in Lusaka on Monday that Britain will be giving £100 million of taxpayers’ money to build a North-South corridor in Africa to try and rectify what he claims is the reason behind Africa’s plummeting share of world trade.
European judges today overturned an order freezing the assets of Abu Qatada, the radical Muslim cleric, on the ground that its implementation breached his fundamental rights. The ruling in the European Court of Justice is a further blow to the Government’s counter terror policies after the Law Lords’ judgment that suspects held under control orders must be given details of the allegations against them. Qatada, once described as Osama bin Laden’s “spiritual ambassador” in Europe, was added to a United Nations sanctions blacklist freezing the funds of associates of Bin Laden, al-Qaeda or the Taleban. The ruling today means that Qatada, currently being held in a top security prison pending deportation, will regain access to his accounts and any other assets in two months and ten days if the British Government does not appeal.
Ten British soldiers died in Afghanistan for the sake of just 150 votes in the country's election. Operation Panther's Claw, which claimed their lives in ferocious fighting, was meant to improve security in the Babaji district of Helmand. But only 150 of the 80,000 potential voters there braved Taliban threats to vote last week, it was reported on 26/08/2009. The astonishingly low turnout in the presidential election poses massive questions about the war against the Taliban and the wider British role in Afghanistan.
An immigrant baby boom is fuelling Britain's fastest population growth in half a century. The number of people in the UK has passed 61million for the first time, figures showed yesterday. Record immigration levels over the past decade have driven up the number of women of childbearing age. This helped boost the number of births last year to 791,000 - up 33,000 on 2007. For the first time in a decade, the excess of births over deaths played a bigger role than immigration itself in driving population growth, which is now twice as fast as in the 1990s.
For the second successive day, a bus packed full of British people has come under sustained attack from young Muslims in the district of Savile Town, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire. “Youths” targeted the Thornhill-bound Arriva bus as it pulled away from a stop in Savile Road late on Saturday night. According to the local ‘Press’ newspaper, a local white businessman told how stones smashed windows on both sides of the bus at 11pm. The victim rushed off the bus to chase the youths, bleeding from a cut to his face. “They told me not to come shouting in their area,” he said. “I told them it was my area as well. I was born and bred in Dewsbury. “There were other Asians around and they said what happened was wrong and it would be sorted. “I don’t want to scare people but they have to know what is going on.” The man said there were about a dozen people on the bus including an elderly woman and a father with children. “It was like a war zone,” said the injured man who was with his wife.
TAXPAYERS face a £1billion bill to provide school places for children born in a looming immigrant baby boom, a shocking new study reveals today . The vast sum will be needed to create more than 96,000 extra places at primary level – around 67,000 to educate children of parents born outside the UK. It will also cost the British taxpayer at least £200million a year to run them, warns a cross-party group of MPs.
Earlier drafts are said to have included the statement of 'a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural'. Now an analysis of officials statistics has found that - from the date the report was published - the number of foreign nationals being allowed into the UK surged. Whitehall statistics show that in the year of the document's publication, 370,000 non-British nationals arrived. That rose to 416,000 the following year and, by 2006, had reached 510,000. In 2007, it fell back slightly to 502,000 - but this was still an increase of 30 per cent on 2001. For net foreign immigration - the number of non-British citizens arriving, versus the number leaving - the figures are more dramatic. In 2001, it stood at 221,000 - but by 2007 it had reached 333,000 - up by 50 per cent. This is the size of the increase in the foreign-born population of the UK. Sir Andrew Green, chairman of the Migrationwatch think-tank, said: 'Now it has been revealed that mass immigration under this government was a deliberate policy concealed from the public, and especially from the white working class whose lives and neighbourhoods have been most affected.
Iraqi Robin Mawud claiming benefits in Britain is suspected of being part of a people smuggling network which brought thousands of illegal migrants to Europe, a court heard yesterday. Robin Mawud, 24, who has indefinite leave to remain here and receives job seekers’ allowance and housing benefit, was one of four men arrested in Britain this week. The operation was part of a Europe-wide swoop on human traffickers.
