I was educated to HND level in Electronics but have worked in many jobs. My books have been banned by 3 companys for stating that viruses dont exist. Barnes & Noble still stock my books and they are on this website as PDF files in my Digital Downloads.

During Covid Scamdemic me and friends went on Lockdown protests in London. We distribute The Light Paper and meet at Stand Up in the Park Events and have formed other Splinter Groups. We work with local farmers and others in our communities. About my books - I was exposing the New World Order and the plan to turn every country Communist and how Jews now control the BBC, Hollywood, Media etc. I was also revealling the Golden Arch of Freemasonry, That Saturn was our first Sun, That Christ is a secretion within us, and that Bacon was Shakespeare and many other Esoteric Occult facts that they don't want you to know. I was exposing how rich capitalists like Soros, Rockefellers, Rothschilds fund Communism and how Masons [MASONRY IS JEWISH] killed Franz Ferdinand etc. My wordpress site was hacked. Please if possible buy one of my books and then give on when you have read it - the information must get out. The internet is being censored and now controlled by a few powerful elite people. My Books are only available on Barnes and Noble but B&N don't ship to the UK. More up to date versions may be in my DIGITAL DOWNLOADS.
What We Do
A subheading about what we do
- Expose the Elite Satanic Familes and Agenda 2030 WEF
- Write books
- Form Resistance Groups
Latest page
Israel - Greater Israel plan
"Web page hard to read."
"Lorem ipsum consequat!"
John Doe, President of FakeBiz -
"Magna veroeros amet tempus"
Mary Smith, CFO of UntitledBiz