GORDON Brown was yesterday accused of allowing taxpayers’ cash to go to Muslim schools linked to Islamic extremists. Tory leader David Cameron said the Government was going soft on Muslim fanatics in Britain. He singled out the handing over of £113,000 of taxpayers’ cash to two schools with links to extremists. In an angry exchange in the Commons he said the money had been given to the Islamic Shakhsiyah Foundation to run the schools, in London and Slough. The foundation has close links with the organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir, which describes itself as a global political party for Muslim “liberation”, he said. And Mr Cameron attacked the Prime Minister for failing to ban another extremist group, Islam4UK, led by Anjem Choudhary, which he said had supported the 9/11 Twin Towers attack in the US. Mr Cameron told the Prime Minister: “Hizb ut-Tahrir’s constitution states that non-Muslims are ‘combatants in the battlefield’ and that their ‘blood is lawful, as is their propert’.” He added: “This is an organisation that said Jews should be killed ‘wherever you find them’.”
IMMENSE pressure is being put on just one NHS hospital from immigration and health tourism. In a snapshot of the healthcare “free-for-all”, the Chelsea and Westminster hospital's neonatal intensive care ward treated babies from more than 70 countries.
The unit, which treats 550 babies a year, helps children born prematurely, requiring specialist care or needing life-saving surgery. The hundreds of dots scattered across the world map, which was pinned up on the ward’s wall, shows how the NHS treats patients from every part of the globe. The administrators of London’s Chelsea and Westminster hospital put up the map three years ago so that staff, patients and visitors could see how the NHS was attracting scores of mothers-to-be. They said the map was meant “to celebrate the ethnic diversity” of its tiny patients. But it also reveals the huge financial burden on the NHS, as each child costs £1,400 a day to treat. The 243 mothers who took up the invitation to place a pin on the map to “represent” their home country came from nations as far-flung as Mongolia, Sweden, Japan, Uganda, Chile, Saudi Arabia and Papua New Guinea. The British mother of a baby treated in the ward this summer said: “Almost every cot and incubator at this wonderful unit was occupied by a baby with a foreign mother.
FOREIGN students are using qualifications in circus skills and theatre studies to claim the right to live in Britain. The joke degrees are being handed out by more than 700 bodies, including churches and colleges of Chinese medicine. They allow students to obtain a visa to work in Britain as “high-skilled migrants”, the Government’s chief immigration adviser warned yesterday. Professor David Metcalf, chairman of the Migration Advisory Committee, admitted he was “stunned” at the number of colleges handing out degree-level qualifications. He urged the Government to launch an investigation to see if “post-study work” was being exploited as an easy route into Britain. And he warned that, rather than filling highly skilled jobs, it was possible that foreign students were taking lower-paid jobs away from people born here.
The Tories last night claimed the scandal revealed a loophole in Britain’s border controls. Shadow Immigration Minister Damian Green said: “This is a late recognition of the chaos surrounding student visas. The important thing is to close this loophole without destroying hundreds of legitimate college courses.” The concerns were raised by a report on the Government’s “points-based system” for assessing the skills of people wanting to live in Britain.
TAXPAYERS are footing a £50million-a-year bill to fund appeals by relatives of immigrants barred from Britain. More than 1,000 are lodged every week, it was revealed last night. The caseload has soared eightfold since the Government scrapped fees for family visitor visas in 2002. Critics last night warned that the explosion in the number of appeals was more evidence that Labour has lost control of Britain’s borders. The visa shambles was uncovered in a report from the population think tank Migrationwatch. Chairman Sir Andrew Green said: “In the current recession it is no longer acceptable that taxpayers should pay the appeal costs for foreign nationals wishing to visit Britain. The definition of a family visitor is so wide that it could include as many as 120 relatives of a middle-aged person. The definition should be narrowed and charges which the Government abolished in 2002 should be re-introduced.”
London has more mosques than any other city in the world except Istanbul and is home to at least one million ‘legal’ Muslim colonisers, or 13 percent of the population of Britain’s capital city, new figures have shown.
The figures are only of legal residents, and do not include illegal immigrants. Estimates of the number of illegal immigrants vary greatly but the most common figure is around one million. It is unknown how many of these are Muslim.
Mass immigration is destroying Britain’s national identity, according to The ownswomen’s Guild (TG), one of this country’s oldest women’s groups. In a report issued yesterday, the TG said a survey amongst its 34,000 members showed that immigration is “a major concern for the campaigning group’s members up and down the country.” The survey, published in the latest edition of TG’s national magazine, was devised by MigrationWatch UK. The questions were phrased in such a way as to try and draw the readers into supporting the Tory/Labour “balanced migration” scam but even so, fully 28.5 percent of respondents called for a total ban on immigration. According to a press release issued by TG, almost “80 percent of the respondents felt Britain should have either a total ban on immigration (28.5 percent) or a one in, one out policy (50.4 percent). “And almost all (95 percent) think current immigration levels will cause us to lose our cultural identity to some degree,” the TG continued. It was also evident from the survey that the vast majority of TG’s 34,000-strong membership is very worried about the environmental impact which immigration will have. According to the TG, 96 percent of respondents were concerned about the pressure immigration was putting on public services. In addition, the TG said, 94 percent of “respondents felt current immigration levels were putting a strain on community relations to some degree.” Sue Smith, National Chairman of TG, whose members range in age from 18 to over 80, said: “TG has never been afraid to tackle thorny issues and receiving five times the normal response to this questionnaire was to be expected on such a hot topic. “For Townswomen the issue isn’t race, it’s numbers and they clearly feel immigration policy needs to protect our way of life and environment and recognise the increasing pressure on already overstretched public services.”
MORE than 1.3 million immigrants have been given the right to work and claim benefits in Britain since Gordon Brown promised “British jobs for British workers”.
Damning Whitehall figures revealed last night prove a shattering new blow to Labour’s open-door border policies. Official statistics show that a total of 1,370,820 foreigners have been granted National Insurance numbers over the last two years. And the influx has continued despite hundreds of thousands of British-born workers losing their jobs in the recession and unemployment rising to 2.46 million. Latest evidence of the collapse of Britain’s border controls will be a huge embarrassment to the Prime Minister following his now discredited vow to put British-born workers first. And it raises fresh questions about Britain being a target for “benefits tourism”, with concerns that immigrants are using National Insurance numbers to get state pensions and other welfare handouts.
The Conservative Party has announced that it intends to force British taxpayers to pay millions to teach immigrants to speak English “so they can integrate better.” Making the announcement, Tory Shadow Communities Minister Sayeeda Warsi said: “Taxpayers’ money should be spent on teaching people English rather than keeping people apart by translating into a plethora of languages.” She was responding to the news that at least £10.9 million and possibly as much as £20 million is spent by councils across Britain each year translating official documents into a variety of languages. The correct policy is, of course, not to allow mass immigration in the first place which would prevent this problem from occurring — but that simple solution is not on the Tory or Labour agenda.
UK-BOUND migrants were yesterday massing in their own comfy members-only club in Calais before making their bid for Britain. French charities have helped to create a virtual “departure lounge” for illegal immigrants heading across the Channel, offering them rest and recreation before they complete the final leg of their journeys. Our investigators gained access to the illegal “Sangatte II” centre and exclusive photographs show it bears a closer resemblance to a holiday camp than a shelter for the homeless. One observer said: “They are being treated like VIPs.” The converted warehouse, just a short walk from the town’s port, offers migrants a range of amenities, from relaxation rooms with a piano, a cinema and sports hall for indoor games like table tennis and football to even a makeshift disco for dancing. The centre – which bears a huge “Welcome To All” banner – was officially closed down 12 days ago by riot police after Calais authorities deemed it unfit for public use. And last night the CRS riot squads returned – forcing the migrants and activists out using batons and shields. But it is expected they will just move back in. The charities SOS and the No Borders Network got round prohibition by opening it as a private space for members, declaring: “All migrants and activists inside the hangar have official membership.” The organisers have also painted the text from Article 1 of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights on a sign warning that any attempt to close it down could face a challenge in the courts.
The Migrationwatch think tank has just released a copy of the uncensored Home Office Economics and Resources Analysis Unit and the Cabinet Office Performance and Innovation Unit document which proves that mass immigration to Britain is a political tool used by the Labour Party to socially engineer society for its own ends. This document was given restricted circulation in October 2000 and was obtained by Migrationwatch UK under a Freedom of Information Act request to the Cabinet Office.
“The massive increase in immigration under Labour was a deliberate policy undertaken for ‘social’ as well as economic reasons,” said Migrationwatch. In an article for the Evening Standard last October, Andrew Neather, a former speech writer for Blair, Straw and Blunkett in the early 2000s, revealed that mass immigration “didn’t just happen: the deliberate policy of Ministers from late 2000 until at least February last year… was to open up the UK to mass migration.”
Thanks to a Scottish Prime Minister and a Scottish Chancellor, the people of England along with their children and grandchildren have been saddled with paying off enormous debts incurred by the wanton profligacy of the Royal Bank of Scotland and Halifax Bank of Scotland. Now the First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, is demanding that Scotland's already over-generous Barnett subsidies should be continued untouched, thereby leaving the enormous burden of the Scottish bank bail-out to fall primarily on public services in England whilst leaving Scotland unscathed. With no Parliament and Politicians of our own to speak up for us and defend our interests, the Campaign for an English Parliament wishes to remind the British Government that any attempt to make England suffer an unfair share of the burden will be neither understood nor forgiven.
The colonisation of Britain by Third World immigrants has reached such proportions that Afro-Caribbean voters now claim to hold the balance of power in at least 70 parliamentary seats. This claim was made last week by Matilda MacAttram, director of charity Black Mental Health UK, at a parliamentary meeting. Ms MacAttram made the astonishing assertion while she was complaining about the large number of black males on the police’s DNA database. At the last count, conducted in 2008, the police DNA database had recorded swabs taken from just 6 percent of all white men in Britain. This compares to 42 percent of all black men and 77 percent of black men between the ages of 15 and 35. Ms MacAttram claimed that this is a “disgraceful” injustice and said that it was a wholly unfair stereotyping of the black community. “This is not just a civil liberties issue, but an election issue,” she said. “We as a community cannot afford to elect any government that would criminalise us when we haven’t been convicted of a crime.” According to the National Police Improvement Agency (NPIA), who administer the database, DNA samples are only taken from people in police custody when they are “arrested for a recordable offence.” According to the NPIA these “include any offence punishable with imprisonment. “People may be asked to provide DNA samples for elimination or volunteer purposes to assist an inquiry. These profiles will not be added to theNDNAD unless explicitly requested by the person providing the sample.”
Prisoners are being paid 'unemployment benefit' to sit idle in their cells, it emerged tonight. The £2.50 weekly benefit is paid to inmates who are willing to carry out prison duties, but are unable to because the jail cannot find suitable employment. The controversial scheme is available to all 80,000 members of the prison population, including murderers and rapists, with inmates also able to claim sick pay when they are unwell. Tonight, the Taxpayers' Alliance and the Tories condemned the benefit, which came to prominence when an inmate wrote to a prisoner's magazine, Inside Time, asking how much he could claim.
The £3 billion civil servant “pay freeze” announced by Gordon Brown is exactly half of the foreign aid budget’s £6 billion spend on “improving health systems across the world’s poorest countries.” Mr Brown made the pay freeze announcement as part of the Government’s attempts to cut the ballooning deficit — but, in common with the Tories, the Labour regime has promised to increase the foreign aid spend if re-elected. Earlier, Labour’s chief secretary to the Treasury, Liam Byrne, proposed domestic spending cuts of £11 billion in the budget due in two week’s time. Mr Byrne said it would be the “toughest spending review for 20 years” and will include a 20 percent cut in the civil service, halving the cost of consultants, reductions in marketing budgets and sales of assets.
Polish women are being told to come to Britain for free NHS abortions to avoid strict laws at home. They are being urged to take advantage of cheap flights and hotels as part of a poster campaign which features a semi-naked woman with the words 'my choice' written across her stomach.
Tory leader David Cameron has blamed whites for black business failures and has promised to start a blacks-only taxpayer-funded national mentoring programme to give financial priority to Afro-Caribbeans over white British people. Mr Cameron’s shocking display of anti-white racism appeared in an article published today in the far left, extremist Guardian newspaper, titled “We’ll change black Britain.”
The Home Office has given a Muslim police support group 15 times more taxpayer funded handouts than that given to Christian equivalents — proving once again that the ruling elite puts the interests of British people last. The Christian Police Association (CPA) has been given £15,000 over the past five years while the National Association of Muslim Police (NAMP) was paid £90,000 in the past two years alone, according to Home Office figures. The Home Office claims that the CPA received an average of £3,000 a year while the NAMP received £45,000 a year. Both organisations have about 2000 members. The NAMP received general funding of £90,000 over the past two years:£45,000 from 2008/9 and another £45,000 from 2009/10. The CPA was given general funding of £5,000 in 2004/5 and £10,000 in 2009/10.
A JOB advertisement seeking an applicant “preferably of Indian origin” provoked fury yesterday when it appeared on a British website. The advert for the £38,000-a-year post was branded “quite clearly racist” by angry campaigners. They claimed it showed anti-British discrimination and urged the equalities watchdog to launch an immediate investigation.
KILLER disease rabies could return to Britain after more than a century if controls on pet passports are relaxed within the European Union, experts warned yesterday. Strict rules requiring animals to be blood tested for rabies before they are allowed into the UK will be scrapped next year as part of an EU bid to “harmonise” pet travel across Europe.
Britain’s taxpayer-funded foreign aid budget is now at least £2 billion higher than England’s university education budget, with Tory, Labour and Lib Dems all committed to spending even more on overseas “aid” next year. According to figures released by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), universities will be provided with a fund of £7.3 billion next year, which is some £449 million less than what the institutions expected or needed. This will cause job losses and thousands of fewer places for British kids at university next year. Scottish and Welsh universities will receive their budgets later, but they are also expected to face cuts. At the same time, a statement issued by the Department for International Development (DFID) revealed that the “direct spend” budget of the Government’s foreign aid programme for 2010/11 is £7.76 billion — the difference being more than the cut to England’s university funding budget.
The Islam Channel has been accused of promoting extremist groups and broadcasting a show backing 'marital rape' by a Muslim think-tank in the Daily Mail.
An inquiry by the Islamic think-tank, the Quilliam Foundation found that programmes broadcast on the popular Islam Channel have told women they should not refuse to have sex with their husbands or leave home without their permission.
The channel has regularly acted as a propaganda platform for Hizb ut-Tahrir, the fundamentalist organisation that Tony Blair wanted to ban after the 2005 London bombings. It has also promoted hate preachers, a report said. The think-tank also claims that the channel is also trying to sow hatred between different Muslim groups by promoting a single strand of hardline theology. The think-tank has now called on media regulator, Ofcom to investigate the channel's output.
Fighting on the hellish battlefields of Iraq, he risked his life for his country every day. But when Private Joe MacDonald asked his local authority to help find his young family a house, his sacrifice counted for nothing. He first met with a point-blank refusal, followed by the offer of nothing more than a room in a hostel for himself, his wife and three young children. The council, which organises the provision of social housing through housing associations, put his case behind the unemployed, single mothers, criminals freed from prison and asylum seekers. It claimed that because he was leaving the Army he was deliberately making himself homeless. The bizarre loophole could affect thousands of military personnel when they end their service.
On at least 20 occasions mother-of-four Bridget Eworth, 39, granted 13 Nigerians the right to remain in the UK when they were not entitled to stay here. It was also found that a £1,000 cheque had been paid into her bank account from one of the immigrants.
GORDON Brown’s immigration policy faced ridicule yesterday following attempts to claim that Labour had “got tough” on foreign nationals entering Britain. The Prime Minister repeatedly rejected Tory plans for a cap on immigration, insisting his points-based system for admitting skilled migrants was a better way of controlling the numbers. Asked if 160,000 coming in each year was acceptable, he said: “It’s going to be lower. It’s already lower this year. It’s going to be a lot lower because the number of students coming in is going to be reduced in the coming year and the points system is starting to have a big effect.” Mr Brown’s comments came after it emerged that more than 40,000 extra foreign students were allowed in last year under the visa system. Official Home Office figures show 100,000 student visas were granted in the academic year to September 2009. Frank Field, the former Labour minister who obtained the figures, said: “You cannot get a more clear demonstration that the points system does not work unless you also set a cap.” And Sir Andrew Green of the anti-immigration think tank MigrationWatch, said: “This blows out of the water Government claims about their system being tough.”
A FLAGSHIP Tory pledge to tear up the Human Rights Act has been watered down because of the Lib Dem coalition pact. The Conservatives repeatedly promised to scrap Labour’s controversial Human Rights legislation and replace it with a Bill of Rights. But Government sources said last night that an independent commission would now be established to examine the “feasibility” of the switch. Senior Lib Dems, including Energy Secretary Chris Huhne and Justice Minister Lord McNally, are said to have threatened to resign if the Tory pledge was carried out. Justice Secretary Ken Clarke is believed to have put the scrapping of the act, which became law in 2000, on the back burner. News of the Human Rights Act’s reprieve comes on the day that two Islamic terrorists who plotted to kill thousands of Britons were told they would not be deported because it would infringe their human rights.
Prison cooks have been told to spice up the meals.
A PRISON’S cooks have been ordered to “celebrate food from different cultures” after inmates complained the Caribbean chicken wasn’t as good as their mums’. An inspection report said yesterday: “Only nine per cent of black and minority ethnics and four per cent of Muslim prisoners in our survey said the food was good.” Now menus at Armley prison in Leeds will be more “ethnically diverse”. But an angry senior prison source said: “Have we now reached a stage where jail canteens have to aspire to achieve Michelin stars to keep crooks happy? This really is unbelievable.”
British children are being displaced from schools in Peterborough by a tidal wave of immigration which has hit that city, new reports have indicated. Peterborough — already famous for having more than 15 destitute immigrant squatter camps on roundabouts and other public places — now faces a school crisis as well after the town has borne the brunt of more than 20,000 immigrants over the last two years. The registrar general's population estimates for mid 2007 for Peterborough was some 163,300. This means that the population has leaped by more than 12 percent in two years, and now stands at around 185,000. According to reports, emergency classrooms have had to be put up to cope with the demand for primary school places which has resulted, and indigenous children have largely lost their first-choice places by the tidal wave of newcomers.
Muslim leaders are going ahead with a controversial multi-million pound mosque in Dudley town centre after abandoning hopes an alternative site will be found.
The Dudley Muslim Association says it has “no choice” but to prepare a full planning application for a mosque and community centre on land in Hall Street. Chairman Khurshid Ahmed said members could not wait any longer. They have decided to pursue the Hall Street proposal, which is expected to cost up to £1 2million and for which outline planning permission has already been secured. Detailed plans must be in by July next year. The news is a hammer blow to Dudley Council. It has been involved in months of delicate negotiations with the DMA over Hall Street, which has attracted huge protests.
The complete colonisation of the formerly Catholic Sacred Heart School in Blackburn by Muslims is a symptom of the ethnic cleansing of Britain which, left unchecked, will see white British people reduced to minority status well within 40 years. Newspaper reports last week revealed that the decades-old Sacred Heart School is about to be handed over to Blackburn’s Tauheedul mosque and re-opened with a new name after the number of Muslim pupils rocketed from just 7 percent in 2000 to 97 percent last year.
A SELF-STYLED Muslim leader whose false accusations of kidnap cost the police and council over £10,000 has been sentenced to prison. Noor Ramjanally, 36, of Valley Hill, Loughton, was sentenced at Chelmsford Crown Court in his absence as the jury was told he had fled the country earlier this year. Ramjanally claimed in August last year he had been kidnapped from his home address by two men, driven into Epping Forest and threatened at knifepoint to stop the Islamic prayer meetings he was holding at Murray Hall, in Borders Lane, Loughton. But Judge Karen Walden-Smith described his allegations as a “pack of lies” after they were undermined by CCTV footage covertly installed at his flat for his own protection. Prosecutor Matthew Gowan said, after earlier allegations made by Ramjanally of an arson attack at his home the council and police spent £1,300 installing extra security at his flat, including a fire door and video intercom system.
Outside the Wellington Way polling station in Tower Hamlets yesterday, as at many other polling stations in the borough, people had to run a gauntlet of Lutfur Rahman supporters to reach the ballot box. As one Bengali woman voter went past them, we heard one of the Rahman army scolding her for her “immodest dress.” That incident is perhaps a tiny taste of the future for Britain’s poorest borough now it has elected Mr Rahman as its first executive mayor, with almost total power over its £1 billion budget. At the count last night, one very senior figure in the Tower Hamlets Labour Party said: “It really is Britain’s Islamic republic now.”
A GROUP of travellers facing eviction from Europe’s largest illegal camp have leap-frogged 4,500 people to the top of a council’s housing list. But the group, who live at the notorious Crays Hill site in Essex, have snubbed all the properties offered to them and demanded caravan pitches instead. The four travellers, who are part of the 1,000-strong camp near Billericay, were given priority status after declaring themselves homeless.
It was inevitable: white people have been blamed for the exposure of the expenses hearing committed by three ethnic members of the House of Lords, “Baroness” Uddin, “Lord” Bhatia and “Lord” Paul. An inquiry this past week found that all three had wrongly claimed a total of nearly £200,000 by deliberately registering properties they rarely or never stayed in as their “main home” which allowed them to claim parliamentary overnight allowances.
ILLEGAL migration into the European Union from Turkey has rocketed by an astonishing 369 per cent this year 2010. A staggering 31,000 immigrants have entered over a seven-mile stretch of border between Greece and Turkey in the nine months to September, according to official figures from Europe’s border agency.
Britain's power to send foreign terrorists and criminals home was destroyed by the 1996 Strasbourg ruling over Karamjit Chahal. The Sikh activist fled to Britain after being wanted for sedition in India. He successfully blocked deportation to India, claiming he could face torture, and Strasbourg ruled he must remain in Britain. Since this landmark case, hundreds of criminals have been able to stay, costing millions of pounds in benefits and, according to Lord Carlisle, Britain’s independent reviewer of anti-terror laws, it made this country a ‘safe haven for terrorists’.
A former asylum seeker who won British citizenship by taking a 'Life In the UK Test' was in jail today after he was caught trying to sit the same test for another immigrant.Barzan Sabah, 28, had already been granted his own permit to live in Britain - yet he attempted to get citizenship as a 'favour' for a friend who was expected to fail the test.The college student booked himself in to take the 45 minute exam which costs £35 and asks questions about various aspects of UK life.
Anciently held Christian beliefs are under fire once again!
An elderly Christian couple had £3600 taken from them by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) for only renting double rooms to married couples. This was held to discriminate against a gay couple. The Christians argued they were just trying to live according to their beliefs. Now the EHRC are backing the same militant gay couple who won their original claim in fresh claims for money from the Christians Mr and Mrs Bull.
Despite facing some of the biggest cutbacks in its history, the BBC has chosen to spend licence payers’ money on a “diversity census” of its staff instead of funding programming. Much like the national census, the BBC’s questionnaire asks a series of personal questions about employees’ ethnicity, religion and disabilities, but it also questions them about their sexual orientation.
In his most forthright speech on the issue since he became Prime Minister, he will say that mass immigration has led to "discomfort and disjointedness" in neighbourhoods because some migrants have been unwilling to integrate or learn English.
Pledging to cut the numbers entering Britain to tens of thousands, rather than hundreds of thousands, Mr Cameron will say that "for too long, immigration has been too high". He will also promise to "stamp out" forced marriages, saying that "cultural sensitivity" cannot be allowed to stop the Government from acting.
Iraqi terrorist Khay Rahnajet didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb. It came back with 'Return to Sender' stamped on it. Forgetting it was the bomb; he opened it and was blown to bits. God is good!